
Defines functions rprt_rawtradedata

Documented in rprt_rawtradedata

#' Report table on raw trade data
#' @param tradedata Trade data.
#' @param tradedataname Trade data name.
#'@import dplyr
#'@import scales

rprt_rawtradedata <- function(tradedata = NULL, tradedataname = NULL) {


  # Add area name
  if (tradedataname %in% c("esdata", "tldata")) {
    area_codes_class <- if_else(tradedataname == "esdata", "geonom", "m49")
    tradedata <- add_area_names(tradedata, area_codes_class, "reporter")
  } else warning("No suitable area code list for given trade data name.")

  # Non numeric partners
  rawdata_nonmrc_prtnrs_full <- tradedata %>%
    filter_(~partner_non_numeric) %>%

  rprt_writetable(rawdata_nonmrc_prtnrs_full, prefix = tradedataname,
                  subdir = "preproc")

  # Non numeric hs codes
  rawdata_nonmrc_hs_full <- tradedata %>%
    filter_(~hs_non_numeric) %>%

  rprt_writetable(rawdata_nonmrc_hs_full, prefix = tradedataname,
                  subdir = "preproc")

  # Report non numeric partner, hs codes summary, missing
  # value and quantity
  rawdata_nonmrc <- tradedata %>%
    mutate_(hslength = ~stringr::str_length(hs)) %>%
    group_by_(~reporter, ~name, ~flow) %>%
      records_count = ~n(),
      partners      = ~length(unique(partner)),
      nonmrc_prt    = ~sum(partner_non_numeric),
      nonmrc_hs     = ~sum(hs_non_numeric),
      novalue       = ~sum(novalue),
      noqty         = ~sum(noqty),
      hslength      = ~max(hslength)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate_at(vars(nonmrc_prt, nonmrc_hs, novalue, noqty),
              funs(prop = . / records_count))

  rprt_writetable(rawdata_nonmrc, prefix = tradedataname, subdir = "preproc")

  # Report length of hs code
  rawdata_hslength <- tradedata %>%
    select_(~reporter, ~name, ~flow, ~hs) %>%
    mutate_(hslength = ~stringr::str_length(hs)) %>%
    group_by_(~reporter, ~name, ~flow, ~hslength) %>%
    summarize_(count = ~n()) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    tidyr::spread_("hslength", "count", fill = 0L)

  rprt_writetable(rawdata_hslength, prefix = tradedataname, subdir = "preproc")
SWS-Methodology/faoswsTrade documentation built on June 1, 2024, 7:35 p.m.