#Preliminaries - some/all of this need for all tranches of code below
#this is the LEA projection used for all maps
gmod = raster(nrow=4036, ncol=7185, resolution=c(1000,1000), xmn=-3071826, xmx=4113174, ymn=-2486110, ymx=1549890)
pro = "+proj=laea +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-100 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370997 +b=6370997 +units=m +no_defs"
crs(gmod) = pro
#Prep precipitation layers
for(i in 1:12){
if(i < 10){
filler = "0"
} else {
filler = ""
#read in grids
h_precip_raw = raster(paste0("C:/Users/gjbowen/Dropbox/Archived/Utilities/IsotopeMaps/H", filler, i, "USc.asc"))
o_precip_raw = raster(paste0("C:/Users/gjbowen/Dropbox/Archived/Utilities/IsotopeMaps/O", filler, i, "USc.asc"))
crs(h_precip) = "+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"
crs(o_precip) = "+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"
#reproject and resample
h_precip = projectRaster(h_precip_raw, to=gmod)
o_precip = projectRaster(o_precip_raw, to=gmod)
#write out as .tif
writeRaster(h_precip, paste0("h", filler, i, ".tif"), overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(o_precip, paste0("o", filler, i, ".tif"), overwrite=TRUE)
#cleanup after raster
tfd = dirname(rasterTmpFile())
do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(tfd, full.names = TRUE)))
#Monthly calculations
#set theta values used in calculation of kinetic fractionation factors
theta_l = 0.5
theta_s = 1
for(i in 1:12){ #iterate over months
if(i < 10){
yn = "07"
filler = "0"
bndinx = 336 #Dec 2006 is band 324
} else {
yn = "06"
filler = ""
bndinx = 324 #Dec 2005 is band 324
#read precipitation isoscapes, correct projection info
h_precip = raster(paste0("h", filler, i, ".tif"))/1000
o_precip = raster(paste0("o", filler, i, ".tif"))/1000
#read NARR airtemp, calculate alpha values using Horita and Weslowski 1994 eqns, reproject and resample
atemp = raster("NARR/air.2m.mon.mean.nc", band = bndinx + i)
halpha_raw = exp((1158.8*(atemp^3 / 10^9) - 1620.1*(atemp^2 / 10^6) + 794.84*(atemp / 10^3) - 161.04 + 2.9992*(10^9 / atemp^3)) / 1000)
oalpha_raw = exp((-7.685 + 6.7123*(10^3/atemp) - 1.6664*(10^6/atemp^2) + 0.35041*(10^9/atemp^3)) / 1000)
halpha = projectRaster(halpha_raw, to=gmod)
oalpha = projectRaster(oalpha_raw, to=gmod)
#read in NARR relative humidity, calculate kinetic fractionation factors, reproject and resample
rhum_tmp = raster("NARR/rhum.2m.mon.mean.nc", band = bndinx + i)/100
ek_h_tmp = (1-rhum_tmp)*25.0/1000
ek_o_tmp = (1-rhum_tmp)*28.6/1000
rhum = projectRaster(rhum_tmp, to=gmod)
ek_h = projectRaster(ek_h_tmp, to=gmod)
ek_o = projectRaster(ek_o_tmp, to=gmod)
#calcualte epsilon values
heps = (halpha - 1)
oeps = (oalpha - 1)
#atmospheric vapor isotope ratios assuming equilibrium
h_atmos = (h_precip - heps)/halpha
o_atmos = (o_precip - oeps)/oalpha
#slope calculation for lakes, using equation 7 from Gat and Bowser 1991
num_lakes = (h_atmos - h_precip) + (heps + ek_h * theta_l) / rhum
denom_lakes = (o_atmos - o_precip) + (oeps + ek_o * theta_l) / rhum
slope_lakes = num_lakes/denom_lakes
#slope calculation for soils
num_soils = (h_atmos - h_precip) + (heps + ek_h * theta_s) / rhum
denom_soils = (o_atmos - o_precip) + (oeps + ek_o * theta_s) / rhum
slope_soils = num_soils/denom_soils
#write output
writeRaster(slope_lakes, paste0("elsl_", yn, filler, i, ".tif"), overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(slope_soils, paste0("elss_", yn, filler, i, ".tif"), overwrite=TRUE)
#cleanup after raster
tfd = dirname(rasterTmpFile())
do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(tfd, full.names = TRUE)))
#Annual aggregation
for(i in 1:12){ #loop over months
if(i < 10){
yn = "07" #year code
filler = "0" #filler for 1 digit months
bndinx = 336 #Dec 2006 is band 324
} else {
yn = "06"
filler = ""
bndinx = 324 #Dec 2005 is band 324
