
Defines functions check_values check_value can_coerce check_type valid_annotation_values.synapseclient.table.CsvFileTable valid_annotation_values.data.frame valid_annotation_values.synapseclient.entity.File valid_annotation_values.NULL valid_annotation_values check_annotation_values.synapseclient.table.CsvFileTable check_annotation_values.data.frame check_annotation_values.synapseclient.entity.File check_annotation_values.NULL check_annotation_values

Documented in can_coerce check_annotation_values check_annotation_values.data.frame check_annotation_values.NULL check_annotation_values.synapseclient.entity.File check_annotation_values.synapseclient.table.CsvFileTable check_values valid_annotation_values valid_annotation_values.data.frame valid_annotation_values.NULL valid_annotation_values.synapseclient.entity.File valid_annotation_values.synapseclient.table.CsvFileTable

#' Check annotation values
#' Checks that all annotation values are valid. It does not report on values for
#' invalid _keys_; see [check_annotation_keys()].
#' If the allowable annotation values are an enumerated list,
#' `check_annotation_values()` compares the values in the data to the values in
#' this list. If there is no enumerated list of values and the annotation
#' definition merely specifies a required type, then the values are checked
#' against that type, with values that are coercible to the correct type treated
#' as valid (see [can_coerce()]).
#' @inheritParams check_annotation_keys
#' @param ... Additional options to [`check_values()`]
#' @param syn Synapse client object
#' @return A condition object indicating whether all annotation values are
#'   valid. Invalid annotation values are included as data within the object.
#' @export
#' @seealso [valid_annotation_values()], [can_coerce()]
#' @examples
#' annots <- data.frame(
#'   key = c("assay", "fileFormat", "fileFormat", "fileFormat", "species"),
#'   value = c("rnaSeq", "fastq", "txt", "csv", "Human"),
#'   columnType = c("STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING")
#' )
#' dat1 <- data.frame(assay = "not a valid assay")
#' dat2 <- data.frame(assay = "rnaSeq")
#' check_annotation_values(dat1, annots)
#' check_annotation_values(dat2, annots)
#' \dontrun{
#' syn <- synapse$Synapse()
#' syn$login()
#' annots <- get_synapse_annotations(syn = syn)
#' my_file <- syn$get("syn11931757", downloadFile = FALSE)
#' check_annotation_values(my_file, annots)
#' dat <- data.frame(
#'   non_annotation = 5:7,
#'   assay = c("rnaSeq", "foo", "bar"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' check_annotation_values(dat, annots)
#' fv <- synTableQuery("SELECT * FROM syn17020234")
#' check_annotation_values(fv, annots)
#' # If you don't specify an annotations data frame, these functions will
#' # download annotations automatically using `get_synapse_annotations()` (must
#' # be logged in to Synapse)
#' my_file <- syn$get("syn11931757", downloadFile = FALSE)
#' check_annotation_values(my_file, syn = syn)
#' # It is possible to allowlist certain certain values, or all values for
#' # certain keys:
#' check_annotation_values(dat, allowlist_keys = "assay", syn = syn)
#' check_annotation_values(
#'   dat,
#'   allowlist_values = list(assay = c("foo")),
#'   syn = syn
#' )
#' }
check_annotation_values <- function(x, annotations, ...) {
  UseMethod("check_annotation_values", x)

#' @export
#' @describeIn check_annotation_values Return NULL
check_annotation_values.NULL <- function(x, annotations, ...) {

#' @export
#' @describeIn check_annotation_values Check annotation values on a Synapse file
check_annotation_values.synapseclient.entity.File <- function(x, annotations, syn, ...) { # nolint
  annots <- dict_to_list(syn$getAnnotations(x))
    return_valid = FALSE,
    syn = syn

#' @export
#' @describeIn check_annotation_values Check annotation values in a data frame
check_annotation_values.data.frame <- function(x, annotations, ...) {
    return_valid = FALSE

