
#      Migratory Connectivity Metric - Cohen et al.
#      Geolocator data and GPS data from OVENBIRDS
#      Geolocator data - Hallworth et al. 2015 - Ecological Applications
#      GPS data - Hallworth and Marra 2015 Scientific Reports
#      Script written by M.T.Hallworth & J.A.Hostetler
# load required packages


# ###################################################################
# #
# # geoVcov & geoBias
# #
# ###################################################################
# # WGS84<-"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
# # Lambert<-"+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs"
# # EquidistConic <- "+proj=eqc +lat_ts=0 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007 +b=6371007 +units=m +no_defs"
# WGS84 <- "+init=epsg:4326"
# Lambert <- 'PROJCS["North_America_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic",
#             GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",
#             DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",
#             SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]],
#             PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
#             UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],
#             PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],
#             PARAMETER["False_Easting",0],
#             PARAMETER["False_Northing",0],
#             PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",-96],
#             PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",20],
#             PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",60],
#             PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",40],
#             UNIT["Meter",1],
#             AUTHORITY["EPSG","102008"]]'
# EquidistConic <- 'PROJCS["North_America_Equidistant_Conic",
#                   GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",
# 				  DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",
# 				  SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]],
# 				  PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
# 				  UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],
# 				  PROJECTION["Equidistant_Conic"],
# 				  PARAMETER["False_Easting",0],
# 				  PARAMETER["False_Northing",0],
# 				  PARAMETER["Longitude_Of_Center",-96],
# 				  PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",20],
# 				  PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",60],
# 				  PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Center",40],
# 				  UNIT["Meter",1],
# 				  AUTHORITY["EPSG","102010"]]'
# # Define capture locations in the winter #
# captureLocations<-matrix(c(-77.93,18.04,  # Jamaica
#                            -80.94,25.13,  # Florida
#                            -66.86,17.97,  # Puerto Rico
#                            -71.72,43.95), # New Hampshire
#                           nrow=4,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
# # Convert capture locations into sf #
# colnames(captureLocations) <- c("Longitude","Latitude")
# CapLocs <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(captureLocations),
#                         coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"),
#                         crs = 4326)
# # Project Capture locations #
# CapLocsM<-sf::st_transform(CapLocs, 'ESRI:102010')
# # Retrieve raw non-breeding locations from github #
# # First grab the identity of the bird so we can loop through the files #
# # For this example we are only interested in the error around non-breeding locations #
# # here we grab only the birds captured during the non-breeding season #
# winterBirds <- dget("")
# # create empty list to store the location data #
# Non_breeding_files <- vector('list',length(winterBirds))
# # Get raw location data from Github #
# for(i in 1:length(winterBirds)){
#   Non_breeding_files[[i]] <- dget(paste0("",winterBirds[i],".txt"))
# }
# # Remove locations around spring Equinox and potential migration points - same NB time frame as Hallworth et al. 2015 #
# # two steps because subset on shapefile doesn't like it in