
##' Name SWS dataset
##' Adds human-readable names to keys automatically.
##' @param domain character. Domain of dataset
##' @param dataset character. Name of dataset
##' @param dt data.table or data.frame. The table to which you wish to add 
##'   names. Its column names must correspond to the dimensions of the dataset 
##'   specified. Use \code{\link{GetDatasetConfig}} to find the dimension names 
##'   of a dataset
##' @param except character. Vector of names in the table that you do not wish 
##'   named. For example, "timePointYears"
##' @param append character. Suffix to add to column name of names. If "" and
##'   \code{returnCodes} is FALSE, then adds no suffix to the final names
##' @param returnCodes logical. If TRUE, descriptions are returned as columns 
##'   after the codes. If FALSE, the codes are omitted from the output
##' @examples
##'  \dontrun{
##'  dat = structure(list(geographicAreaM49 = c("276", "36", "380", "4",
##' "716"), Value = c(0, 0.0555555555555556, 0, 0, 0.2)), row.names = c(NA,
##'  -5L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), .Names = c("geographicAreaM49",
##'  "Value"), sorted = "geographicAreaM49")
##'  nameData("agriculture", "aproduction", dat, except = "timePointYears")
##'  }
##' @export

nameData <- function(domain, dataset, dt, except, append = "_description", returnCodes = TRUE){
    dt <- copy(dt)
            dt <- as.data.table(dt)
        } else {
            stop("Data supplied must be a data.frame or a data.table")
    stopifnot(is.character(domain), is.character(dataset))
    stopifnot(is.character(append), !is.na(append))
    blankAppend <- FALSE
    if(append == ""){
        # Append can't be "" as it's used to distinguish codes from descriptions
        # during the merge, so we're temporarily setting it to _ here and
        # setting a flag that it was blank
            stop("If codes are returned as well as descriptions, 'append' cannot be blank")
        append <- "_"
        blankAppend <- TRUE
    conf <- GetDatasetConfig(domain, dataset)
    ##Which keys are actually dimensions
    keys <- intersect(names(dt), conf[["dimensions"]])
    ##Except this key
    if(missing(except)) except <- character()
    keys <- setdiff(keys, except)

    # If there are no shared keys, just return the data
    if(length(keys) < 1){
    # Convert all keys to character
    dt[,(keys) := lapply(dt[,mget(keys)], as.character)]
    codes2merge <- lapply(keys, GetCodeDescription, domain = domain, 
                          dataset = dataset, data = dt, append = append)
    newdata <- copy(dt)
    for(i in seq_along(codes2merge)){
        newdata_names <- names(newdata)
        shared_name <- intersect(newdata_names, names(codes2merge[[i]]))
        stopifnot(length(shared_name) == 1)
        newdata <- merge(newdata, codes2merge[[i]], by = shared_name, all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
                    append(newdata_names, paste0(shared_name,
                           after = which(newdata_names == shared_name)
            newdata[, (shared_name) := NULL]
            # if append == "", then that means to return names without append
                setnames(newdata, paste0(shared_name, append), shared_name)
    # Brackets to force printing

GetCodeDescription <- function(domain, dataset, key, data, append = "_description"){
    codeTable <- GetCodeList(domain, dataset, key)[,.(code, description)]
    setkeyv(codeTable, "code")
    codeTable <- codeTable[unique(data[, get(key)]),]
    setnames(codeTable, c("code", "description"), c(key, paste0(key, append)))
SWS-Methodology/faoswsUtil documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:53 a.m.