#' Definition of an Autoregressive Process of Order 1
#' @param phi A \code{double} value for the parameter \eqn{\phi}{phi} (see Note for details).
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the variance parameter \eqn{\sigma ^2}{sigma^2} (see Note for details).
#' @note We consider the following AR(1) model: \deqn{X_t = \phi X_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t}, where \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is iid from a zero
#' mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}.
#' @return An S3 object containing the specified ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "AR1","SIGMA2"}
#' \item{theta}{Parameter vector including \eqn{\phi}{phi}, \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{"AR1"}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(1,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Find starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' AR1()
#' AR1(phi=.32, sigma2 = 1.3)
AR1 = function(phi = NULL, sigma2 = 1) {
starting = FALSE;
phi = 0;
sigma2 = 1;
starting = TRUE;
if(length(phi) != 1 & length(sigma2) != 1){
stop("Incorrect AR1 model submitted. Must be double values for two parameters.")
if (abs(phi) >= 1){
stop("Parameter phi must be such that |phi| < 1.")
if (sigma2 <= 0){
stop("Variance must be > 0.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("AR1","SIGMA2"),
theta = c(phi,sigma2),
plength = 2,
desc = "AR1",
print = "AR(1)",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' Definition of a Sinusoidal (SIN) Process
#' @param alpha2 A \code{double} value for the squared amplitude parameter \eqn{\alpha^2}{alpha} (see Note for details).
#' @param beta A \code{double} value for the angular frequency parameter \eqn{\beta}{beta} (see Note for details).
#' @param U A \code{double} value for the phase parameter \eqn{U}{U} (see Note for details).
#' @note We consider the following sinusoidal process : \deqn{X_t = \alpha \sin(\beta t + U)}, where \eqn{U \sim \mathcal{U}(0, 2\pi)}
#' and \eqn{\beta \in (0, \frac{\pi}{2})}
#' @return An S3 object containing the specified ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "ALPHA2","BETA"}
#' \item{theta}{Parameter vector including \eqn{\alpha^2}{alpha2}, \eqn{\beta}{beta}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{"SIN"}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(1,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Find starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author Lionel Voirol
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SIN()
#' SIN(alpha2 = .5, beta = .05)
SIN = function(alpha2 = 9e-04, beta = 6e-02, U = NULL) {
starting = FALSE;
alpha2 = 9e-04;
beta = 6e-02;
#starting = TRUE;
U = runif(n = 1, min = 0, max = 2*pi)
if(length(alpha2) != 1 & length(beta) != 1){
stop("Incorrect SIN model submitted. Must be double values for two parameters.")
if(beta <= 0 | beta > pi/2 ){
stop("Incorrect value of beta provided. Beta must be between 0 and pi/2")
if(alpha2 <= 0 ){
stop("Incorrect value of alpha2 provided. Alpha2 must be positive")
if(U < 0 | U > 2*pi){
stop("Incorrect value of U provided. U must be between 0 and 2 pi")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("ALPHA2","BETA", "U"),
theta = c(alpha2,beta, U),
plength = 3,
desc = "SIN",
print = "SIN()",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' Definition of a Fractional Gaussian Noise (FGN) Process
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double}.
#' @param H A \code{double}.
#' @return An S3 object containing the specified ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "SIGMA2","H"}
#' \item{theta}{Parameter vector including \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma2}, \eqn{H}{H} }
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{"FGN"}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(1,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Find starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author Lionel Voirol, Davide Cucci
#' @export
#' @examples
#' FGN()
#' FGN(sigma2 = 1, H = 0.9999)
FGN = function(sigma2 = 1, H = .9999) {
starting = FALSE;
sigma2 = 1
H = 0.9999
if(length(sigma2) != 1 & length(H) != 1){
stop("Incorrect FGN model submitted. Must be double values for two parameters.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("SIGMA2","H"),
theta = c(sigma2,H),
plength = 2,
desc = "FGN",
print = "FGN()",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' Definition of a Power Law Process
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double}.
#' @param d A \code{double}.