#read in slopes values
slope_lakes = raster(paste0("elsl_", yn, filler, i, ".tif"))
slope_soils = raster(paste0("elss_", yn, filler, i, ".tif"))
#read in NARR evaporation rates, reproject and rescale
evap_tmp = raster("NARR/evap.mon.mean.nc", band=bndinx+i)
evap_tmp = max(evap_tmp, 0.001) #mask out negative and zero values
evap = projectRaster(evap_tmp, to=gmod)
#running sum of slope and evap values
if(i == 1){ #initialize rasters with first month's data
slp = slope_lakes * evap
ssp = slope_soils * evap
ep = evap
} else{ #add in data from subsequent months
slp = slp + slope_lakes * evap
ssp = ssp + slope_soils * evap
ep = ep + evap
#unweight by total evaporation
sl = slp / ep
ss = ssp / ep
#write annualized evap slope output
writeRaster(sl, "elsl.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(ss, "elss.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(slp, "elslp.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(ssp, "elssp.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(ep, "evap.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
#cleanup after raster
tfd = dirname(rasterTmpFile())
do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(tfd, full.names = TRUE)))
#Do precipitation isoscape weighting
for(i in 1:12){ #loop over months
if(i < 10){
bndinx = 336 #Dec 2006 is band 324
filler = "0" #filler for 1 digit months
} else {
bndinx = 324 #Dec 2005 is band 324
filler = ""
#read precip isotope layer, set projection
h_precip = raster(paste0("h", filler, i, ".tif"))/1000
o_precip = raster(paste0("o", filler, i, ".tif"))/1000
#read NARR precipitation and evaporation grids, reproject and resample
precip_tmp = raster("NARR/apcp.mon.mean.nc", band=bndinx+i)
precip_tmp = max(precip_tmp, 0) #mask out negative values
precip = projectRaster(precip_tmp, to=gmod)
evap_tmp = raster("NARR/evap.mon.mean.nc", band=bndinx+i)
evap_tmp = max(evap_tmp, 0) #mask out negative values
evap = projectRaster(evap_tmp, to=gmod)
pme = precip - evap
pme = max(pme, 0.001)
#running sums of summer, winter and mean annual P-E and isotope-weighted P-E
if(i == 1){ #this if/then does the annual sums
pmes_ann = pme
hqs_ann = pme*h_precip
oqs_ann = pme*o_precip
} else{
pmes_ann = pmes_ann + pme
hqs_ann = hqs_ann + pme*h_precip
oqs_ann = oqs_ann + pme*o_precip
if(i > 3 & i < 10){ #this if/then does the summer sums
if(i == 4){
pmes_sum = pme
hqs_sum = pme*h_precip
oqs_sum = pme*o_precip
} else{
pmes_sum = pmes_sum + pme
hqs_sum = hqs_sum + pme*h_precip
oqs_sum = oqs_sum + pme*o_precip
if(i < 4 | i > 9){ #this if/then does the winter sums
if(i == 1){
pmes_win = pme
hqs_win = pme*h_precip
oqs_win = pme*o_precip
} else{
pmes_win = pmes_win + pme
hqs_win = hqs_win + pme*h_precip
oqs_win = oqs_win + pme*o_precip
#unweight by P-E
hq_ann = hqs_ann / pmes_ann
oq_ann = oqs_ann / pmes_ann
hq_sum = hqs_sum / pmes_sum
oq_sum = oqs_sum / pmes_sum
hq_win = hqs_win / pmes_win
oq_win = oqs_win / pmes_win
#write weighted and unweighted grids; rescale weighted grids because TauDEM FA can't handle large numbers
writeRaster(pmes_ann/100000, "qs_ann.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(hqs_ann/100000, "hqs_ann.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oqs_ann/100000, "oqs_ann.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(hq_ann, "hq_ann.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oq_ann, "oq_ann.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(pmes_sum/100000, "qs_sum.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(hqs_sum/100000, "hqs_sum.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oqs_sum/100000, "oqs_sum.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(hq_sum, "hq_sum.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oq_sum, "oq_sum.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(pmes_win/100000, "qs_win.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(hqs_win/100000, "hqs_win.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oqs_win/100000, "oqs_win.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(hq_win, "hq_win.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oq_win, "oq_win.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
