## This class is modeled after http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/net/URL.html
## but with a few additional fields
## Author: Matthew D. Furia <matt.furia@sagebase.org>

  Class = ".ParsedUrl",
  representation = representation(
    url = "character",
    protocol = "character",
    authority = "character",
    host = "character",
    port = "character",
    queryString = "character",
    path = "character",
    file = "character",
    pathPrefix = "character"
  prototype = prototype(url = NULL)

.ParsedUrl <- function(url){
  if(is.null(url)) stop("url cannot be null")
  ## swap backslashes for forward slashes
  url <- gsub("[\\]", "/", url)
  ## protocol
  if(length(grep("://", url)) == 0){
    protocol <- ""
    protocol <- gsub("://.+$","",url)
  ## authority which is host[:port]
  if(protocol == ""){
    tmp <- gsub("^/+", "", url)
    tmp <- gsub("^.+://", "", url)
  ## check for forward slashes before setting authority
    authority <- gsub("/.+$", "", tmp)
    authority <- ""
  if(grepl(":", authority)) {
    port <- gsub("^[^:]+:", "", authority)
    host <- gsub(":\\d+$", "", authority)
  else {
    port <- ""
    host <- authority
  ## query string
  queryString <- ""
  if(length(grep("\\?", url)) != 0){
    queryString <- gsub("^.+\\?", "", url)
  ## full path
  tmp <- gsub(paste("^", protocol, "://", authority, sep=""), "", url)
  path <- gsub(paste("\\?", queryString, "$", sep=""), "", tmp)
  ## file
  splits <- strsplit(path, "/")
  file <- splits[[1]][length(splits[[1]])]
  ## pathPrefix
  if(grepl("/", path)){
    pathPrefix <- gsub(paste("/", file, "$", sep=""), "", path)
    pathPrefix <- ""
    Class = ".ParsedUrl",
    url = url,
    protocol = protocol,
    authority = authority,
    host = host,
    port = port,
    queryString = queryString,
    path = path,
    file = file,
    pathPrefix = pathPrefix

  f = "show",
  signature = ".ParsedUrl",
  definition = function(object){
    for(sn in slotNames(object))
      cat(sn, "=", slot(object, sn), "\n", sep="")
Sage-Bionetworks/rSynapseClientRewrite documentation built on May 9, 2019, 7:06 p.m.