####TO DO####
# Bin & Gaus Bars compress at top, top line text gets cut off, need to fix..
# Could start to plot a relationship between +ve/all samples & chance of resolving
# gbm.rsb note: No mention of bin vs bin+gaus. Need to seriously think about
# bin+gaus, go back to emails & notes if available. Essentially: it’s double
# counting, all sites + pos-only subset = pos only subset counted twice. Nothing
# has changed regarding the sampling coverage Vs the grids coverage simply by
# subsetting the samples.
# automatically spit out a warning if the user-set value of bf isn't allowed by gbm.bfcheck?
# add option or list style n.trees & other gbm.plot / gbm.step parameters.
# RSB: add option to output histogram plots per expvar loop.
# Rerun hist samples & hist grids lines with plot=T, have one atop the other,
# then add hist diff mod.
# indivudual line plots: add a horizontal line at 0 to visually split pos & neg
# absolute values of marginal effect? currently Y scale tied to values, which
# gives impression that max marginal effect is 'big' but all might be tiny
# option to ALSO plot in log scale +/- with coloured shaded areas for rule-of-thumb
# better to worse? More to less?
## Area not included in input CPUE values nor output predictions!
# One current limitation is that the surveyed CPUE values input into the gbm.auto
# and gbm.valuemap functions are taken as the midpoints of the survey trawl. This
# converts the swept area (trawl net width times bottom trawled distance) into a
# single point value, rather than assigning the CPUE over the area. When gbm.auto
# predicts to points, logically those points should represent the same swept area
# as the average survey trawl, however they are currently a function of the
# resolution of the highest resolution dataset interpolated to, the 275x455m depth
# grids. The total CPUE calculated for the study area (i.e. the sum of all
# predicted CPUE points) could therefore be higher or lower than is logically
# defensible, depending on whether the areas of the predict-to grids are lower or
# higher (respectively) than the surveyed swept area. This has further
# implications for gbm.valuemap, since the candidate MPA sizes are a function of
# that total study area CPUE. Addressing this issue would require the user to
# include the (average) swept area for the response variable survey trawls, and
# predict-to areas corresponding to interpolated points, so predicted CPUE values
# are automatically scaled to the survey:predict-to area ratio. Maps in our study
# benefit from the uniform high-resolution grids that the predictions are made to,
# but this is not guaranteed to be the case for all studies. Incorporating an area
# ratio adjustment calculation would allow a more precise relationship to be
# inferred from variable length trawls and their CPUE values, and for the
# subsequent predictions to be made to variable area sites, such as Voronoi
# polygons.
# See Hans' email 6/10/15
# Add titles to plots:
## Bars: currently: labels = rev(Bin_Bars[,1]). Swap with character vector entry
# or change style to de2017importance fig4 style: lines with dot ends (lend=0)?
## dotplots: more difficult, labels with expvar as default, few parameter options.
## Would have to set v=variablename for each variable, plot separately,
## add mtext etc. Rarely use dotplots, leave for now.
# option either in gbm.auto or separate function to take line plots (feasibly as
# linesfiles csvs) and overlay multiple lines on the same plot to save space and
# allow comparisons. Bin & gaus obviously, but potentially subsets as well.
# Lines options either colours or dash variants.
# Related: Possibly a function to plot bars (bin, gaus) and lines (as above) as
# a panel/matrix of plots, to avoid having to postprocess in GIMP.
# Conceptualy would have to order the line plots by rank of bin+gaus importance
# from "Binary/Gaussian BRT Variable contributions.csv" auto output
# RSB log/ unlog cleverness is in gbm.auto map plotting section but nowhere else.
# L246 250 618: optionally change hurdle/delta model to include zeroes in the gaussian part
# L606 increase bar thickness with lwd (1/6/17 went from 5 to 6, check difference)
# line plots: thicker axis lines & ticks & rug ticks.
# have rugs as density aka all points or 100 quantiles rather than current (10ths)
# Examples for all functions man pages
# gbm.loop: C of V map: C of V map: 20% CV is a concerningly high figure.
# Ideally have a colour scheme which clearly illustrates when 20% is
# reached/passed (Cóilín). C of V is really important bit of thesis.
# add barplot plotting, same sideways histogram style, descending order by average,
# listing min av max & somehow also variance. Bin & Gaus (assuming both run).
# L377 & 383 xx & rug: gaus linesfiles x axes incorrect size. Bin fine. Means
# rugs are clipped. Turned rug to quiet=TRUE to surpress messages but should fix
# Chuck stuff:
# It does seem that the Gaussian models stop working reliably (I got individual
# runs to work for bull and sandbar sharks, but could never get the same
# parameters to work more than once) somewhere between 44 and 33 “positive”
# sets. I wonder if it might be worth a separate paper doing some kind of
# sensitivity analysis to figure out where that line actually is? [chuck]
# A bootstrapping function. Essentially looping the same params, but removing
# random single/multiple rows/columns of data to test for e.g. time series effect
# even if single year splits aren't powerful enough to run a BRT on their own
# because of insufficient data.
