
Defines functions easyVeri.signif easyVeri2grid

Documented in easyVeri2grid easyVeri.signif

#     easyVeri2grid easyVerification matrix to climatological grid conversion
#     Copyright (C) 2017 Santander Meteorology Group (http://www.meteo.unican.es)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title easyVerification matrix to climatological grid conversion
#' @description Convert a xyz-type verification matrix as returned by \code{veriApply} to a climatological grid
#' @param easyVeri.mat A matrix containing the verification measure,
#'  as returned by \code{\link[easyVerification]{veriApply}}
#' @param obs.grid The grid containing the verifying reference used in the call to \code{veryApply}
#'  producing the score matrix.
#' @param verifun Optional. Character string indicating the value of the \code{verifun} argument. Just for 
#' a better traceability and metadata completeness. 
#' @return A climatological grid.
#' @seealso \code{\link{climatology}}, \code{\link[visualizeR]{spatialPlot}}.
#' @family easyVerification.bridges
#' @export
#' @author J. Bedia

easyVeri2grid <- function(easyVeri.mat, obs.grid, verifun = NULL) {
      x <- obs.grid$xyCoords$x     
      y <- obs.grid$xyCoords$y     
      if (length(x) != ncol(easyVeri.mat) | length(y) != nrow(easyVeri.mat)) {
            stop("XY coordinates and matrix dimensions do not match")      
      obs.grid$Data <- easyVeri.mat
      attr(obs.grid$Data, "dimensions") <- c("lat", "lon")
      obs.grid <- redim(obs.grid, member = FALSE)
      # Fake climatology:fun attribute
      clim.att <- ifelse(is.null(verifun), "easyVeri", verifun)
      attr(obs.grid[["Data"]], "climatology:fun") <- clim.att

#' @title Identify points significantly different from a given ref value
#' @description Two-tailed hypothesis testing for \pkg{easyVerification} sigma outputs
#' @param ref.mean Numeric of length one. Null hypothesis reference mean (e.g. 0.5 for AUC tests, 0 for skill scores)
#' @param est.mean easyVerification output matrix with scores/measures. This is the \code{cat[num]} element of the \code{veriApply} output
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of the estimated mean. This is the \code{cat[num].sigma} element of the \code{veriApply} output.
#' @param cl Confidence level. Default to 0.95
#' @return A easyVerification-like binary matrix (1 significant / 0 non-significant).
#'  Ready to be passed to \code{\link{easyVeri2grid}} for climatological grid conversion, 
#'  and possibly to \code{\link[visualizeR]{map.stippling}} after that, to depict significant points in a verification map.
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @family easyVerification.bridges 
#' @author J Bedia
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{easyVeri2grid}}, for conversion of verification matrices into climatological grids.
#'  Also, \code{\link[visualizeR]{map.stippling}}, to draw significant points on verification maps.

easyVeri.signif <- function(ref.mean, est.mean, sigma, cl = 0.95) {
    adj <- est.mean - ref.mean
    p <- (1 - 0.95) / 2
    sig <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(adj), ncol = ncol(adj))
    sig[adj > (qnorm(cl + p) * sigma) & !is.na(adj)] <- 1
    sig[adj < (qnorm(p) * sigma) & !is.na(adj)] <- 1
SantanderMetGroup/transformeR documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 6:42 a.m.