#' @return An S3 object containing the specified ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "SIGMA2","d"}
#' \item{theta}{Parameter vector including \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma2}, \eqn{d}{d}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{"PLP"}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(1,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Find starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author Lionel Voirol, Davide Cucci
#' @export
#' @examples
#' PLP()
#' PLP(sigma2 = 1, d = 0.4)
PLP = function(sigma2 = 1, d = 0.4) {
starting = FALSE;
sigma2 = 1
d = 0.4
if(length(sigma2) != 1 & length(d) != 1){
stop("Incorrect PLP model submitted. Must be double values for two parameters.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("SIGMA2","d"),
theta = c(sigma2,d),
plength = 2,
desc = "PLP",
print = "PLP()",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' Definition of a Matérn Process
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double}.
#' @param lambda A \code{double}.
#' @param alpha A \code{double}.
#' @return An S3 object containing the specified ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "SIGMA2","LAMBDA""ALPHA"}
#' \item{theta}{Parameter vector including \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma2}, \eqn{\lambda}{lambda},\eqn{\alpha}{alpha}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{"MAT"}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(1,1,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Find starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author Lionel Voirol, Davide Cucci
#' @export
#' @examples
#' MAT()
#' MAT(sigma2 = 1, lambda = 0.35, alpha = 0.9)
MAT = function(sigma2 = 1, lambda = 0.35, alpha = 0.9) {
starting = FALSE;
sigma2 = 1
lambda = 0.35
lambda = 0.9
if(length(sigma2) != 1 & length(lambda) != 1 & length(alpha) != 1){
stop("Incorrect MAT model submitted. Must be double values for three parameters.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("SIGMA2","LAMBDA", "ALPHA"),
theta = c(sigma2,lambda, alpha),
plength = 3,
desc = "MAT",
print = "MAT()",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' Definition of a Mean deterministic vector returned by the matrix by vector product of matrix \eqn{X} and vector \eqn{\beta}
#' @param X A \code{Matrix} with dimension n*p.
#' @param beta A \code{vector} with dimension p*1
#' @return An S3 object containing the specified ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "X","BETA"}
#' \item{theta}{Matrix X, vector beta}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{"M"}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(1,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Find starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author Lionel Voirol, Davide Cucci
#' @export
#' @examples
#' X = matrix(rnorm(15*5), nrow = 15, ncol = 5)
#' beta=seq(5)
#' M(X = X, beta = beta)
M = function(X, beta) {
starting =F
dim_mat = dim(X)[2]
length_beta = length(beta)
# ensure check on dimension of inputs
if(dim_mat != length_beta){
stop("Incorect dimensions in provided argument `X` and `beta`")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("X", "BETA"),
theta = c(X, beta),
plength = 2,
desc = "M",
print = "M()",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' Definition of an Moving Average Process of Order 1
#' @param theta A \code{double} value for the parameter \eqn{\theta}{theta} (see Note for details).
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the variance parameter \eqn{\sigma ^2}{sigma^2} (see Note for details).
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{X_t = \theta \varepsilon_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t}, where \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is iid from a zero
#' mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "MA1","SIGMA2"}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\theta}{theta}, \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{"MA1"}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of parameters e.g. list(1,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Guess starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' MA1()
#' MA1(theta = .32, sigma2 = 1.3)
MA1 = function(theta = NULL, sigma2 = 1) {
starting = FALSE;
theta = 0;
sigma2 = 1;
starting = TRUE;
if(length(theta) != 1 & length(sigma2) != 1){
stop("Incorect MA1 model submitted. Must be double values for two parameters.")
if (abs(theta) >= 1){
stop("Parameter theta must be such that |theta| < 1.")
if (sigma2 <= 0){
stop("Variance must be > 0.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("MA1","SIGMA2"),
theta = c(theta,sigma2),
plength = 2,
desc = "MA1",
print = "MA(1)",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' Definition of an ARMA(1,1)
#' @param phi A \code{double} containing the parameter \eqn{\phi _1}{phi[1]} (see Note for details).