# library(boot)
# boot()
# see https://www.r-bloggers.com/the-wonders-of-foreach/
# So maybe this kind of analysis could fit into the coding for one of these? Or
# all 3 together. They're all clearly related. Repeating, sometimes taking stuff
# out, and collating answers at the end.
# SD: I'm just bouncing an idea around my head whereby the code could:
# 1. run lower and lower (individual bin & gaus) lr/bf combos until it they failed
# 2. repeat the last working one a few times to test for resilience
# 3. Creep down a LITTLE bit to see if it can go a bit lower reliably (settable aggression parameter)
# 4. Essentially iterate until its got it's lowest reliable number
# 5. Describe the curve of lr/bf combo and (reliable) success rate, noting run time.
# 6. Do this for a number of species
# 7. Bootstrap to make the data poorer and poorer
# (manual after this point?)
# 8. Throw all the results together to see if we have something that looks to reveal an underlying relationship,
# i.e. data strength vs gbm success & processing time
# 9. Describe that relationship for various species.
# 10. Are there commonalities?
# Diya:
# Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : only defined on a data frame with all numeric variables
# 3 env vars categorical. Changed to numeric.
# If data need to be numeric I need to reflect that in the documentation AOR
# create a converter.
# improve how functions are checked/loaded.
# see this from gbm:
if (!requireNamespace("gbm")) {
stop("you need to install the gbm package to run this function")
####gbm.auto heatcols for BnW gbm.map####
# manually setting heatcolours in the gbm.auto(call) passes heatcolours to gbm.auto for gbm.map
# but it'll override the grey colours for the B&W maps
# See gbm.auto L578
####Multicore Processing####
# See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29873577/r-dismogbm-step-parameter-selection-function-in-parallel
# detectCores, foreach cores<-detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
# https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/doParallel/vignettes/gettingstartedParallel.pdf
# https://www.r-bloggers.com/the-wonders-of-foreach/
# Also pacman::p_load for better package loading e.g.
p_load(gbm, dismo, TeachingDemos, foreach, doParallel, data.table)
# already supposedly incorporated; doesnt work
# Re-investigate multicore R
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4775098/r-with-a-multi-core-processor
# http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcran.r-project.org%2Fweb%2Fviews%2FHighPerformanceComputing.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEshsLTzWAF9g4cUGzvn5zIfIywsA
# https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/davis-rug/VLIXz5i3vZI
# n.cores in gbm
# The number of CPU cores to use. The cross-validation loop will attempt to send different CV folds off to different cores.
# If n.cores is not specified by the user, it is guessed using the detectCores function in the parallel package.
# Note that the documentation for detectCores makes clear that it is not failsafe and could return a spurious number of available cores.
# for gbm.step gbm.simplify gbm.plot gbm.plot.fit gbm.predict.grids gbm.percpec (3d plot). Try all of them?
# 'parallel' package loaded by gmb?
# n.cores = detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
# Warning messages:
# 1: In plot.window(...) : "n.cores" is not a graphical parameter
# 2: In plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : "n.cores" is not a graphical parameter
# 3: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
# "n.cores" is not a graphical parameter
# 4: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
# "n.cores" is not a graphical parameter
# 5: In box(...) : "n.cores" is not a graphical parameter
# 6: In title(...) : "n.cores" is not a graphical parameter
# 7: "n.cores" is not a graphical parameter
# So: fails and is supposedly done by default anyway.
# See:
# C:\Users\Simon\Dropbox\Galway\Analysis\R\Coilin R code\rmpi_example.R
# mpi doesn't work on my laptop? due to daily rstudio build, or broken laptop, or neither?
gbm.auto(expvar = c(4:9,11), resvar = 12, grids = mygrids, lr = c(0.02), ZI = TRUE, map = FALSE, RSB = FALSE, tc = 2, varint = FALSE, savegbm = FALSE)
# posted to stack exchange, no answer
# Trial & error iterative approach to determine the optimal lr for a data set? How? Stop @ whole percentages?
# Try OPTIM function & see http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Optimization-in-R-similar-to-MS-Excel-Solver-td4646759.html
# Possibly have an option to start with this in the R function.
# Trial & error iterative approach to determine the optimal bag fraction & lr concurrently
# for a data set? How? Stop @ whole percentages. Try OPTIM function & see
# http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Optimization-in-R-similar-to-MS-Excel-Solver-td4646759.html
# Possibly have an option to start with this in the R function? Separate function?
# Maybe do as separate function then feed into this so the outputs are jkl?
# or make one uber function but can use all 3 separately. Uberfunction doesn't need the loops?
# optim: use Method "L-BFGS-B"
# require(optimx)
# see: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/103495/how-to-find-optimal-values-for-the-tuning-parameters-in-boosting-trees/105653#105653
## The caret package in R is tailor made for this.
# Its train function takes a grid of parameter values and evaluates the performance using various flavors of cross-validation or the bootstrap. The package author has written a book, Applied predictive modeling, which is highly recommended. 5 repeats of 10-fold cross-validation is used throughout the book.
