
Defines functions from_to_idx glottocode_get release_questions `%nin%` printmessage unpack nonna sumna contrans_tb2df is_list is_dist is_true is_false contrans_id2gc findstring funcsource recode_vector recode_tona recode_df glottovars geodata_rename_column as.ordfact

as.ordfact <- function(x = NULL, levels = NULL){ # alternatively, use: https://forcats.tidyverse.org/
  dtf <- as.factor(as.matrix(x))
  lvl <- unlist(strsplit(x = levels, split = '[,;]+'))
  dtot <- factor(x = dtf, levels = lvl, ordered = TRUE)
  df <- as.data.frame(dtot)

geodata_rename_column <- function(geodata, oldname, newname){
  geodata %>%
  dplyr::mutate() %>% # https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/1472 Empty mutate() also sets geom to last column
  dplyr::rename(newname = oldname)

glottovars <- function(){
  glottovars <- colnames(sf::st_drop_geometry(glottoget("glottobase")))
  vartext <- "If no glottodata object is provided, then you have the following options for the 'color' and 'label' arguments: "
  glottovars <- paste0(c(vartext, glottovars, ""), collapse = "', '")
  paste0("\\details{", glottovars, "}")

recode_df <- function(data, old, new){
  apply(as.matrix(data), MARGIN = 2, FUN = recode_vector, old = old, new = new)

recode_tona <- function(x, tona){
  x[which(x %in% tona)] <- NA

recode_vector <- function(vector, old, new){
  vector[which(vector %in% old)] <- new

#' Find R source script of a function
#' @param funcname Either a function object (without brackets) or a character string
#' @noRd
funcsource <- function(funcname){
  if(is.character(funcname)){funcname <- get(funcname)}
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32747242/find-the-source-file-containing-r-function-definition/32749240#32749240
  srcfile <- attr(attr(funcname,"srcref"),"srcfile")

findstring <- function(string, dir = NULL){
  if(is.null(dir)){dir <- "C:/Users/sjnor/surfdrive/PROJECTS_SN/Rpackages/glottospace/R"}
  rfiles <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = ".R")

  for (x in seq_along(rfiles) ) {
    if (length(grep(string, readLines(paste0(dir, "/", rfiles[x])))) > 0) { print(rfiles[x])}

contrans_id2gc <- function(id){
  ifelse(is.null(id), id <- "glottocode", id)

is_false <- function(x) {
  # NAs are kept
  x == FALSE

is_true <- function(x) {
  # NAs are kept
  x == TRUE

is_dist <- function(object){
  inherits(object, what = "dist" )

is_list <- function(object){
  inherits(object, what = "list" )

contrans_tb2df <- function(glottodata){
  } else {


#' Sum of vector elements
#' Calculate sum of all vector elements that are not NA. If all elements are NA, NA will be returned (in contrast to sum).
#' @param v A vector
#' @noRd
sumna <- function(v){
  if(all(is.na(v)) ){
  } else {
    return(sum(v, na.rm = TRUE))
  # ifelse(all(is.na(v)), NA, sum(v, na.rm = TRUE))

#' Select non-NA elements from vector
#' Select non-NA elements from vector. If all elements are NA, NA will be returned.
#' @noRd
#' @param v
nonna <- function(v, max1 = FALSE){
  sel <- v[!is.na(v)]
  if(purrr::is_empty(sel)){sel <- NA}
  if(length(sel) > 1 & max1 == TRUE){stop("More than one element is non-NA, specify max1 = FALSE if you want to allow for multiple matches.")}

#' Unpack .tar or .zip files
#' @param optional path to .tar or .zip file
#' @noRd
unpack <- function(path = NULL){
  ftar <- list.files(path = path, pattern = ".tar", full.names = TRUE)
    lapply(ftar, utils::untar, exdir = path)
    f <- ftar
    ext <- ".tar"

  fzip <- list.files(path = path, pattern = ".zip", full.names = TRUE)
    lapply(fzip, utils::unzip, exdir = path)
    f <- fzip
    ext <- ".zip"

  message(paste(length(f), ext, " files unpacked to:", path))

#' Generate warning message instead of print
#' @noRd
printmessage <- function(x)
  message(paste(utils::capture.output(print(x)), collapse = "\n"))

#' Negated in
#' Added here to remove dependency on Hmisc
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
`%nin%` <- function(a,b){
  ! a %in% b
  # `%nin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)

release_questions <- function() {
    "Have you updated all internal datasets (run functions in data-raw)?",
    "Did you go outside for a walk?"

glottocode_get <- function(glottosubdata){
  # Return glottocodes of a glottosubcode object, glottosubcode should have a column "glottosubcode"
  glottosubdata_splfy <- glottosimplify(glottosubdata, submerge = F)
  glottosubdata_splfy |>
      FUN = function(lg){
        if (any(tolower(colnames(lg)) %in% c("glottosubcode", "glottosubcodes"))){
          glottosubcode_col <- which(tolower(colnames(lg)) %in% c("glottosubcode", "glottosubcodes"))
          glottocode <- glottoconvert_subcodes(lg[, glottosubcode_col]) |>
        } else{
          stop("glottosubcode is missing in some table, please check it.")
        if(length(glottocode) == 1){
        } else{
          stop("The glottocode in some glottosubdata is not unique.")

from_to_idx <- function(num_cnstns){
  # num_cnstns <- data_lang |>
  #   sapply(ncol)

  from <- 1
  vct_from <- c()

  to <- 0
  vct_to <- c()

  from_to <- list()

  for (i in 1:length(num_cnstns)){
    vct_from[i] <- from
    from <- from + num_cnstns[i]

    to <- to + num_cnstns[i]
    vct_to[i] <- to

    from_to[[i]] <- c(vct_from[i]:vct_to[i])
SietzeN/glottospace documentation built on June 15, 2024, 10:45 p.m.