#' @param theta A \code{double} containing the parameter \eqn{\theta _1}{theta[1]} (see Note for details).
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the parameter \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2} (see Note for details).
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{X_t = \phi X_{t-1} + \theta_1 \varepsilon_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t,} where \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is iid from a zero
#' mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{\eqn{AR1}, \eqn{MA1}, \eqn{SIGMA2}}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\phi}{phi}, \eqn{\theta}{theta}, \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of Parameters: 3}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(c(1,1,1))}
#' \item{starting}{Guess Starting values? \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @details
#' A variance is required since the model generation statements utilize
#' randomization functions expecting a variance instead of a standard deviation like R.
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Creates an ARMA(1,1) process with predefined coefficients.
#' ARMA11(phi = .23, theta = .1, sigma2 = 1)
#' # Creates an ARMA(1,1) process with values to be guessed on callibration.
#' ARMA11()
ARMA11 = function(phi = NULL, theta = NULL, sigma2 = 1.0) {
# Assume the user specified data
starting = FALSE
if(is.null(phi) || is.null(theta)){
phi = 0
theta = 0;
sigma2 = 1;
starting = TRUE;
}else if(length(phi) != 1 || length(theta) != 1){
stop("`phi` and `theta` must have only one value.")
if (abs(phi) >= 1){
stop("Parameter phi must be such that |phi| < 1.")
if (abs(theta) >= 1){
stop("Parameter theta must be such that |theta| < 1.")
if (sigma2 <= 0){
stop("Variance must be > 0.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("AR1","MA1","SIGMA2"),
theta = c(phi, theta, sigma2),
plength = 3,
desc = "ARMA11",
print = "ARMA(1,1)",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Create a Gauss-Markov (GM) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the GM process.
#' @param beta A \code{double} value for the \eqn{\beta}{beta} of an GM process (see Note for details).
#' @param sigma2_gm A \code{double} value for the variance, \eqn{\sigma ^2_{gm}}{sigma^2[gm]}, of a GM process (see Note for details).
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{X_t = e^{(-\beta)} X_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t}, where \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is iid from a zero
#' mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2(1-e^{2\beta})}.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "BETA","SIGMA2"}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\beta}{beta}, \eqn{\sigma ^2_{gm}}{sigma^2[gm]}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{"GM"}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of parameters e.g. list(1,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Guess starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @details
#' When supplying values for \eqn{\beta}{beta} and \eqn{\sigma ^2_{gm}}{sigma^2[gm]},
#' these parameters should be of a GM process and NOT of an AR1. That is,
#' do not supply AR1 parameters such as \eqn{\phi}{phi}, \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}.
#' Internally, GM parameters are converted to AR1 using the `freq`
#' supplied when creating data objects (\link{gts})
#' or specifying a `freq` parameter in simts or simts.imu.
#' The `freq` of a data object takes precedence over the `freq` set when modeling.
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' GM()
#' GM(beta=.32, sigma2_gm=1.3)
GM = function(beta = NULL, sigma2_gm = 1) {
starting = FALSE;
beta = 0;
sigma2_gm = 1;
starting = TRUE;
if(length(beta) != 1 & length(sigma2_gm) != 1){
stop("Bad GM model submitted. Must be double values for two parameters.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = c("BETA","SIGMA2_GM"),
theta = c(beta,sigma2_gm),
plength = 2,
desc = "GM",
print = "GM(1)",
obj.desc = list(c(1,1)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Create an Quantisation Noise (QN) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the QN process.
#' @param q2 A \code{double} value for the \eqn{Q^2}{Q^2} of a QN process.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "QN"}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{Q^2}{Q^2}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of parameters e.g. list(1)}
#' \item{starting}{Guess starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' QN()
#' QN(q2=3.4)
QN = function(q2 = NULL) {
starting = FALSE
q2 = 2
starting = TRUE
if(length(q2) != 1){
stop("Bad QN model submitted. Must be a double that indicates the Q2 value.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = "QN",
theta = q2,
plength = 1,
desc = "QN",
print = "QN()",
obj.desc = list(1),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Create an White Noise (WN) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the WN process.
