
## Copyright (c) 2004-2015, Ph. Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>
## This file is part of ZooImage
## ZooImage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## ZooImage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with ZooImage. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## Get the name of one or several objects of a given class
selectObject <- function (class = "data.frame", default = "", multiple = FALSE,
title = paste0("Choose a ", class, ":"))
	objlist <- ls(envir = .GlobalEnv,)	# Get objects in .GlobalEnv
	if (!length(objlist)) {
		warning("There is no object of class '", paste(class, collapse = " "),
			"' in the user workspace!")
	## Filter this list to keep only object inheriting a giving class...
	Filter <- NULL
	for (i in 1:length(objlist))
		Filter[i] <- inherits(get(objlist[i], envir = .GlobalEnv,
			inherits = FALSE), class)

	## Keep only those objects
	objlist <- objlist[Filter]
	if (!length(objlist)) {	# No such objects in .GlobalEnv
		warning("There is no object of class '", paste(class, collapse = " "),
			"' in the user workspace!")
	if (default == "") default <- objlist[1]
	dlgList(objlist, preselect = default, multiple = multiple,
		title = title)$res

## Get the name of one or more lists with their components of a given class
selectList <- function (class = "data.frame", default = "", multiple = FALSE,
title = paste0("Choose a list (of ", class, "s):"))
	filter <- function (x) {
		item <- get(x, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
		is.list(item) && all(sapply(item, function (y) inherits(y, class)))
	varlist <- Filter(filter, objects(pos = 1))
	if (length(varlist) == 0) {
		warning("no list of '", class, "' objects in the user workspace")
	if (default == "") default <- varlist[1]
	dlgList(varlist, preselect = default, multiple = multiple,
		title = title)$res

## Select one or several files of a given type
selectFile <- function (type = c("ZipZid", "ZimZis", "LstZid", "ZidZidb",
"Zip", "Zid", "Zidb", "Zim", "Zis", "Zie", "Zic", "Img", "TifPgm", "RData", "R"),
multiple = FALSE, quote = TRUE, title = NULL)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	Type <- switch(type,
		ZipZis = "Zip/Zis",
		ZimZis = "Zim/Zis",
		LstZis = "Lst/Zis",
		TifPgm = "Tiff/Pgm",
		ZidZidb = "Zid/Zidb",

	## Adapt title according to 'multiple'
	if (isTRUE(as.logical(multiple)) && !is.null(title)) {
		title <- paste("Select one or several", Type, "files...")
	} else title <- paste("Select one", Type, "file...")

	filters <- switch(type,
		ZipZid 	= c("ZooImage files (*.zid)"                , "*.zid",
					"ZooImage files (*.zip)"                      , "*.zid"),
		ZimZis 	= c("ZooImage metadata files (*.zim)"       , "*.zim",
					"ZooImage metadata files (*.zis)"             , "*.zis"),
		LstZid  = c("FlowCAM list files (*.lst)"            , "*.lst",
					"ZooImage files (*.zid)"                      , "*.zid"),
		ZidZidb = c("ZooImage databases (*.zidb)"           , "*.zidd",
					"ZooImage files (*.zid)"                      , "*.zid"),
		Zip		= c("ZooImage picture files (*.zip)"          , "*.zip"),
		Zid		= c("ZooImage data files (*.zid)"             , "*.zid"),
		Zidb    = c("ZooImage databases (*.zidb)"           , "*.zidb"),
		Zim		= c("ZooImage metadata files (*.zim)"         , "*.zim"),
		Zis		= c("ZooImage sample files (*.zis)"           , "*.zis"),
		Zie		= c("ZooImage extension files (*.zie)"        , "*.zie"),
		Zic     = c("ZooImage Classification Scheme (*.zic)", "*.zic" ),
		Img     = c("Tiff image files (*.tif)"              , "*.tif",
					"Jpeg image files (*.jpg)"                    , "*.jpg",
					"Zooimage import extensions (*.zie)"          , ".*zie",
					"Table and ImportTemplate.zie (*.txt)"        , "*.txt",
					"FlowCAM Table and ImportTemplate.zie (*.txt)", "*.txt"),
		TifPgm  = c("Tiff image files (*.tif)"              , "*.tif",
					"Pgm image files (*.pgm)"                     , "*.pgm"),
		RData   = c("R data (*.Rdata)"                      , "*.RData"),
	  R       = c("R script (*.R)"                        , "*.R"))
	filters <- matrix(filters, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

	res <- dlgOpen(title = title, multiple = multiple, filters = filters)$res
	if (length(res) && res != "" && quote)
		res <- paste('"', res, '"', sep = "")

## Select groups (taxa) from a a list
## Note: from a ZIC object, use: groups <- levels(attr(ZIC, "classes"))
selectGroups <- function (groups, multiple = TRUE,
title = "Select taxa you want to plot") {
	dlgList(groups, multiple = multiple, title = title)$res

## Create a threshold formula
createThreshold <- function (ZIDat) {
	## Select the parameter to use
	Param <- dlgList(names(ZIDat), multiple = FALSE,
		title = "Parameter to use")$res
	## Select the threshold
	Message <- paste("Range:", "From", round(range(ZIDat[, Param])[1],
		digits = 1), "To", round(range(ZIDat[, Param])[2], digits = 1),
		";", "Indicate the threshold:")
	Threshold <- dlgInput(Message, default = paste(Param, "< 50"))$res
	if (!length(Threshold)) invisible(NULL) else Threshold