a single step
# Non_breeding_files <- lapply(Non_breeding_files,FUN = function(x){month <- as.numeric(format(x$Date,format = "%m"))
# x[which(month != 3 & month != 4),]})
# Jam <- c(1:9)   # locations within the list of winterBirds captured in Jamaica
# Fla <- c(10:12) # locations within the list of winterBirds in Florida
# PR <- c(13:16)  # locations within the list of winterBirds in Puerto Rico
# # Turn the locations into shapefiles #
# NB_GL <- lapply(Non_breeding_files,
#                 FUN = function(x){
#                   sf::st_as_sf(x,
#                                coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"),
#                                crs =  4326)})
# # Project into UTM projection #
# NB_GLmeters <- lapply(NB_GL,
#                       FUN = function(x){sf::st_transform(x,'ESRI:102010')})
# # Process to determine geolocator bias and variance-covariance in meters #
# # generate empty vector to store data #
# # 16 birds were recovered during the non-breeding season
# LongError <- rep(NA,length(winterBirds))
# LatError <- rep(NA,length(winterBirds))
# # Calculate the error in longitude derived from geolocators from the true capture location #
# LongError[Jam] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Jam],
#                                 FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]-sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[1,1])}))
# LongError[Fla] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Fla],
#                                 FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]-sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[2,1])}))
# LongError[PR] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[PR],
#                                FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]-sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[3,1])}))
# # Calculate the error in latitude derived from geolocators from the true capture location #
# LatError[Jam] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Jam],
#                                 FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]-sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[1,2])}))
# LatError[Fla] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Fla],
#                                 FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]-sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[2,2])}))
# LatError[PR] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[PR],
#                                FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]-sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[3,2])}))
# # Get co-variance matrix for error of known non-breeding deployment sites #
# geo.error.model <- lm(cbind(LongError,LatError) ~ 1) # lm does multivariate normal models if you give it a matrix dependent variable!
# geo.bias <- coef(geo.error.model)
# geo.vcov <- vcov(geo.error.model)
# ###################################################################
# #
# #   Winter Locations - targetPoints
# #     length = n animals tracked
# #
# ###################################################################
# #########################################################################################
# #
# # Here instead of using the raw points - use the KDE to estimate location mean locations
# #
# #########################################################################################
# # Non-breeding #
# NB_KDE_names<-list.files("data-raw/NonBreeding_Clipped_KDE", pattern="*_clip.txt",full.names=TRUE)
# NB_KDE<-lapply(NB_KDE_names, terra::rast)
# nGL <- length(NB_KDE_names)
# # Get weighted means from KDE #
# kdelist<-vector('list',nGL)
# NB_kde_long<-NB_kde_lat<-rep(NA,nGL)
# for(i in 1:nGL){
# kdelist[[i]]<-rasterToPoints(NB_KDE[[i]])
# NB_kde_long[i]<-weighted.mean(x=kdelist[[i]][,1],w=kdelist[[i]][,3])
# NB_kde_lat[i]<-weighted.mean(x=kdelist[[i]][,2],w=kdelist[[i]][,3])
# }
# # Replace estimated locations with TRUE capture locations - Jam, Fla, PR birds #
# NB_kde_long[c(1,9,21,22,24,25,29,31,36)] <- -77.94 # Jamaica
