
#' Plot function for MultOrd
#' Plot function for a \code{MultOrd} object. Plots show coefficients of the explanatory variables, both with repect to location and response styles.
#' The coefficient pairs are displayed as stars, where the rays represent (1-alpha) confidence intervals.
#' @usage \method{plot}{MultOrd}(x, alpha = 0.05, CIfactor = 0.9, \dots)
#' @param x \code{MultOrd} object
#' @param alpha Specifies the confidence level 1-alpha of the confidence interval. 
#' @param CI.factor Argument that helps to control the appearance (the width) of the stars that represent the confidence intervals of both 
#' parameters (location and response style) corresponding to one covariate.
#' @param ... Further plot arguments.
#' @author Gunther Schauberger\cr \email{gunther.schauberger@@tum.de}\cr
#' \url{https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gunther_Schauberger2}
#' @seealso \code{\link{multord}}, \code{\link{ctrl.multord}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(tenseness)
#' ## create a small subset of the data to speed up calculations
#' set.seed(1860)
#' tenseness <- tenseness[sample(1:nrow(tenseness), 300),]
#' ## scale all metric variables to get comparable parameter estimates
#' tenseness$Age <- scale(tenseness$Age)
#' tenseness$Income <- scale(tenseness$Income)
#' ## two formulas, one without and one with explanatory variables (gender and age)
#' f.tense0 <- as.formula(paste("cbind(",paste(names(tenseness)[1:4],collapse=","),") ~ 1"))
#' f.tense1 <- as.formula(paste("cbind(",paste(names(tenseness)[1:4],collapse=","),") ~ Gender + Age"))
#' ####
#' ## Adjacent Categories Models
#' ####
#' ## Multivariate adjacent categories model, without response style, without explanatory variables
#' m.tense0 <- multord(f.tense0, data = tenseness, control = ctrl.multord(RS = FALSE))
#' m.tense0
#' ## Multivariate adjacent categories model, with response style as a random effect, without explanatory variables
#' m.tense1 <- multord(f.tense0, data = tenseness)
#' m.tense1
#' ## Multivariate adjacent categories model, with response style as a random effect, 
#' ## without explanatory variables for response style BUT for location
#' m.tense2 <- multord(f.tense1, data = tenseness, control = ctrl.multord(XforRS = FALSE))
#' m.tense2
#' ## Multivariate adjacent categories model, with response style as a random effect, with explanatory variables for location AND response style
#' m.tense3 <- multord(f.tense1, data = tenseness)
#' m.tense3
#' plot(m.tense3)
#' ####
#' ## Cumulative Models
#' ####
#' ## Multivariate cumulative model, without response style, without explanatory variables
#' m.tense0.cumul <- multord(f.tense0, data = tenseness, control = ctrl.multord(RS = FALSE), model = "cumulative")
#' m.tense0.cumul
#' ## Multivariate cumulative model, with response style as a random effect, without explanatory variables
#' m.tense1.cumul <- multord(f.tense0, data = tenseness, model = "cumulative")
#' m.tense1.cumul
#' ## Multivariate cumulative model, with response style as a random effect, 
#' ## without explanatory variables for response style BUT for location
#' m.tense2.cumul <- multord(f.tense1, data = tenseness, control = ctrl.multord(XforRS = FALSE), model = "cumulative")
#' m.tense2.cumul
#' ## Multivariate cumulative model, with response style as a random effect, with explanatory variables for location AND response style
#' m.tense3.cumul <- multord(f.tense1, data = tenseness, model = "cumulative")
#' m.tense3.cumul
#' plot(m.tense3.cumul)
plot.MultOrd <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, CIfactor = 0.9, ...){
  quant <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
    stop("Plotting is only possible if covariates are used both for 
         the location and response style effect!")
  betaX <- x$beta.X
  betaX.KI <- exp(cbind(betaX-quant*x$se.X,betaX+quant*x$se.X))
  betaX <- exp(betaX)
  betaXRS <- x$beta.XRS
  betaXRS.KI <- exp(cbind(betaXRS-quant*x$se.XRS,betaXRS+quant*x$se.XRS))
  betaXRS <- exp(betaXRS)
       xlab=expression(exp(gamma)),ylab=expression(exp(alpha)), ...)
  p.X <- length(betaX)
  label.x <- label.y <- c()

  for(i in 1:p.X){
    x <- c(betaX.KI[i,1],betaX.KI[i,1]+(betaX[i]-betaX.KI[i,1])*(CIfactor),betaX[i],betaX[i]+(betaX[i]-betaX.KI[i,1])*(1-CIfactor),
    y <- c(betaXRS[i],betaXRS.KI[i,1]+(betaXRS[i]-betaXRS.KI[i,1])*(CIfactor),betaXRS.KI[i,1],betaXRS.KI[i,1]+(betaXRS[i]-betaXRS.KI[i,1])*(CIfactor),betaXRS[i],
    label.x <- c(label.x,x[6])
    label.y <- c(label.y,y[6])
Schaubert/MultOrd documentation built on June 13, 2019, 7:09 p.m.