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the variance, \eqn{\sigma ^2}{sigma^2}, of a WN process.
#' @note In this process, \eqn{Y_t} is iid from a zero mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "WN"}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\sigma}{sigma}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of Parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(1)}
#' \item{starting}{Guess Starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' WN()
#' WN(sigma2=3.4)
WN = function(sigma2 = NULL) {
starting = FALSE
sigma2 = 3
starting = TRUE
if(length(sigma2) != 1){
stop("Bad WN model submitted. Must be a double that indicates the standard deviation.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = "WN",
theta = sigma2,
plength = 1,
desc = "WN",
print = "WN()",
obj.desc = list(1),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Create an Random Walk (RW) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the RW process.
#' @param gamma2 A \code{double} value for the variance \eqn{\gamma ^2}{gamma^2}
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{Y_t = \sum\nolimits_{t=0}^{T} \gamma_0*Z_t} where \eqn{Z_t} is iid
#' and follows a standard normal distribution.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "RW"}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\sigma}{sigma}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of parameters e.g. list(1)}
#' \item{starting}{Guess starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' RW()
#' RW(gamma2=3.4)
RW = function(gamma2 = NULL) {
starting = FALSE
gamma2 = 4
starting = TRUE
if(length(gamma2) != 1){
stop("Bad RW model submitted. Must be a double that indicates the standard deviation.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = "RW",
theta = gamma2,
plength = 1,
desc = "RW",
print = "RW()",
obj.desc = list(1),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Create an Drift (DR) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the DR process.
#' @param omega A \code{double} value for the slope of a DR process (see Note for details).
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{Y_t = \omega t}
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "DR"}
#' \item{theta}{slope}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{obj.desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj}{Depth of parameters e.g. list(1)}
#' \item{starting}{Guess starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' DR()
#' DR(omega=3.4)
DR = function(omega = NULL) {
starting = FALSE
omega = 5
starting = TRUE
if(length(omega) != 1){
stop("Bad Drift model submitted. Must be a double that indicates a slope.")
out = structure(list(process.desc = "DR",
theta = omega,
plength = 1,
desc = "DR",
print = "DR()",
obj.desc = list(1),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Create an Autoregressive P [AR(P)] Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the AR(P) process.
#' @param phi A \code{vector} with double values for the \eqn{\phi}{phi} of an AR(P) process (see Note for details).
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the variance, \eqn{\sigma ^2}{sigma^2}, of an AR(P) process. (see Note for details).
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{X_t = \sum_{j = 1}^p \phi_j X_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t} , where \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is iid from a zero
#' mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "AR-1","AR-2", ..., "AR-P", "SIGMA2"}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\phi_1}{phi[[1]]}, \eqn{\phi_2}{phi[[2]]}, ..., \eqn{\phi_p}{phi[[p]]}, \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of Parameters}
#' \item{desc}{"AR"}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(p,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Guess starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' AR(1) # Slower version of AR1()
#' AR(phi=.32, sigma=1.3) # Slower version of AR1()
#' AR(2) # Equivalent to ARMA(2,0).
AR = function(phi = NULL, sigma2 = 1) {
stop("`phi` must either be a whole number or a vector of numbers for phi parameter in AR().")
out = SARIMA(ar = phi, i = 0, ma = 0, sar = 0, si = 0, sma = 0, s = 0, sigma2 = sigma2)
#' @title Create an Moving Average Q [MA(Q)] Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the MA(Q) process.
#' @param theta A \code{double} value for the parameter \eqn{\theta}{theta} (see Note for details).
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the variance parameter \eqn{\sigma ^2}{sigma^2} (see Note for details).
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{X_t = \sum_{j = 1}^q \theta_j \varepsilon_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t}, where \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is iid from a zero
#' mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{Used in summary: "MA-1","MA-2", ..., "MA-Q", "SIGMA2"}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\theta_1}{theta[[1]]}, \eqn{\theta_2}{theta[[2]]}, ..., \eqn{\theta_q}{theta[[q]]}, \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{desc}{"MA"}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of parameters e.g. list(q,1)}
#' \item{starting}{Guess starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' MA(1) # One theta
#' MA(2) # Two thetas!