## Start the image viewer application on the specified dir
imageViewer <- function (dir = getwd(), pgm = getOption("ZI.ImageViewer"))
	if (isWin()) {
		startPgm("ImageViewer", sprintf('"%s"',
	} else if (isMac()) {
		cmd <- sprintf('/Applications/Utilities/XnViewMP.app/Contents/MacOS/xnview "%s"',
		system(cmd, wait = FALSE, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
	} else {
		cmd <- sprintf('nautilus --geometry 600x600 "%s"', dir)
		system(cmd, wait = FALSE, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)

startPgm <- function (program, cmdline = "", switchdir = FALSE,
iconize = FALSE, wait = FALSE)
	## Look if the program path is recorded in the options
	pgmPath <- getOption(program)
	if (!is.null(pgmPath) && pgmPath != "") { #> no -> && file.exists(pgmPath)) {
		## Do we need to switch directory?
		if (switchdir) {
			curdir <- setwd(dirname(pgmPath))
		## Start it
		system(paste(pgmPath, cmdline), wait = wait, ignore.stdout = TRUE,
			ignore.stderr = TRUE)
	} else stop("Program '", program, "' not found!")
	## Do we need to iconize the assistant?
#	if (iconize && !is.null(WinGet("ZIDlgWin")))
#		tkwm.iconify(WinGet("ZIDlgWin"))

fileEdit <- svMisc::fileEdit

modalAssistant <- function (title, text, init, options = NULL, check = NULL,
select.file = NULL, returnValOnCancel = "ID_CANCEL", help.topic = NULL)
	## TODO!!!!
	message("Modal assistant temporarily disabled!")

#	## Create an assistant dialog box which behaves as a modal dialog box
#	text <- paste(text, collapse = "\n")
#	try(tkWinAdd("ZIAssist", title = title, bind.delete = FALSE))
#	ZIAssist <- WinGet("ZIAssist")
#    tkbind(ZIAssist, "<Destroy>", function () {
#		tkgrab.release(ZIAssist)
#		tkWinDel("ZIAssist")
#		#tkfocus(WinGet("ZIDlgWin"))
#	})
#	## Assign cancel by default to the return value
#    assignTemp("ZIret", returnValOnCancel)
#    ## Do not show it until it is completelly constructed!
#	tkwm.withdraw(ZIAssist)
#	## Change the icon of that window (if under Windows)
#    if (isWin()) tk2ico.set(ZIAssist, getTemp("ZIico"))
#	## This is the variable holding the result
#	resVar <- tclVar(init)
#	## Draw the dialog area
#	dlgarea <- tk2frame(ZIAssist)
#	## Place the logo to the left
#    Logo <- tklabel(dlgarea,image = ImgGet("$Tk.logo"), bg = "white")
#	## Place dialog box data
#	txtarea <- tk2frame(ZIAssist)
#	Text <- tk2label(txtarea, text = text, width = 50)
#	#### TODO: this causes a problem in Tile 0.7.2?! , justify = "left")
#	tkgrid(Text, stick = "w")
#	## Do we put options?
#	if (!is.null(options)) {
#		for (i in 1:length(options)) {
#			rb <- tk2radiobutton(txtarea)
#			tkconfigure(rb, variable = resVar, value = options[i],
#				text = options[i])
#			#### TODO: this causes a problem in Tile 0.7.2?! , justify = "left")
#			tkgrid(rb, sticky = "w")
#		}
#	}
#	## Do we have to place a checkbox?
#	if (!is.null(check)) {
#		cb <- tk2checkbutton(txtarea)
#		tkconfigure(cb, variable = resVar, text = check)
#		#### TODO: this causes a problem in Tile 0.7.2?! , justify = "left")
#		tkgrid(cb, sticky = "w")
#	}
#	## Place everything in the dialog box
#	tkgrid(Logo, txtarea)
#	tkpack(dlgarea, anchor = "nw")
#	## Place buttons
#    "onOK" <- function () {
#        assignTemp("ZIret", tclvalue(resVar))
#        tkgrab.release(ZIAssist)
#        tkWinDel("ZIAssist")
#		#tkfocus(WinGet("ZIDlgWin"))
#    }
#    "onCancel" <- function () {
#        tkgrab.release(ZIAssist)
#        tkWinDel("ZIAssist")
#		#tkfocus(WinGet("ZIDlgWin"))
#    }
#    butbar <- tk2frame(ZIAssist)
#    OK.but <- tk2button(butbar, text = "   OK   ", command = onOK)
#    Cancel.but <- tk2button(butbar, text = " Cancel ", command = onCancel)
#	if (is.null(help.topic)) {
#    	tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "e")
#	} else {    # Create also a help button
#		"onHelp" <- function () {
#			eval(browseURL(help(help.topic , htmlhelp=TRUE)[1] ),
#				envir = .GlobalEnv )
#		}
#        Help.but <- tk2button(butbar, text = "  Help  ", command = onHelp)
#        tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, Help.but, sticky = "e")
#	}
#	tkpack(butbar, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
#	tkpack(tk2separator(ZIAssist), side = "bottom", fill = "x")
#    tkbind(ZIAssist, "<Return>", onOK)
#	if (isWin()) tcl("wm", "attributes", ZIAssist, toolwindow = 1, topmost = 1)
#	tkwm.resizable(ZIAssist, 0, 0)
#	## Focus on that window
#	tkfocus(ZIAssist)	# Doesn't work with Rgui.exe, but tkwm.deiconify does
#    tkwm.deiconify(ZIAssist)
#    tkgrab.set(ZIAssist)
#    tkwait.window(ZIAssist)
#    return(getTemp("ZIret"))

.assignGlobal <- function (x, value)
	G <- .GlobalEnv
	assign(x = x, value = value, envir = G)
SciViews/zooimage documentation built on March 4, 2023, 4:03 a.m.