
#' Calculates parameters for forecast time determination along the runtime axes in GS5
#' This is a subroutine of \code{\link{loadSeasonalForecast.GS5}}
#' @param gcs a java \sQuote{GridCoordinateSystem}
#' @param runTimePars A list of elements as returned by \code{\link{getRunTimeDomain}}
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \begin{itemize}
#' \item{forecastDates}{A list with POSIXlt dates defining the start and end of the 
#' representative verification time. If start and end are identical, the variable is instantaneous
#' and therefore the representative time interval is 0}
#' \item{foreTimeRangesList}{A list of length \emph{i} containing the java ranges defining the
#' forecast times selected along the \emph{i-th} run time axis.}
#' \item{deaccumFromFirst}{NULL if no deaccumulation is performed. TRUE or FALSE if deaccumulation is performed from
#' the first time of the runtime axis or not respectively. If FALSE, an additional runtime is added at the beginning
#' of each element of the runTimeList to avoid losing the first day when performing deaccumulation.}
#' \item{dailyAggr}{Logical. Are the forecast time values going to be used for data aggregation?. This argument is passed
#' to \code{makeSubset.GS5} to undertake the pertinent aggregation if TRUE.}
#' \end{itemize}
#' @author J. Bedia 
getForecastTimeDomain.GS5 <- function (grid, dic, runTimePars, time, aggr.d, aggr.m) {
      gcs <- grid$getCoordinateSystem()
      foreTimesList <- rep(list(bquote()), length(runTimePars$runTimeRanges)) 
      foreDatesList <- foreTimesList
      timeResInSeconds <- gcs$getTimeAxisForRun(0L)$getTimeResolution()$getValueInSeconds()
      if ((aggr.d == "none") & (time == "DD") & ((timeResInSeconds / 3600) < 24)) {
            stop("Data is sub-daily:\nA daily aggregation function must be indicated to perform daily aggregation")
      # Si es MM hay que asegurarse de que se calcula sobre dato diario
      if ((aggr.m != "none") & ((timeResInSeconds / 3600) < 24) & (time == "none")) {
            stop("Data is sub-daily:\nA daily aggregation function must be indicated first to perform monthly aggregation")
      if ((timeResInSeconds / 3600) == 24) {
            time <- "DD"
            if (aggr.d != "none") {
                  aggr.d <- "none"
                  message("NOTE: The original data is daily: argument 'aggr.d' ignored")
      if (aggr.d != "none") message("NOTE: Daily aggregation will be computed from ", timeResInSeconds / 3600, "-hourly data")
      if (aggr.m != "none") message("NOTE: Daily data will be monthly aggregated")
      for (x in 1:length(runTimePars$runTimeRanges)) {
            aux.foreTimesList <- rep(list(bquote()), length(runTimePars$runTimeRanges[[x]]))
            aux.foreDatesList <- aux.foreTimesList
            for (i in 1:length(runTimePars$runTimeRanges[[x]])) {
                  auxDates <- javaCalendarDate2rPOSIXlt(gcs$getTimeAxisForRun(runTimePars$runTimeRanges[[x]][[i]]$element(0L))$getCalendarDates())
                  aux.foreTimesList[[i]] <- which((auxDates$mon + 1) %in% runTimePars$season)
                  aux.foreDatesList[[i]] <- auxDates[aux.foreTimesList[[i]]]
                  auxDates <- NULL
            foreTimesList[[x]] <- aux.foreTimesList
            foreDatesList[[x]] <- aux.foreDatesList
      # Subroutine to adjust forecast dates among all members for equal length (applies only for leadMonth=0 queries)
      aux <- rep(NA, length(foreTimesList))
      for (i in 1:length(foreTimesList)) {
            aux[i] <- length(foreTimesList[[i]][[1]])
      if (length(unique(aux)) > 1) {
            message("NOTE: some forecast times at the beginning of the initialization may be lost so all members have equal length")
            aux.dates <- rep(list(bquote()), length(foreTimesList))
            for (i in 1:length(foreTimesList)) {
                  aux.dates[[i]] <- head(foreDatesList[[i]][[1]], 1)
            init <- do.call("max", aux.dates)
            for (i in 1:length(foreTimesList)) {
                  if (head(foreDatesList[[i]][[1]], 1) < init) {
                        for (j in 1:length(foreTimesList[[i]])) {
                              retain <- which(foreDatesList[[i]][[1]] >= init)
                              foreTimesList[[i]][[j]] <- foreTimesList[[i]][[j]][retain] 
                              foreDatesList[[i]][[j]] <- foreDatesList[[i]][[j]][retain] 
      aux <- aux.dates <- NULL
      # Sub-routine for setting stride and shift along time dimension    
      if (time == "DD" | time == "none") {
            foreTimeStride <- 1L
            foreTimeShift <- 0L
      } else {
            time <- as.integer(time)
            timeInd <- which(foreDatesList[[1]][[1]]$hour == time)
            if (length(timeInd) == 0) {
                  stop("Non-existing verification time selected.\nCheck value of argument 'time'")
            for (i in 1:length(foreDatesList)) {
                  for (j in 1:length(foreDatesList[[i]])) {
                        foreDatesList[[i]][[j]] <- foreDatesList[[i]][[j]][timeInd]      
            foreTimeStride <- as.integer(diff(timeInd)[1])
            foreTimeShift <- as.integer(-(timeInd[1]-1))
            timeInd <- NULL
      # Sub-routine for adjusting times in case of deaccumulation (unused so far in GS5)
      deaccumFromFirst <- NULL
      if (!is.null(dic)) {
            if (dic$deaccum == 1) {
                  if (foreTimesList[[1]][[1]][1] > 1) {
                        deaccumFromFirst <- FALSE
                        for (i in 1:length(foreTimesList)) {
                              for (j in 1:length(foreTimesList[[i]])) {
                                    foreTimesList[[i]][[j]] <- c(foreTimesList[[i]][[j]][1] - 1, foreTimesList[[i]][[j]])
                  } else {
                        deaccumFromFirst <- TRUE
      for (i in 1:length(foreTimesList)) {
            for (j in 1:length(foreTimesList[[i]])) {
                  start <- as.integer(foreTimesList[[i]][[j]][1] - 1)
                  end <- as.integer(tail(foreTimesList[[i]][[j]], 1) - 1)
                  foreTimesList[[i]][[j]] <- .jnew("ucar/ma2/Range", start, end, foreTimeStride)$shiftOrigin(foreTimeShift)
      return(list("forecastDates" = foreDatesList[[1]], "ForeTimeRangesList" = foreTimesList, "deaccumFromFirst" = deaccumFromFirst,
                  "aggr.d" = aggr.d, "aggr.m" = aggr.m))
# End
SantanderMetGroup/ecomsUDG.Raccess documentation built on May 9, 2019, 12:41 p.m.