
Defines functions applyadj

Documented in applyadj

#' Apply adjustments to trade data
#' @param rep Reporter.
#' @param yr Year.
#' @param adjustments Adjustments table.
#' @param tradedata Trade data.
#' @param dbg Debug option (TRUE or FALSE).
#' @import dplyr
#' @export

applyadj <- function(rep, yr, adjustments, tradedata, dbg = FALSE) {

  adjustments <- adjustments %>%
    filter_(~reporter == rep & (year == yr | is.na(year)))

  adjustments <- adjustments %>%
    filter_(~value != "quantity_other" | is.na(value))

  tradedata <- tradedata %>%
    filter_(~reporter == rep & year == yr)

  if(length(unique(tradedata$year)) > 1)
    stop("More than one year in trade data")

  if(length(unique(tradedata$reporter)) > 1)
    stop("More than one reporter in trade data")

  adjustments <- getlistofadjs(rep, yr, adjustments)

  if(dbg) {
    # if(exists(matching_adjustments)) stop("Variable matching_adjustments already exists")
    matching_adjustments <<- matrix(data = logical(0),
                                    nrow = nrow(tradedata),
                                    ncol = length(adjustments))

  for(i in seq_along((adjustments))) {

    t <- try(tradedata %>%
               # Create logical vector where to apply current adjustment
               mutate_(.dots = adjustments[[i]]$conditions) %>%
               # If condition is NA than not to apply rule
               mutate_(.dots = setNames(list(~ifelse(is.na(applyrule), FALSE, applyrule)), "applyrule")) %>%
               mutate_(.dots = adjustments[[i]]$action)

    if(inherits(t, "try-error")) message(i) else tradedata <- t

    if(dbg) matching_adjustments[,i] <<- tradedata$applyrule

  # The instructions below will add a column to `tradedata` with all the adjustments applied
  # to a single record separated by ' @ ' (each adjustments is collapsed by '|')
  # Example (two adjustments):
  # 2011|2|21021010|1232|29|value|NA|NA|0.05443361|150 @ 2011|2|21021010|1232|NA|value|NA|NA|0.05443361|150
  # WARNING: This is used (and always should be used) only in debug mode as it slows the module.
  if (dbg & length(adjustments) > 0) {
    adj <- attributes(adjustments)$split_labels
    tradedata$adjustments <- apply(matching_adjustments, 1, function(x) paste(apply(adj[x,], 1, paste, collapse='|'), collapse=' @ '))


SWS-Methodology/faoswsTrade documentation built on Feb. 13, 2023, 1:04 a.m.