
Defines functions glottosubcode_valid glottocode_online glottocode_exists glottocode

Documented in glottocode_exists

#' Get detailed info for a specific glottocode
#' This function does three things for a glottocode:
#' - Plot its location on the Earth
#' - Open the associated webpage on www.glottolog.org
#' - Check whether it exists in glottolog
#' @param glottocode A single glottocode
#' @noRd
#' @return Diagnostic messages indicating whether a glottocode exists,
#' a plot showing the location of the glottocode on the Earth,
#' a pop-up browser window to the Glottolog webpage.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' glottocode("yucu1253")
#' }
glottocode <- function(glottocode){
  if(length(glottocode) > 1){stop("Please provide a single glottocode")}
  } else{
    message("glottocode not found. You may use glottosearch() to search for it. ")

#' Check whether a set of glottocodes exist in glottolog
#' Checks whether a set of glottocodes exist in glottolog (checked at the level of L1 languages)
#' @param glottocode A glottocode or character vector of glottocodes
#' @return A logical vector
#' @export
#' @family <glottocheck><glottosearch>
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' glottocode_exists(c("yucu1253"))
#' glottocode_exists(c("yucu1253", "abcd1234"))
#' }
glottocode_exists <- function(glottocode){
  glottosearch_exist(search = glottocode, columns = "glottocode")

#' Open url in web browser for glottocode
#' @param glottocode
#' @family <glottocheck><glottosearch>
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottocode_online("yucu1253")
glottocode_online <- function(glottocode){
  url <- paste0("https://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/", glottocode)

#' Check whether glottosubcodes are valid.
#' This function checks whether a vector of glottosubcodes adheres to the
#' following form: glottocode_group_record. For example: abcd1234_aaa_0001,
#' abcd1234_aaa_0002, abcd1234_bbb_0001, abcd1234_bbb_0002.
#' Specifically, the function checks whether all glottocodes (which are part of the glotosubcodes) are valid (checked at L1 level), whether 'group' is a character, and whether 'record' is a number.
#' @param glottosubcodes Character vector of glottosubcodes
#' @family <glottocheck><glottosearch>
#' @return Gives warning in case there are issues, and invisibly returns TRUE/FALSE.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottosubcode_valid(c("yucu1253_aaa_0002", "abcd1234_aaa_0001"))
glottosubcode_valid <- function(glottosubcodes){
  gsc_df <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(glottosubcodes), ncol = 4) )
  colnames(gsc_df) <- c("glottosubcode", "glottocode", "group", "n")

  gsc_df[, 1] <- glottosubcodes

  for(i in seq(gsc_df[, 1])){
    gsc_df[i, "glottocode"] <- strsplit(glottosubcodes, split = "_")[[i]][1]
    gsc_df[i, "group"] <- strsplit(glottosubcodes, split = "_")[[i]][2]
    gsc_df[i, "n"] <- strsplit(glottosubcodes, split = "_")[[i]][3]

  glottocodes <- unique(gsc_df[,"glottocode"]) # I use unique here because glottocode_exists is slow, I match values later with %in%
  gc_exists <- glottocode_exists(glottocodes)
  gsc_df[,"gc_exists"] <- gsc_df[,"glottocode"] %in% glottocodes[gc_exists]

  gsc_df[,"group_chr"] <- suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(gsc_df[,"group"])))
  gsc_df[,"n_num"] <- suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(gsc_df[,"n"])))

  invalid <- gsc_df %>% dplyr::filter(dplyr::if_any( c(.data$gc_exists, .data$group_chr, .data$n_num), is_false))
  invalidgcs <- paste(invalid[,"glottosubcode"], collapse = ", ")

  if(nrow(invalid) != 0){
    message(paste("There are issues with the following glottosubcodes:", invalidgcs))
  } else {

SietzeN/glottospace documentation built on June 15, 2024, 10:45 p.m.