#' MA(theta=.32, sigma=1.3) # 1 theta with a specific value.
#' MA(theta=c(.3,.5), sigma=.3) # 2 thetas with specific values.
MA = function(theta = NULL, sigma2 = 1) {
stop("`theta` must be either a whole number or a vector of doubles for theta parameter in MA().")
out = SARIMA(ar = 0, i = 0, ma = theta, sar = 0, si = 0, sma = 0, s = 0, sigma2 = sigma2)
#' @title Create an Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the ARMA process.
#' @param ar A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\phi}{phi}'s or the process number \eqn{p} for the Autoregressive (AR) term.
#' @param ma A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\theta}{theta}'s or the process number \eqn{q} for the Moving Average (MA) term.
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the standard deviation, \eqn{\sigma}{sigma}, of the ARMA process.
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{X_t = \sum_{j = 1}^p \phi_j X_{t-j} + \sum_{j = 1}^q \theta_j \varepsilon_{t-j} + \varepsilon_t}, where \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is iid from a zero
#' mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{\eqn{AR*p}{AR x p}, \eqn{MA*q}{MA x q}}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\sigma}{sigma}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of Parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{obj.desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(c(length(ar),length(ma),1) )}
#' \item{starting}{Guess Starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @details
#' A variance is required since the model generation statements utilize
#' randomization functions expecting a variance instead of a standard deviation like R.
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create an ARMA(1,2) process
#' ARMA(ar=1,2)
#' # Creates an ARMA(3,2) process with predefined coefficients.
#' ARMA(ar=c(0.23,.43, .59), ma=c(0.4,.3))
#' # Creates an ARMA(3,2) process with predefined coefficients and standard deviation
#' ARMA(ar=c(0.23,.43, .59), ma=c(0.4,.3), sigma2 = 1.5)
ARMA = function(ar = 1, ma = 1, sigma2 = 1.0) {
out = SARIMA(ar = ar, i = 0, ma = ma, sar = 0, si = 0, sma = 0, s = 0, sigma2 = sigma2)
#' @title Create an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the ARIMA process.
#' @param ar A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\phi}{phi}'s or the process number \eqn{p} for the Autoregressive (AR) term.
#' @param i An \code{integer} containing the number of differences to be done.
#' @param ma A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\theta}{theta}'s or the process number \eqn{q} for the Moving Average (MA) term.
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the standard deviation, \eqn{\sigma}{sigma}, of the ARIMA process.
#' @note We consider the following model: \deqn{\Delta^i X_t = \sum_{j = 1}^p \phi_j \Delta^i X_{t-j} + \sum_{j = 1}^q \theta_j \varepsilon_{t-j} + \varepsilon_t}, where \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is iid from a zero
#' mean normal distribution with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{\eqn{AR*p}{AR x p}, \eqn{MA*q}{MA x q}}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\sigma}{sigma}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{obj.desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj}{Depth of parameters e.g. list(c(length(ar),length(ma),1) )}
#' \item{starting}{Guess starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @details
#' A variance is required since the model generation statements utilize
#' randomization functions expecting a variance instead of a standard deviation like R.
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create an ARMA(1,2) process
#' ARIMA(ar=1,2)
#' # Creates an ARMA(3,2) process with predefined coefficients.
#' ARIMA(ar=c(0.23,.43, .59), ma=c(0.4,.3))
#' # Creates an ARMA(3,2) process with predefined coefficients and standard deviation
#' ARIMA(ar=c(0.23,.43, .59), ma=c(0.4,.3), sigma2 = 1.5)
ARIMA = function(ar = 1, i = 0, ma = 1, sigma2 = 1.0) {
out = SARIMA(ar = ar, i = i, ma = ma, sar = 0, si = 0, sma = 0, s = 0, sigma2 = sigma2)
#' @title Create a Seasonal Autoregressive Moving Average (SARMA) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the SARMA process.
