
Defines functions temp_search_gran

temp_search_gran <- function(.data, ugran = "year", lgran = NULL, filter_in = NULL, filter_out = NULL, ...) {
  granularity <- lookup_table$units
  constant <- lookup_table$convert_fct

  if (!tsibble::is_tsibble(.data)) {
    stop("must use tsibble")

  if (is.null(ugran)) {
    stop("Argument ugran is missing, with no default")

  if (tsibble::is_regular(.data)) {
    interval_ts <- tsibble::interval(.data) %>% unlist()
    data_interval <- interval_ts[interval_ts != 0]
    if (is.null(lgran)) {
      lgran_iden <- names(data_interval)
      lgran_multiple <- data_interval[[1]]
      if (lgran_multiple == 1) {
        lgran <- lgran_iden
      } else if (lgran_multiple > 1) {
        index_lgran <- granularity %>% match(x = lgran_iden)

        if (constant[index_lgran] < lgran_multiple) {
          constant[index_lgran] <- constant[index_lgran] * constant[index_lgran + 1]
          last_index <- index_lgran + 1
        lgran <- granularity[last_index + 1]
  } else if (!tsibble::is_regular(.data)) {
    if (is.null(lgran)) {
      stop("lgran must be provided when the tsibble is irregularly spaced")

  if (g_order(lgran, ugran) == 0) {
    stop("lgran and ugran should be distinct")

  if (g_order(lgran, ugran) == 1) {
      "Only one granularity ",
      " can be formed. Function requires checking compatibility for bivariate granularities"

  ind <- .data[[rlang::as_string(tsibble::index(.data))]]
  index_gran1 <- granularity %>% match(x = lgran)
  index_gran2 <- granularity %>% match(x = ugran)
  gran2_set <- lookup_table$units[index_gran1:index_gran2]

  gran <- paste(gran1 = utils::combn(gran2_set, 2)[1, ], gran2 = utils::combn(gran2_set, 2)[2, ], sep = "_")

  gran_split <- stringr::str_split(gran, "_", 2) %>%
    unlist() %>%

  if (!is.null(filter_in)) {
    data_names <- names(.data)
    exhaust_set <- c(data_names, granularity, "wknd_wday")
    if (!all(filter_in %in% exhaust_set)) {
      stop("temporal units to be filtered in not found: make sure vector contains units which are between lgran and ugran or appear in the data")
    # if all filter_in are column variables
    if (all(filter_in %in% c("wknd_wday", data_names) == TRUE)) {
      gran_sub <- paste(gran1 = utils::combn(gran_split, 2)[1, ], gran2 = utils::combn(gran_split, 2)[2, ], sep = "_")

      gran <- c(gran_sub, filter_in)

    # if all filter_in are not column variables
    else {
      filter_in_sub <- filter_in[match(granularity, filter_in)]
      filter_in_sub <- filter_in_sub[!is.na(filter_in_sub)]
      gran_split <- c(filter_in_sub, gran_split) %>% unique()
      gran_sub <- paste(gran1 = utils::combn(gran_split, 2)[1, ], gran2 = utils::combn(gran_split, 2)[2, ], sep = "_")

      # all are temporal units
      if (all(filter_in %in% granularity) == TRUE) {
        gran <- gran_sub
      } else {
        filter_in_sub1 <- filter_in[match(data_names, filter_in)]
        filter_in_sub2 <- filter_in_sub1[!is.na(filter_in_sub1)]
        gran <- c(gran_sub, filter_in_sub2)
  } else if (!is.null(filter_out)) {
    if (!all(filter_out %in% granularity)) {
      stop("temporal units to be filtered out not found: make sure vector contains units which are between lgran and ugran")
    filter_out <- filter_out[match(granularity, filter_out)]
    filter_out <- filter_out[!is.na(filter_out)]
    gran_split <- gran_split[-match(filter_out, gran_split)]
    gran <- paste(gran1 = utils::combn(gran_split, 2)[1, ], gran2 = utils::combn(gran_split, 2)[2, ], sep = "_")

Sayani07/gravitas documentation built on June 18, 2022, 2:40 a.m.