#cleanup after raster
tfd = dirname(rasterTmpFile())
do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(tfd, full.names = TRUE)))
#Initial DEM preparation
#prep DEM - this is an extract from hydro1k for the contiguous USA and buffer area, in unprojected WGS84
dem_tmp = raster("dem_usa")
dem = projectRaster(dem_tmp, to=gmod)
writeRaster(dem, "dem_tau.tif", NAflag=-9999)
#fill sinks
system("mpiexec -n 8 pitremove -z dem_tau.tif -fel dem_tau_fill.tif")
tmprast = raster("dem_tau_fill.tif")
#make flow direction
system("mpiexec -n 8 D8Flowdir -fel dem_tau_fill.tif -p fd_tau.tif -sd8 slopes_tau.tif")
#unweighted flow accumulation
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_uw.tif")
#make stream network
system("mpiexec -n 8 Threshold -ssa fa_outs/fa_uw.tif -src tau_streams.tif -thresh 25")
#Snap EPA sites to streams
#first project the raw site data
sites = read.csv("epa_data.csv")
coordinates(sites) = ~Longitude+Latitude
proj4string(sites) = "+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"
sites_proj = spTransform(sites, CRS = pro)
writeOGR(sites_proj, ".", "epa_proj", driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = TRUE)
#now read in layer of lake polygons for EPA lakes and add their IDs to site data layer
nhd_poly = readOGR("NHD_selected_lake.shp")
siteval = over(sites_proj, nhd_poly[, "OBJECTID"]) #spatial join, list of OBJECTIDs ordered by sites
sites_proj$OBJECTID = siteval$OBJECTID
#find max FA value within each polygon
fa = raster("fa_outs/fa_uw.tif")
max_fa = extract(fa, nhd_poly, fun = max, na.rm = T) #extract is flexible! use here w/ "max" to summarize
max_fa[max_fa < 25] = NA #if no streams w/ fa of 25 cells or more in polygon we don't care
nhd_poly$max_fa = max_fa #add information back to lake polygon layer
#now turn max FA info into raster so we can find cells w/ matching values
max_fa_rast = gmod
max_fa_rast = rasterize(nhd_poly, max_fa_rast, "max_fa") #raster holding max_fa values from polygons
msk = fa == max_fa_rast #find matching cells
msk = calc(msk, fun=function(x){ x[x == 0] = NA; return(x)} ) #set no match cells to NA
#make raster with lake ID values and mask it to keep only max FA cells
id_rast = gmod
id_rast = rasterize(nhd_poly, id_rast, "OBJECTID")
id_rast = mask(id_rast, msk)
#turn that raster into a SpatialPointsDataFrame
reloc = data.frame(rasterToPoints(id_rast))
colnames(reloc)[3] = "OBJECTID" #reinstate column name to keep it clean
coordinates(reloc) = ~x+y
proj4string(reloc) = pro
writeOGR(reloc, ".", "reloc/lake_points.shp", overwrite_layer = TRUE, driver="ESRI Shapefile")
#move lakes to outflow points of lake polygons where available
for(i in 1:nrow(sites_proj)){
for(j in 1:nrow(reloc)){
if(as.integer(sites_proj$OBJECTID[i]) == as.integer(reloc$OBJECTID[j])){
sites_proj@coords[i,] = reloc@coords[j,]
print(paste("updated", sites_proj$OBJECTID[i], "with", reloc$OBJECTID[j]))
writeOGR(sites_proj, ".", "epa_proj_reloc", driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = TRUE)
#now run TauDEM snap
system("mpiexec -n 8 moveoutletstostreams -p fd_tau.tif -src tau_streams.tif -o epa_proj_reloc.shp -om tau_epa.shp")
#Flow accumulations for isotopes and evap lines
#annual precip isotopes * q and q
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg qs_ann.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_qs_ann.tif")
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg hqs_ann.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_hqs_ann.tif")