#' @param ar A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\phi}{phi}'s or the process number \eqn{p} for the Autoregressive (AR) term.
#' @param ma A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\theta}{theta}'s or the process number \eqn{q} for the Moving Average (MA) term.
#' @param sar A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\Phi}{PHI}'s or the process number \eqn{P} for the Seasonal Autoregressive (SAR) term.
#' @param sma A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\Theta}{THETA}'s or the process number \eqn{Q} for the Seasonal Moving Average (SMA) term.
#' @param s A \code{integer} indicating the seasonal value of the data.
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the standard deviation, \eqn{\sigma}{sigma}, of the SARMA process.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{\eqn{AR*p}{AR x p}, \eqn{MA*q}{MA x q}, \eqn{SAR*P}{SAR x P}, \eqn{SMA*Q}{SMA x Q}}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\sigma}{sigma}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of Parameters}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{obj.desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(c(length(ar), length(ma), length(sar), length(sma), 1) )}
#' \item{starting}{Guess Starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @details
#' A variance is required since the model generation statements utilize
#' randomization functions expecting a variance instead of a standard deviation unlike R.
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create an SARMA(1,2)x(1,1) process
#' SARMA(ar = 1, ma = 2,sar = 1, sma =1)
#' # Creates an SARMA(1,1)x(1,1) process with predefined coefficients.
#' SARMA(ar=0.23, ma=0.4, sar = .3, sma = .3)
SARMA = function(ar = 1, ma = 1, sar = 1, sma = 1, s = 12, sigma2 = 1.0) {
out = SARIMA(ar = ar, i = 0, ma = ma, sar = sar, si = 0, sma = sma, s = s, sigma2 = sigma2)
#' @title Create a Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) Process
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for the SARIMA process.
#' @param ar A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\phi}{phi}'s or the process number \eqn{p} for the Autoregressive (AR) term.
#' @param i An \code{integer} containing the number of differences to be done.
#' @param ma A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\theta}{theta}'s or the process number \eqn{q} for the Moving Average (MA) term.
#' @param sar A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\Phi}{PHI}'s or the process number \eqn{P} for the Seasonal Autoregressive (SAR) term.
#' @param si An \code{integer} containing the number of seasonal differences to be done.
#' @param sma A \code{vector} or \code{integer} containing either the coefficients for \eqn{\Theta}{THETA}'s or the process number \eqn{Q} for the Seasonal Moving Average (SMA) term.
#' @param s An \code{integer} containing the seasonality.
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} value for the standard deviation, \eqn{\sigma}{sigma}, of the SARMA process.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{\eqn{AR*p}{AR x p}, \eqn{MA*q}{MA x q}, \eqn{SAR*P}{SAR x P}, \eqn{SMA*Q}{SMA x Q}}
#' \item{theta}{\eqn{\sigma}{sigma}}
#' \item{plength}{Number of parameters}
#' \item{desc}{Type of model}
#' \item{desc.simple}{Type of model (after simplification)}
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{obj.desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(c(length(ar), length(ma), length(sar), length(sma), 1, i, si) )}
#' \item{starting}{Guess Starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @details
#' A variance is required since the model generation statements utilize
#' randomization functions expecting a variance instead of a standard deviation unlike R.
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create an SARIMA(1,1,2)x(1,0,1) process
#' SARIMA(ar = 1, i = 1, ma = 2, sar = 1, si = 0, sma =1)
#' # Creates an SARMA(1,0,1)x(1,1,1) process with predefined coefficients.