# nolint start
#' @export
#' @describeIn check_annotation_values Check annotation values in a Synapse table
# nolint end
check_annotation_values.synapseclient.table.CsvFileTable <- function(x, annotations, ...) { # nolint
  dat <- utils::read.csv(x$filepath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = "")
  fv_synapse_cols <- c(
  dat_annots <- dat[!names(dat) %in% fv_synapse_cols]
    return_valid = FALSE

#' Valid annotation values
#' Checks for and returns the valid annotation valaues in a data frame, Synapse
#' file, or Synapse file view.
#' @inheritParams check_annotation_values
#' @param syn Synapse client object
#' @return A named list of valid annotation values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' annots <- data.frame(
#'   key = c("assay", "fileFormat", "fileFormat", "fileFormat", "species"),
#'   value = c("rnaSeq", "fastq", "txt", "csv", "Human"),
#'   columnType = c("STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING")
#' )
#' dat1 <- data.frame(assay = "not a valid assay")
#' dat2 <- data.frame(assay = "rnaSeq")
#' valid_annotation_values(dat1, annots)
#' valid_annotation_values(dat2, annots)
valid_annotation_values <- function(x, annotations, ...) {
  UseMethod("valid_annotation_values", x)

#' @export
#' @describeIn valid_annotation_values Return NULL
valid_annotation_values.NULL <- function(x, annotations, ...) {

#' @export
#' @describeIn valid_annotation_values Valid annotation values on a Synapse file
valid_annotation_values.synapseclient.entity.File <- function(x, annotations, syn, ...) { # nolint
  annots <- dict_to_list(syn$getAnnotations(x))
    return_valid = TRUE

#' @export
#' @describeIn valid_annotation_values Valid annotation values in a data frame
valid_annotation_values.data.frame <- function(x, annotations, ...) {
    return_valid = TRUE

# nolint start
#' @export
#' @describeIn valid_annotation_values Valid annotation values in a Synapse table
# nolint end
valid_annotation_values.synapseclient.table.CsvFileTable <- function(x, annotations, ...) { # nolint
  dat <- utils::read.csv(x$filepath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  fv_synapse_cols <- c(
  dat_annots <- dat[!names(dat) %in% fv_synapse_cols]
    return_valid = TRUE

#' Check that class of value matches annotation columnType
#' Given a vector of values, checks that they match the columnType as defined in
#' the annotations dictionary. This check is somewhat permissive in that values
#' that are coercible to the type are also treated as valid (see can_coerce()).
#' @inheritParams check_values
#' @return A vector of invalid values (if `return_valid = FALSE`; otherwise a
#'   vector of valid values).
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' annotations <- data.frame(
#'   key = "x",
#'   columnType = "STRING",
#'   value = NA,
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' a <- c("a", "b")
#' b <- c(1, 2)
#' check_type(a, "x", annotations)
#' check_type(b, "x", annotations)
check_type <- function(values, key, annotations, allowlist_values = NULL,
                       return_valid = FALSE) {
  coltype <- annotations[annotations$key == key, "columnType"]
  if (inherits(coltype, "tbl_df")) {
    ## need to be sure to get a vector if annotations is a tibble
    coltype <- unlist(coltype)
  coltype <- unique(as.character(coltype))
  # coltype should be unique, if not then switch() will fail, so let's stop with
  # an informative error
  if (length(coltype) != 1) {
      glue::glue("Cannot validate values for key '{key}' because multiple valid types were found. Please contact an administrator to fix the data dictionary."), # nolint
      call. = FALSE

  correct_class <- switch(coltype,
    "STRING" = "character",
    "string" = "character",
    "BOOLEAN" = "logical",
    "boolean" = "logical",
    "INTEGER" = "integer",
    "integer" = "integer",
    "DOUBLE" = "numeric",
    "number" = "numeric"
  ## Convert factors to strings
  values <- if (is.factor(values)) as.character(values) else values