# NB_kde_lat[c(1,9,21,22,24,25,29,31,36)] <- 18.04 # Jamaica
# NB_kde_long[c(17,18,23)] <- -80.94 # FLA
# NB_kde_lat[c(17,18,23)] <- 25.13 # FLA
# NB_kde_long[c(32,33,34,35)] <- -66.86 # PR
# NB_kde_lat[c(32,33,34,35)] <- 17.97 # PR
# weightedNB <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(longitude = NB_kde_long,
#                                       latitude = NB_kde_lat),
#                            coords = c("longitude","latitude"),
#                            crs = 4326)
# weightedNBm <- sf::st_transform(weightedNB, 'ESRI:102010')
# summerDeploy<-c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,26,27,28,30)
# nB_GL <- length(summerDeploy)
# #######################################################################################################################################################
# #
# # Add the GPS data into the mix
# #
# #######################################################################################################################################################
# GPSdata<-read.csv("data-raw/Ovenbird_GPS_HallworthMT_FirstLast.csv")
# nGPS <- nrow(GPSdata)/2
# GPSpts <- sf::st_as_sf(GPSdata,
#                        coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"),
#                        crs = 4326)
# GPSptsm <- sf::st_transform(GPSpts, 'ESRI:102010')
# # First add GPS locations to both breeding and non-breeding data sets #
# cap<-seq(1,2*nGPS,2)
# wint<-seq(2,2*nGPS,2)
# # Using the weighted locations #
# weightedNB_breeDeployOnly <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(Longitude = c(NB_kde_long[summerDeploy],GPSdata[wint,2]),
#                                                      Latitude = c(NB_kde_lat[summerDeploy],GPSdata[wint,1])),
#                                           coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"),
#                                           crs = 4326)
# NB_breedDeploy<-sf::st_transform(weightedNB_breeDeployOnly, 'ESRI:102010')
# isGL <- c(rep(TRUE,20),rep(FALSE,19))
# targetPoints <- NB_breedDeploy
# ###################################################################
# #
# #  Capture Locations - OriginPoints
# #     length = n animals tracked
# #
# ###################################################################
# OriginData <- data.frame(Longitude = c(rep(captureLocations[4,1],20),GPSdata[cap,2]),
#                          Latitude = c(rep(captureLocations[4,2],20),GPSdata[cap,1]))
# Origin <- sf::st_as_sf(OriginData,
#                        coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"),
#                        crs = 4326)
# originPoints<-sf::st_transform(Origin, 'ESRI:102010')
# ###################################################################
# #
# #  Origin & Target sites
# #
# ###################################################################
# World<-sf::st_read("data-raw/Spatial_Layers/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp")
# World<-sf::st_transform(World,'ESRI:102010')
# States<-sf::st_read("data-raw/Spatial_Layers/st99_d00.shp")
# States<-sf::st_transform(States,'ESRI:102010')
# # Non-breeding - Target sites #
# Florida<-subset(States,subset=NAME=="Florida")
# Florida <- aggregate(Florida, list(Florida$NAME), head, n=1)
# Cuba<-subset(World,subset=NAME=="Cuba")
# Hisp <- rbind(subset(World,subset=NAME=="Haiti"),
#                      subset(World,subset=NAME=="Dominican Republic"))
# Hisp <- aggregate(Hisp, list(Hisp$REGION), head, n=1)
# Hisp$NAME <- "Hispaniola"
# # Change IDs to merge files together
# targetSites <- rbind(Cuba[,c("NAME","geometry")],
#                      Florida[,c("NAME","geometry")],
#                      Hisp[,c("NAME","geometry")])
# # Make polygons -
# # Breeding - Make square region around capture location - equal size around NH and MD.