#' SARIMA(ar=0.23, i = 0, ma=0.4, sar = .3, sma = .3)
SARIMA = function(ar = 1, i = 0, ma = 1, sar = 1, si = 0, sma = 1, s = 12, sigma2 = 1.0) {
# Assume the user specified data
starting = FALSE
# Get initial parameters
p = length(ar)
q = length(ma)
P = length(sar)
Q = length(sma)
d = length(i)
ds = length(si)
if(d > 1 || ds > 1){stop("`i` or `si` must have a length of 1.")}
else if(!is.whole(i) || !is.whole(si)){stop("`i` or `si` must be integers.")}
# If P or Q == 1, this implies we might have a starting guess.
if( p == 1 || q == 1 || P == 1 || Q == 1 ){
if(p == 1){
if(is.whole(ar) & ar != 0){
ar = rep(-1, ar)
starting = TRUE
}else if(ar == 0){
ar = numeric(0) # creates a size 0 vector
if(q == 1){
if(is.whole(ma) & ma != 0){
ma = rep(-2, ma)
starting = TRUE
}else if(ma == 0){
ma = numeric(0)
if(P == 1){
if(is.whole(sar) & sar != 0){
sar = rep(-1, sar)
starting = TRUE
}else if(sar == 0){
sar = numeric(0) # creates a size 0 vector
if(Q == 1){
if(is.whole(sma) & sma != 0){
sma = rep(-2, sma)
starting = TRUE
}else if(sma == 0){
sma = numeric(0)
# Update the values.
p = length(ar)
q = length(ma)
P = length(sar)
Q = length(sma)
simple = simplified_print_SARIMA(p, i, q, P, si, Q, s)
out = structure(list(process.desc = c(rep("AR", p), rep("MA",q), rep("SAR", P), rep("SMA",Q), "SIGMA2"),
theta = c(ar, ma, sar, sma, sigma2),
plength = p + q + P + Q + 1,
desc = "SARIMA",
print = simple$print,
desc.simple = simple$simplified,
obj.desc = list(c(p, q, P, Q, 1, s, i, si)),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Simplify and print SARIMA model
#' @description Simplify and print SARIMA model
#' @param p An \code{integer} denoting the length of \code{ar}.
#' @param i An \code{integer} containing the number of differences to be done.
#' @param q An \code{integer} denoting the length of \code{ma}.
#' @param P An \code{integer} denoting the length of \code{sma}.
#' @param si An \code{integer} containing the number of seasonal differences to be done.
#' @param Q An \code{integer} denoting the length of \code{sar}.
#' @param s An \code{integer} indicating the seasonal value of the data.
#' @return An S3 object with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{print}{String containing simplified model}
#' \item{simplified}{Type of model (after simplification)}
#' }
#' @author Stephane Guerrier
simplified_print_SARIMA = function(p, i, q, P, si, Q, s){
# ARMA models
if (i == 0 && P == 0 && Q == 0){
# White noise
if (p == 0 && q == 0){
print = "WN()"
out = list(print = print, simplified = "WN")
}else if (p == 0){
# MA
print = paste("MA(", q, ")", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "MA")
}else if (q == 0){
# AR
print = paste("AR(", p, ")", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "AR")
print = paste("ARMA(", p, ",", q, ")", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "ARMA")
}else if (i > 0 && P == 0 && Q == 0){
# ARIMA models
if (p == 0 && q == 0 && i == 1){
print = "RW()"
out = list(print = print, simplified = "RW")
print = paste("ARIMA(", p, ",", i, ",", q, ")", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "ARIMA")
}else if (i == 0 && si == 0 && p == 0 && q == 0){
# Pure seasonal
if (Q == 0){
print = paste("SAR(", P, ") [", s, "]", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "SAR")
}else if (P == 0){
print = paste("SMA(", Q, ") [", s, "]", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "SMA")
print = paste("SARMA(0,0) x (", P, ",", Q, ") [", s, "]", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "SARMA")
}else if (i == 0 && si == 0){
print = paste("SARMA(", p, ",", q, ") x (", P, ",", Q, ") [", s, "]", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "SARMA")
print = paste("SARIMA(", p, ",", i, ",", q, ") x (", P, ",", si, ",", Q, ") [", s, "]", sep = "")
out = list(print = print, simplified = "SARIMA")
#' @title Multiple a ts.model by constant
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for creating multiple model objects.
