
Defines functions vis.hist

Documented in vis.hist

#' @title Histogram of posterior distribution
#' @description Create histogram of posterior distribution and compute posterior distribution statistics (p-values and confidence interval).
#' @param x A numeric vector with the first value corresponding to the observed value.
#' @param quantile a numeric vector of length 2 to indicate the lower and upper confidence interval.
#' @param backgroud.color A specification for the default histogram background color. 
#' @param observe.value.color A specification for the default abline line color of the observed value. 
#' @param ci.lower.color A specification for the default abline line color of the lower confidence interval. 
#' @param ci.upper.color A specification for the default abline line color of the lower confidence interval. 
#' @param xlab A string for x axis label.
#' @param main A string for histogram main title.
#' @param legend A bolean to print or not the legend
#' @param legend.position The x co-ordinates to be used to position the legend. They can be specified by keyword or in any way which is accepted by xy.coords:
#' @param record A bolean indicating to return or not the histogram in a R object.
#' @examples 
#' t=met.strength(sim.m,sim.df,1) # Computing network metric
#' t=perm.net.nl(t,labels='age',rf=NULL,nperm=1000,progress=FALSE) # Node label permutations
#' r.c=stat.cor(t,'age','strength',progress=FALSE) # Permuted correlation test
#' vis.hist(r.c[,1])# Histogram of posterior distribution

vis.hist <- function(x, quantile = c(0.05, 0.95),
                 backgroud.color = "gray63", 
                 observe.value.color = "white", 
                 ci.lower.color =  "white",
                 ci.upper.color =  "white",
                 xlab = NULL,
                 main = NULL,
                 legend = TRUE,
                 legend.position = "topright",
                 record = TRUE){
  if(length(quantile) > 2){stop("Only two bornes are allowed for quantiles")}
  # Stats--------------------------------------
  # Permuted p-values
  p = stat.p(x)
  obs = x[1]
  vec = x[-1]
  # Confidence interval
  ci = quantile(vec, quantile) 
  # Hist---------------------------------------
  par(bg = backgroud.color)
  h <- suppressWarnings(hist(vec, breaks = length(vec), xaxt = "n", plot = FALSE))
  cuts <- cut(h$breaks, c(obs, Inf))
  cuts <- ifelse(is.na(cuts), "gray10", "gray25")
  plot(h, col = cuts, border = cuts, xlab = xlab, main = main)

  # Ablines-------------------------------------
  abline(v = obs, col = observe.value.color)
  abline(v = ci[1], col = ci.lower.color,lty = 2)
  abline(v = ci[2], col = ci.upper.color, lty = 2)
  # Legend--------------------------------------
    legend(legend.position, bty = "n",
           legend=c(paste("Observed value: ", round(obs, digits = 3)),
                    paste("Lower ci: ", round(ci[1], digits = 3)),
                    paste("Upper ci: ", round(ci[2], digits = 3)),
                    paste("Left side p-value: ",  round(p[1], digits = 3)), 
                    paste("Right side p-value: ",  round(p[2], digits = 3)), 
                    paste("One side p-value: ",  round(p[3], digits = 3))), 
           col=c(observe.value.color, ci.lower.color, ci.upper.color), 
           lty=c( 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0), cex=0.8)

  # Record plot---------------------------------
    p <- recordPlot()
SebastianSosa/ant documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 7:06 a.m.