  ## Get allowlisted values for key, if any
  allowlist <- unique(allowlist_values[[key]])

  ## Check if all values are coercible to the correct type. If so, then we can
  ## treat it as valid. One example use case is the readLength annotation, which
  ## is defined as a string but should except numeric values as well.
  coercible <- can_coerce(values, correct_class)

  ## Check if class matches
  matches <- (class(values) == correct_class) | coercible
  if (return_valid & matches | !return_valid & !matches) {
    ## Return valid or invalid values, minus allowlisted values
    return(setdiff(unique(stats::na.omit(values)), allowlist))
  } else {

#' Check coercibility
#' Checks if values are coercible to a given class. Because of inconsistencies
#' in R's built-in coercion functions (e.g. `as.numeric()` warns when it
#' introduces NAs but `as.logical()` doesn't; `as.integer()` will silently
#' remove decimal places from numeric inputs) we check only for the specific
#' coercions we want to allow, primarily allowing numeric, integer, or logical
#' values to be considered valid even when the required type is character.
#' This function is mainly in place so that we can automatically allow numeric
#' read lengths, pH values, etc., which are defined as strings in our annotation
#' vocabulary but can reasonably be numbers.
#' Additionally, this function will return `TRUE` if the values are integers and
#' the desired class is numeric, and will return `TRUE` if the values are
#' numeric but are whole numbers. `2.0` is considered coercible to integer, but
#' `2.1` is not.
#' It will also allow the following capitalizations of boolean values: true,
#' True, TRUE, false, False, FALSE. These are all treated as valid booleans by
#' Synapse.
#' This function will *not* affect validation of enumerated values, regardless
#' of their class. It is only used when validating annotations that have a
#' required type but no enumerated values.
#' @param values Vector of values to check
#' @param class Class of interest
#' @return Boolean value; TRUE if `values` are coercible to `class`, `FALSE`
#'   otherwise.
#' @seealso [check_annotation_values()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Not run because function is not exported
#' \dontrun{
#' # Coercible:
#' can_coerce(1, "character")
#' can_coerce(TRUE, "character")
#' can_coerce(1L, "character")
#' can_coerce(1L, "numeric")
#' can_coerce(1.0, "integer")
#' # Not coercible:
#' can_coerce("foo", "numeric")
#' can_coerce("foo", "logical")
#' can_coerce(2.5, "integer")
#' }
can_coerce <- function(values, class) {
  ## If the values are already the correct class, then obviously the answer
  ## should be yes
  if (inherits(values, class)) {

  if (class == "character") {
    return(TRUE) # Anything is coercible to character
  } else if (class == "numeric" && inherits(values, "integer")) {
    ## Integers are coercible to numeric
  } else if (class == "integer" && inherits(values, "numeric") &&
    isTRUE(all.equal(values, as.integer(values)))) {
    ## Whole numbers are coercible to integers
  } else if (class == "logical") {
    if (all(values %in% c("true", "True", "TRUE", "false", "False", "FALSE"))) {
      ## All capitalizations of logicals are valid
    } else {
  } else {

#' Check values for one key
#' @noRd
#' @inheritParams get_synapse_annotations
#' @param values The values of an annotation
#' @param key An annotation key
#' @inheritParams check_values
#' @return A character vector of valid or invalid values
check_value <- function(values, key, annotations, allowlist_keys = NULL,
                        allowlist_values = NULL, return_valid = FALSE,
                        syn) {
  values <- unlist(values)

