Defines functions BestPredFFS_LLOCV

Documented in BestPredFFS_LLOCV

#' Select best performance layers for classification with a LLOCV
#' @description uses a forward feature selection (FFS) to select the best predictors for the classification
#' @param tDat data.frame - with values of the predictors (see details)
#' @param predCol numeric - seq of columns with the predictor values. By default uses 1:(length(tDat)-1) for tDat format computed by 'IKARUS::exrct_Traindat'
#' @param classCol character - name of the column containing the class information
#' @param classLocCol character - name of the column containing the class and location information
#' @param nk - numeric - number for k in spacefolds
#' @param Cores numeric - amount of Cores to exclude from calculation, default = 1

#' @return returns a list of best performing predictors
#' @details The function is used to select best performing predictor variables for a classification. The
#'  * predCol -  specific predictors can be selected by setting predCol = x:y
#'  * tDat - the use of IKARUS::exrct_Traindat is recommended.
#'  * parallel processing - the function uses parallel processing for multicore processors. by default all cores -1 are used.
#' @note The function will compute a huge number of models. Depending on the sizes of the training data the
#'  process can take long time even with multicore processing.
#' @author Andreas Schönberg
#' @examples
#'# load data
#' require(caret)
#' require(CAST)
#' require(doParallel)
#' require(raster)
#' require(IKARUS)
#' lau_Stk <- raster::stack(system.file("extdata","lau_RGB.grd",package = "IKARUS"))
#' lau_tP <-rgdal::readOGR(system.file("extdata","lau_TrainPolygon.shp",package = "IKARUS"))
#' # handle CRS string
#' crs(lau_tP) <- crs(lau_Stk)
#' ### extract values using 'exrct_Tdat' to generate training dataset
#' tDat <- exrct_Traindat_LLOCV(lau_tP,lau_Stk,classCol="class",locname="location")
#' # check for class column and predictor columns in input training dataset
#' head(tDat)
#' # FFS with all layers in the RasterStack (this example could take some minutes)
#' ffs <- BestPredFFS_LLOCV(tDat=tDat,classCol = "class",classLocCol="class_location",nk=5)

#' # some code to look at the results
#' ffs$selectedvars # show seleted variables
#' ffs$perf_all # show performance of all combinations
#' ffs$finalModel # show confusion matrix
#' @export BestPredFFS_LLOCV
#' @aliases BestPredFFS_LLOCV

BestPredFFS_LLOCV <- function(tDat,predCol="default",classCol=NULL,classLocCol="class_location",nk=NULL,Cores=1){

  #check input
  cat("checking inputs ",sep="\n")
  ## missing arguments
    stop("missing argument predCol")
    stop("missing argument classCol")
    stop("missing argument classLocCol")
    stop("missing argument nk")
    stop("selected column name for 'classCol' could not be found in tDat")
    stop("selected column name for 'classLocCol' could not be found in tDat")
  # prepare columns
  classColumn <- which(names(tDat)==classCol)
  # prepare predictor columns
    predCol <- seq(1:(length(tDat)-3))
  cat("using predictors:  ")
  cat(paste(names(tDat[,predCol]),collapse = ", "),sep="\n")

  # prepare Cores
  cl =  makeCluster(detectCores()-Cores)
  cat(paste("using",length(cl),"of",length(cl)+Cores,"availible Cores"),sep="\n")

  #set seed
  #create Spacefolds, k= amount of unique spatial units
  indices = CAST::CreateSpacetimeFolds(tDat, spacevar = classLocCol, k = nk)
  #set seed

  #create trainControl for LLOCV
  tC <-trainControl(method = "cv", classProbs = TRUE, index = indices$index, indexOut = indices$indexOut)
  cat(" ",sep = "\n")
  cat("IKARUS starting model with LLOCV",sep = "\n")
  # start cores

  # start FFS
  starttime <- Sys.time()
  FFSmodel <- CAST::ffs(tDat[,predCol],
                        method = "rf", withinSE = FALSE, metric= "Kappa",
                        importance = TRUE, trControl = tC)

  #stop FFS
  stoptime <- Sys.time()
  diftim <-round(difftime(stoptime,starttime,units = "hours"),4)
  cat(" ",sep = "\n")
  cat(paste0("needed ",diftim," hours"))
  cat(" ",sep = "\n")
  cat(" ",sep = "\n")
  cat("selected variables",sep = "\n")
  cat(paste(FFSmodel$selectedvars,collapse = ", "))
  cat(" ",sep = "\n")
  cat(" ",sep = "\n")
  cat("IKARUS finished",sep = "\n")
} # end of main function
SchoenbergA/IKARUS documentation built on Sept. 8, 2021, 11:11 a.m.