#' @method * ts.model
#' @param x A \code{numeric} value
#' @param y A \code{ts.model} object
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{process.desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{theta}{y theta replicated x times}
#' \item{plength}{Number of Parameters}
#' \item{desc}{y desc replicated x times}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(c(1,1),c(1,1))}
#' \item{starting}{Guess Starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta and Stephane Guerrier
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' 4*DR()+2*WN()
#' DR()*4 + WN()*2
#' AR1(phi=.3,sigma=.2)*3
`*.ts.model` = function(x, y) {
# Handles the ts.model()*c case
temp = x
x = y
y = temp
out = structure(list(process.desc = rep(y$process.desc,x),
theta = rep(y$theta,x),
plength = y$plength*x,
desc = rep(y$desc,x),
print = paste(x,"*",y$print, sep = ""),
obj.desc = rep(y$obj.desc,x),
starting = y$starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Add ts.model objects together
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for combining ts.model objects.
#' @method + ts.model
#' @param x A \code{ts.model} object
#' @param y A \code{ts.model} object
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{process.desc}{combined x, y desc}
#' \item{theta}{combined x, y theta}
#' \item{plength}{Number of Parameters}
#' \item{desc}{Add process to queue e.g. c("AR1","WN")}
#' \item{obj.desc}{Depth of Parameters e.g. list(1, c(1,1), c(length(ar),length(ma),1) )}
#' \item{starting}{Guess Starting values? TRUE or FALSE (e.g. specified value)}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' DR()+WN()
#' AR1(phi=.3,sigma=.2)
`+.ts.model` = function(x, y) {
starting = FALSE
if(y$starting & x$starting){
starting = TRUE
out = structure(list(process.desc = c(x$process.desc, y$process.desc),
theta = c(x$theta,y$theta),
plength = x$plength + y$plength,
desc = c(x$desc, y$desc),
print = paste(c(x$print, y$print), collapse = " + "),
obj.desc = c(x$obj.desc, y$obj.desc),
starting = starting), class = "ts.model")
#' @title Multiply a ts.model by constant
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for creating multiple model objects.
#' @method print ts.model
#' @export
#' @param x A \code{numeric} value
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{desc}
#' \item{theta}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @examples
#' # Creates a parameter space for guessing
#' QN() + DR() + WN() + RW() + AR1() + ARMA(1,2)
#' # Creates a user-specified starting value model
#' AR1(phi = .9, sigma2 = .1) + WN(sigma2 = 1)
#' # Similarly, with the addition of a generic ARMA
#' RW(gamma2 = .3) + DR(omega = .5) + QN(q2 = .9) + ARMA(ar = c(.3,.1), ma = c(.3,.2), sigma2 = .99)
#' # In a similar vein, this example highlights the lack of need for specifying parameters.
#' AR1(.9,.1) + WN(1) + RW(.3) + DR(.5) + QN(.9) + ARMA(c(.3,.1), c(.3,.2), .99)
print.ts.model = function(x, ...){
desctable = data.frame("Terms" = x$process.desc, "Initial Values" = x$theta, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
cat("\nGuess Starting Values:", x$starting, "\n")
cat("The program will attempt to guess starting values for...\n")
print(desctable[,1], row.names = FALSE)
cat("To have the option of using your own starting values, please supply values for each parameter.\n")
print(desctable, row.names = FALSE)
cat("The model will be initiated using the initial values you supplied.\n")
#' @title Create a ts.model from desc string
#' @description Sets up the necessary backend for using Cpp functions to build R ts.model objects
#' @param desc A \code{character} vector containing: \code{"AR1"},\code{"DR"},\code{"WN"},\code{"RW"},\code{"QN"}
#' @return An S3 object with called ts.model with the following structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{desc}
#' \item{theta}
#' }
#' @author James Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' desc.to.ts.model(c("AR1","WN"))
desc.to.ts.model = function(desc){
theta = model_theta(desc)
out = structure(list(process.desc = model_process_desc(desc),
theta = theta,
plength = length(theta),
desc = desc,
obj.desc = model_objdesc(desc),
starting = TRUE), class = "ts.model")
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