  ## Get allowlisted values for key, if any
  allowlist <- unique(allowlist_values[[key]])

  if (missing(annotations)) {
    annotations <- get_synapse_annotations(syn = syn)
  if (!key %in% annotations$key) {
  annot_values <- annotations[annotations$key == key, ]$value
  ## If key is being allowlisted, treat all values as valid
  if (key %in% allowlist_keys) {
    if (isTRUE(return_valid)) {
    } else {
  ## Some annotation keys don't have enumerated acceptable values (e.g.
  ## specimenID). In that case just check the type.
  if (all(is.na(annot_values))) {
    return(check_type(values, key, annotations, allowlist_values, return_valid))
  ## Multiple annotations come through as either comma separated list or
  ## json-style strings (e.g. "[\"foo\",\"bar\"]"). Separate out the values.
  if (any(grepl(",", values))) {
    values <- gsub("\\[|\\]|\"", "", values)
    values <- unlist(strsplit(values, split = ","))
    values <- stringr::str_trim(values, side = "both")
  ## Check values against enumerated values in annotation definitions.
  if (isTRUE(return_valid)) {
    unique(values[values %in% c(annot_values, allowlist) & !is.na(values)])
  } else {
    unique(values[!values %in% c(annot_values, allowlist) & !is.na(values)])

#' Check a set of keys and their values
#' @inheritParams get_synapse_annotations
#' @param x A data frame of annotation data
#' @param annotations A data frame of annotations to check against
#' @param allowlist_keys A character vector of annotation keys to allowlist. If
#'   provided, all values for the given keys will be treated as valid.
#' @param allowlist_values A named list of keys (as the names) and values (as
#'   vectors) to allowlist
#' @param success_msg Message indicating the check succeeded.
#' @param fail_msg Message indicating the check failed.
#' @param return_valid Should the function return valid values? Defaults to
#'   `FALSE` (i.e. the function will return invalid values).
#' @param annots_link Link to a definition of the annotations being used in the
#'   project
#' @return If `return_valid = FALSE`: a condition object indicating whether all
#'   annotation values are valid. Invalid annotation values are included as data
#'   within the object: a named list where each element corresponds to a key
#'   that contains invalid values, and the contents of each element is a vector
#'   of invalid values. If `return_valid = TRUE`: a named list of the valid
#'   annotation keys and values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' annots <- data.frame(
#'   key = c("fileFormat", "fileFormat"),
#'   value = c("txt", "csv"),
#'   columnType = c("STRING", "STRING"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' dat <- data.frame(
#'   fileFormat = c("wrong", "txt", "csv", "wrong again"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' check_values(dat, annots)
#' ## Comma-separated and json-style strings for keys with enumerated values
#' ## are separated and checked individually
#' dat <- data.frame(
#'   fileFormat = c("wrong, txt, csv", "[\"wrong again\",\"csv\"]"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' check_values(dat, annots)
check_values <- function(x, annotations, allowlist_keys = NULL,
                         allowlist_values = NULL,
                         success_msg = "All annotation values are valid",
                         fail_msg = "Some annotation values are invalid",
                         return_valid = FALSE,
                         annots_link = "https://shinypro.synapse.org/users/nsanati/annotationUI/", # nolint
                         syn) {
  if (length(names(x)) == 0) {
    stop("No annotations present to check", call. = FALSE)
  if (missing(annotations)) {
    annotations <- get_synapse_annotations(syn = syn)
  if (!all(c("key", "value", "columnType") %in% names(annotations))) {
      "Annotations must have the following columns: 'key', 'value', and 'columnType'", # nolint
      call. = FALSE
  values <- purrr::imap(
    allowlist_keys = allowlist_keys,
    allowlist_values = allowlist_values,
    return_valid = return_valid
  values <- purrr::compact(values)
  if (isTRUE(return_valid)) {
  behavior <- glue::glue("All annotation values should conform to the vocabulary. Refer to the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{annots_link}\">annotation dictionary</a> for accepted values.") # nolint
  if (length(values) == 0) {
      msg = success_msg,
      behavior = behavior
  } else {
      msg = fail_msg,
      behavior = behavior,
      data = values
Sage-Bionetworks/dccvalidator documentation built on May 7, 2022, 10:32 a.m.