# # Polygon around MD #
# mdvertx<-c((1569680-(536837/2)),(1569680-(536837/2)),(1569680+(536837/2)),(1569680+(536837/2)))
# mdverty<-c(-212648,324189,324189,-212648)
# mdp<-Polygon(cbind(mdvertx,mdverty))
# MDbreedPoly<-SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(mdp),ID=1)))
# # Polygon around NH #
# nhvertx<-c((1810737-(536837/2)),(1810737-(536837/2)),(1810737+(536837/2)),(1810737+(536837/2)))
# nhverty<-c(324189,861026,861026,324189)
# nhbp<-Polygon(cbind(nhvertx,nhverty))
# NHbreedPoly<-SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(nhbp),ID=1)))
# NHbreedPoly<-spChFIDs(NHbreedPoly,"NH")
# MDbreedPoly<-spChFIDs(MDbreedPoly,"MD")
# crs(NHbreedPoly) <- crs(MDbreedPoly) <- crs(Lambert)
# originSites<-suppressWarnings(spRbind(NHbreedPoly,MDbreedPoly))
# crs(originSites)<-Lambert
# originSites <- spTransform(originSites,CRS(EquidistConic))
# originSites <- sf::st_as_sf(originSites)
# ###################################################################
# #
# #  Get relative abundance within breeding "population" polygons #
# #
# ###################################################################
# # Breeding Bird Survey Abundance Data #
# BBSoven<-terra::rast("data-raw/Spatial_Layers/bbsoven.txt") #?
# crs(BBSoven)<-sf::st_crs(4326)$proj4string
# BBSovenMeters<-projectRaster(BBSoven,crs=EquidistConic)
# NHbreedPoly <- spTransform(NHbreedPoly,CRS(EquidistConic))
# MDbreedPoly <- spTransform(MDbreedPoly,CRS(EquidistConic))
# NHabund<-extract(BBSovenMeters,NHbreedPoly)
# MDabund<-extract(BBSovenMeters,MDbreedPoly)
# TotalOvenAbund<-sum(NHabund[[1]],na.rm=TRUE)+sum(MDabund[[1]],na.rm=TRUE)
# BreedRelAbund<-array(NA,c(2,1))
# BreedRelAbund[1,1]<-sum(NHabund[[1]],na.rm=TRUE)/TotalOvenAbund
# BreedRelAbund[2,1]<-sum(MDabund[[1]],na.rm=TRUE)/TotalOvenAbund
# originRelAbund<-BreedRelAbund
# ###################################################################
# #
# #  Generate Distance matrices
# #
# ###################################################################
# # First need to project from meters to Lat/Long -WGS84
# # define current projection #
# # project to WGS84
# NHbreedPolyWGS<-spTransform(NHbreedPoly,sf::st_crs(4326)$proj4string)
# MDbreedPolyWGS<-spTransform(MDbreedPoly,sf::st_crs(4326)$proj4string)
# BreedDistMat<-array(NA,c(2,2))
# rownames(BreedDistMat)<-colnames(BreedDistMat)<-c(1,2)
# diag(BreedDistMat)<-0
# BreedDistMat[1,2]<-BreedDistMat[2,1]<-distVincentyEllipsoid(gCentroid(MDbreedPolyWGS, byid=TRUE, id = MDbreedPolyWGS@polygons[[1]]@ID)@coords,
#                                                          gCentroid(NHbreedPolyWGS, byid=TRUE, id = NHbreedPolyWGS@polygons[[1]]@ID)@coords)
# # Project to WGS84 #
# FloridaWGS<-sf::st_transform(Florida,4326)
# CubaWGS<-sf::st_transform(Cuba,4326)
# HispWGS<-sf::st_transform(Hisp,4326)
# NBreedDistMat<-array(NA,c(3,3))
# rownames(NBreedDistMat)<-colnames(NBreedDistMat)<-c(3,4,5)
# diag(NBreedDistMat)<-0
# NBreedDistMat[2,1]<-NBreedDistMat[1,2]<-distVincentyEllipsoid(st_coordinates(st_centroid(FloridaWGS)),
#                                                               st_coordinates(st_centroid(CubaWGS)))
# NBreedDistMat[3,1]<-NBreedDistMat[1,3]<-distVincentyEllipsoid(st_coordinates(st_centroid(FloridaWGS)),
#                                                               st_coordinates(st_centroid(HispWGS)))
# NBreedDistMat[3,2]<-NBreedDistMat[2,3]<-distVincentyEllipsoid(st_coordinates(st_centroid(CubaWGS)),
#                                                               st_coordinates(st_centroid(HispWGS)))
# originDist<-BreedDistMat
# targetDist<-NBreedDistMat


oTargetPoints <- OVENdata$targetPoints
oOriginPoints <- OVENdata$originPoints
oOriginSites <- OVENdata$originSites
oTargetSites <- OVENdata$targetSites
otargetDist <- OVENdata$targetDist
ooriginDist <- OVENdata$originDist
ogeo.bias <- OVENdata$geo.bias
ogeo.vcov <- OVENdata$geo.vcov
oisGL <- OVENdata$isGL
ooriginRelAbund <- OVENdata$originRelAbund


targetPoints <- sf::st_as_sf(oTargetPoints)
targetSites <- sf::st_as_sf(oTargetSites)
originPoints <- sf::st_as_sf(oOriginPoints)
originSites <- sf::st_as_sf(oOriginSites)

#  Write required data to the data folder

# Put all components of the OVEN Geolocator and GPS data into a named list

OVENdata[[11]]<-c("NH", "MD")
OVENdata[[12]]<-c("FL", "Cuba", "Hisp")

# Save to data folder
usethis::use_data(OVENdata, overwrite = TRUE)
SMBC-NZP/MigConnectivity documentation built on March 26, 2024, 4:22 p.m.