
Defines functions .normalizing

#### normalizing (MultiAssayExperiment) ####

#' @rdname normalizing
#' @export
setMethod("normalizing", signature(x = "MultiAssayExperiment"),
                   method.vc = "pqn",
                   report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]) {
            if (!(length(method.vc) %in% c(1, length(x)))) {
              stop("'The length of 'method.vc' should either be 1 or equal to the number of datasets")
            } else if (length(method.vc) == 1) {
              method.vc <- rep(method.vc, length(x))
            names(method.vc) <- names(x)
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
              sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
            report_set.c <- report.c
            if (report_set.c != "none")
              report_set.c <- "interactive"
            for (set.c in names(x)) {
              if (report.c != "none")
                message("normalizing the '", set.c, "' dataset...")
              x[[set.c]] <- normalizing(x = x[[set.c]],
                                        method.vc = method.vc[[set.c]],
                                        report.c = report_set.c)

            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))

#### normalizing (SummarizedExperiment) ####

#' @rdname normalizing
#' @export
setMethod("normalizing", signature(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
                   method.vc = "pqn",
                   report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]) {
            if (length(method.vc) != 1) {
              stop("'method.vc' should be of length 1 for an 'SummarizedExperiment'")
            } else
              method.c <- method.vc
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
              sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
            if (method.c == "pqn") {
              if ("sampleType" %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(x)) &&
                  "pool" %in% SummarizedExperiment::colData(x)[, "sampleType"]) {
                reference.vl <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(x)[, "sampleType"] == "pool"
                message("PQN normalization on pools")
              } else {
                reference.vl <- rep(TRUE, ncol(x))
                message("PQN normalization on all samples")
            } else
              reference.vl <- FALSE
            norm.mn <- .normalizing(t(SummarizedExperiment::assay(x)),
                                    method.c = method.c,
                                    reference.vl = reference.vl)
            SummarizedExperiment::assay(x) <- t(norm.mn)

            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))

#### normalizing (MultiDataSet) ####

#' @rdname normalizing
#' @export
setMethod("normalizing", signature(x = "MultiDataSet"),
                   method.vc = "pqn",
                   report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]) {
            if (!(length(method.vc) %in% c(1, length(x)))) {
              stop("'The length of 'method.vc' should either be 1 or equal to the number of datasets")
            } else if (length(method.vc) == 1) {
              method.vc <- rep(method.vc, length(x))
            names(method.vc) <- names(x)
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
              sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
            report_set.c <- report.c
            if (report_set.c != "none")
              report_set.c <- "interactive"
            for (set.c in names(x)) {
              if (report.c != "none")
                message("normalizing the '", set.c, "' dataset...")
              ese <- normalizing(x = x[[set.c]],
                                 method.vc = method.vc[[set.c]],
                                 report.c = report_set.c)
              x <- MultiDataSet::add_eset(x,
                                          dataset.type = set.c,
                                          GRanges = NA,
                                          overwrite = TRUE,
                                          warnings = FALSE)
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))

#### normalizing (ExpressionSet) ####

#' @rdname normalizing
#' @export
setMethod("normalizing", signature(x = "ExpressionSet"),
                   method.vc = "pqn",
                   report.c = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2]) {
            if (length(method.vc) != 1) {
              stop("'method.vc' should be of length 1 for an 'SummarizedExperiment'")
            } else
              method.c <- method.vc
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))
              sink(report.c, append = TRUE)
            if (method.c == "pqn") {
              if ("sampleType" %in% Biobase::varLabels(x) &&
                  "pool" %in% Biobase::pData(x)[, "sampleType"]) {
                reference.vl <- Biobase::pData(x)[, "sampleType"] == "pool"
                message("PQN normalization on pools")
              } else {
                reference.vl <- rep(TRUE, Biobase::dims(x)["Samples", "exprs"])
                message("PQN normalization on all samples")
            } else
              reference.vl <- FALSE
            norm.mn <- .normalizing(t(Biobase::exprs(x)),
                                    method.c = method.c,
                                    reference.vl = reference.vl)
            Biobase::exprs(x) <- t(norm.mn)
            if (!(report.c %in% c("none", "interactive")))

.normalizing <- function(data.mn, ## data (matrix of numerics; samples x variables)
                         method.c = "pqn",
                         reference.vl) {
  stopifnot(mode(data.mn) == "numeric")
  stopifnot(identical(nrow(data.mn), length(reference.vl)))
  stopifnot(method.c %in% c("pqn"))
  # Dieterle, F., Ross, A., Schlotterbeck, G., & Senn, H. (2006).
  # Probabilistic Quotient Normalization as Robust Method to Account for Dilution
  # of Complex Biological Mixtures. Application in1H NMR Metabonomics.
  # Analytical Chemistry, 78(13), 4281–4290. https://doi.org/10.1021/ac051632c
  # 1. Perform an integral normalization (typically a constant integral of 100 is used).
  # data_norm.mn <- sweep(data.mn,
  #                       MARGIN = 1,
  #                       STATS = rowSums(data.mn, na.rm = TRUE) / 100,
  #                       FUN = "/")
  data_norm.mn <- data.mn
  # 2. Choose/calculate the reference spectrum (the best approach is the 
  # calculation of the median spectrum of control samples).
  ref_spec.vn <- apply(data_norm.mn[reference.vl, ], 2,
                       function(feat.vn) median(feat.vn, na.rm = TRUE))
  # 3. Calculate the quotients of all variables of interest of the test
  # spectrum with those of the reference spectrum.
  data_quot.mn <- sweep(data_norm.mn,
                        MARGIN = 2,
                        STATS = ref_spec.vn,
                        FUN = "/")
  # 4. Calculate the median of these quotients.
  data_quot_med.vn <- apply(data_quot.mn, 1,
                            function(quot.vn) median(quot.vn, na.rm = TRUE))
  # 5. Divide all variables of the test spectrum by this median.
  data_pqn.mn <- sweep(data_norm.mn,
                      MARGIN = 1,
                      STATS = data_quot_med.vn,
                      FUN = "/")

SciDoPhenIA/phenomis documentation built on June 9, 2022, 11:54 p.m.