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg oqs_ann.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_oqs_ann.tif")
#winter precip isotopes * q and q
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg qs_win.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_qs_win.tif")
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg hqs_win.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_hqs_win.tif")
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg oqs_win.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_oqs_win.tif")
#annual precip isotopes * q and q
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg qs_sum.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_qs_sum.tif")
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg hqs_sum.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_hqs_sum.tif")
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg oqs_sum.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_oqs_sum.tif")
#evaporation lines and evaporation
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg elslp.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_elslp.tif")
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg elssp.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_elssp.tif")
system("mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p fd_tau.tif -wg evap.tif -ad8 fa_outs/fa_evap.tif")
#unweight isotope accumulations, first annual
hqrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_hqs_ann.tif")
oqrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_oqs_ann.tif")
qrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_qs_ann.tif")
writeRaster(hqrast/qrast*1000, "h_ann.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oqrast/qrast*1000, "o_ann.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
#then winter
hqrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_hqs_win.tif")
oqrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_oqs_win.tif")
qrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_qs_win.tif")
writeRaster(hqrast/qrast*1000, "h_win.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oqrast/qrast*1000, "o_win.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
#then summer
hqrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_hqs_sum.tif")
oqrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_oqs_sum.tif")
qrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_qs_sum.tif")
writeRaster(hqrast/qrast*1000, "h_sum.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(oqrast/qrast*1000, "o_sum.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
#now unweight evap line slopes
elrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_elslp.tif")
esrast = raster("fa_outs/fa_elssp.tif")
erast = raster("fa_outs/fa_evap.tif")
writeRaster(elrast/erast, "el.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRaster(esrast/erast, "es.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
#cleanup after raster
tfd = dirname(rasterTmpFile())
do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(tfd, full.names = TRUE)))
#Extract all this information to sampling sites!
#read files
h_ann = raster("h_ann.tif")
o_ann = raster("o_ann.tif")
q_ann = raster("fa_outs/fa_qs_ann.tif")
h_win = raster("h_win.tif")
o_win = raster("o_win.tif")
q_win = raster("fa_outs/fa_qs_win.tif")
h_sum = raster("h_sum.tif")
o_sum = raster("o_sum.tif")
q_sum = raster("fa_outs/fa_qs_sum.tif")
elloc = raster("elsl.tif") #local lake EL for lakes data
el = raster("el.tif") #catchment ELs for rivers
es = raster("es.tif")
#stack and extract for lakes
rs = stack(h_ann, o_ann, q_ann, h_win, o_win, q_win, h_sum, o_sum, q_sum, elloc, el, es)
sites_proj = readOGR("tau_epa.shp")
rasvals = extract(rs, sites_proj)
#bundle and write
output = data.frame(sites_proj@data, rasvals)
write.csv(output, "lakes_w_extract.csv")
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