
Defines functions .onLoad

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {

mediascores: News-sharing Ideology from Online Link-Sharing Data.
Version (Development Version)
copyright (c) 2024, Gregory Eady, University of Copenhagen
For citation information, type citation("mediascores").')

    # To add new .stan files, first restart R then uncomment below and
    # run devtools::load_all() TWO times.
    # source('tools/make_cc.R')
    # stanfiles = list.files('src/stan_files/', pattern = '.stan')
    # setwd('src/')
    # for(f in stanfiles) {
    #    make_cc(paste0('stan_files/', f))
    # }
    # setwd('../')

    modules <- paste0("stan_fit4", names(stanmodels), "_mod")
    for (m in modules) loadModule(m, what = TRUE)
SMAPPNYU/mediascores documentation built on June 28, 2024, 8:17 a.m.