#' Validate a Tree Prediction with TreeCrown Segments
#' @description calculates the amount of cells for a class which overlap with responding Polygons.
#' @param pred RasterLayer - Prediction to be validated
#' @param rsp PolygonLayer - Response Polygons for a class
#' @param rsp_class numeric - The class representing the response area
#' @param reclass optional - numeric value of class to merge into response class, for multiple classes to merge use reclass=c(x,y)
#' @return returns the validation score
#' * return and plot the "tree [1] and no tree [2]" layer, will be reclassified if 'reclass' is used.
#' * result table
#' + nclass - amount of cells for selected class (may differ if 'reclass' is used)
#' + nseg - total amount of cells for response area
#' + nover - amount of cells for classification outside response area
#' + nunder - amount of cells inside response area without correct class
#' + nhit - amount of cells inside response area with correct class
#' + hitrate - response area with correct class in % (sum of missrate and hitrate is 100%)
#' + missrate - response area without correct class in % (sum of missrate and hitrate is 100%)
#' + overrate - amount of cells for responding class outside responding area in % of total amount of cell of the class
#' @author Andreas Schönberg
#' @export ClassVal
#' @aliases ClassVal
ClassVal <- function(pred,rsp,rsp_class=NULL,reclass=NULL) {
cat("IKARUS starting validation",sep = "\n")
# reclassify
# reclass all classes from var "reclass" to tree class
for (i in 1:length(reclass)){
m <- c(reclass[[i]]-1,reclass[[i]],rsp_class)
mat <- matrix(m, ncol=1, byrow=TRUE)
pred_re <- reclassify(pred,mat)
} else {
m <- c(reclass[[i]]-1,reclass[[i]],rsp_class)
mat <- matrix(m, ncol=1, byrow=TRUE)
pred_re <- reclassify(pred_re,mat)
} #end reclass
pred <-pred_re
# plot(pred)
# validation per segments
# rasterize segments
rst_rsp <-raster::rasterize(rsp,pred,background=0)
#reclass segments to 20
rspMax <- cellStats(rst_rsp,max)
m2 <- c(0,rspMax,20)
mat2 <- matrix(m2, ncol=1, byrow=TRUE)
rsp2 <- reclassify(rst_rsp, mat2)
# set all class except treeclass to 0 treeclass to 1
# get vector with all classes
vec <-raster::unique(pred)
vec <-vec[-which(vec==rsp_class)]
for (i in 1:length(vec)){
m <- c(vec[i]-1,vec[i],0)
mat <- matrix(m, ncol=1, byrow=TRUE)
rsp_cl <- reclassify(pred,mat)
} else {
m <- c(vec[i]-1,vec[i],0)
mat <- matrix(m, ncol=1, byrow=TRUE)
rsp_cl <- reclassify(rsp_cl,mat)
} #end reclass
# plot(rsp_cl)
# reclass TreeClass to class 1
m <- c(rsp_class-1,rsp_class,1)
mat <- matrix(m, ncol=1, byrow=TRUE)
rsp_cl <- reclassify(rsp_cl,mat)
# simple raster calc
reslt <- rsp_cl+rsp2
# get values
n0 <-ncell(reslt[reslt==0]) # no class no response
n1 <-ncell(reslt[reslt==1]) # class out of response
n20 <-ncell(reslt[reslt==20])# response with no class
n21 <-ncell(reslt[reslt==21])# class and response hit
nrsp <- ncell(rsp2[rsp2==20]) #total cell of response area
ncla <- ncell(rsp_cl[rsp_cl==1]) #total cells of class area
# hit and miss of response area
hitrate <- round(n21/nrsp,4) # % of response area with correct classification class
missrate <- round(n20/nrsp,4) #% of response area without correct class
### Both together are 100% and refer to the response area
# outside response area
overrate <- round(n1/ncla,4) #% of cells for class outside response
# % refer to total amount of cell for the class
result <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 1, ncol =8))
result[,1]<-ncla # "nclass"
result[,2]<-nrsp # "nresponse"
result[,3]<-n1 # "nover"
result[,4]<-n20 # "nunder"
result[,5]<-n21 # "nhit"
names(result)<- c("nclass","nrsp","nover","nunder","nhit",
cat(" ",sep = "\n")
valscore <- paste(hitrate,"@",overrate)
cat(paste("valdiation score: ",valscore),sep = "\n")
cat(" ",sep = "\n")
cat("IKARUS finished validation",sep = "\n")
} #end main function
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