# For choosing the tree depth, I would first go for subject matter knowledge about the problem, i.e. if you do not expect any interactions - restrict the depth to 1 or go for a flexible parametric model (which is much easier to understand and interpret). That being said, I often find myself tuning the tree depth as subject matter knowledge is often very limited.
# I think the gbm package tunes the number of trees for fixed values of the tree depth and shrinkage.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jbb2ItbTC4
# see gbm.fixed in BRT_ALL.R - having processed the optimal BRT, might as well just use those details going forward rather than re-running the best one again.
####Processing time estimate####
# See https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/doParallel/vignettes/gettingstartedParallel.pdf p3 system.time({code to run})[3]
# option to have R poll the computer and, when you say go, popup a box saying
# "Based on the parameters you've selected to try, this will run X models on a Y-item-sized dataset (Y = variables * count)
# which may take about Z minutes based on your processor. You have a multicore processor so it will take Z/#processors (time)
# if you have multicore processing enabled - see here LINK" OK/Cancel
# Edit the BRT progrss counter to account for multiple resvars: currently does e.g. n/8 then loops back to 1. Not useful.
# Also could print the current resvar name. Maybe do a running time thing? "This is BRT N of X, Y% complete, took time Z, total
# expected time AA, time remaining AB
# see proc.time()
# see http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/faq/timing_code.htm
ptm <- proc.time() # Start the clock!
proc.time() - ptm # Stop the clock
ptm$elapsed # is the time taken in seconds
# maybe add to gbm.auto's report. Plus:
# size (total cells, dim) of 'active' database,
# whether maps generated,
# RSB,
# BnW,
# savegbm,
# varint,
# sizes of tc,lr,bf, (smaller numbers take longer)
# length of tc,lr,bf,
# CPU speed,
# number of CPU cores (assuming multithreading sorted!),
# RAM size
# Assumedly something like time=
# dbasesize*sizes(tc,lr,bf)*length(tc*lr*bf) #sizes would need a reciprocal, smaller takes longer
# +savegbm
# +varint
# all*(2 if ZI=true?)
# +map*prod(lengths(tc,lr,bf))
# +RSB*prod(lengths(tc,lr,bf))
# +BnW*prod(lengths(tc,lr,bf))
# All divided by CPU*cores*RAM?
# Run gbm.auto loads of times, changing one parameter through its range each time, and calculate relationship of
# model parameters to processing time on MY laptop. Then can logically work out how long it should take on another
# machine? Try it on my home one. RAM doesn't matter unless it's limiting? Limitingness is a function of dbasesize
# and parameters, especially if I'm not cleaning the workspace within the function run?
####3D PLOT####
# what to do? Bother with it?
# automatically save deviance optimisation plot externally to folder
# initial & simp if run. Also simp drop deviance line.
# plot.main from gbm.step. plot from gbm.simplify
# bin brt L344, gaus l390; bin simp L430, gaus L453; bin simp brt L446, gaus l465
# CofV map & gbm.loop work out variance of predictions but I don't currently
# calculate variance of 1st stage, the learnt model object, i.e. how variable
# are linesfiles, bars, etc? Small n can see huge changes in these. Could lend
# itself to a bootstrap?
# paste0() = paste(..., sep = ""). Replace all in gbm.auto and elsewhere.
# Add ability to specify distribution family instead of default bin & gaus?
# L325 & 371 possibly change from:
family = "bernoulli" / family = "gaussian"
# to
family = fam1 / family = fam2
# with fam1 & fam2 as params with bin & gaus as defaults. Only occur once.
# Add titles to plots:
## line: mtext("text to place", side=1, line=?, ...) line controls dist from
## either margin or axis, not sure, play around. Get text from either expvarcols
## or separate user-entered character vector to allow spaces & units e.g. from
## "Distance_to_Shore" to "Distance to Shore (m)". If using this, need a way to
## bind/match labels to expvarcols names
# variance estimates: gbm.loop
# Process & map bin only
# gaus = TRUE
# report varint turned off, get that to work like simp does.
# gbm.map generates basemap as well now. mapshape is now just shape.
# trying to click to load gbm.auto after upgrading to yakkedy:
# Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
# unable to load shared object '/home/simon/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/stringi/libs/stringi.so':
# libicui18n.so.55: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33588083/r-error-installing-packages-ubuntu-error-in-dyn-loadfile-dllpath-dllpath
# update all packages inc stringi, then: sudo apt-get install r-cran-ggplot2
# But then:
# Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
# unable to load shared object '/home/simon/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/rgdal/libs/rgdal.so':
# libgdal.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# reinstalled rgdal in rstudio, clicked to load:
# Loading required package: sp
# Error in runHook(".onLoad", env, package.lib, package) :
# lazy-load database '/home/simon/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/rgdal/R/?remove.packages()
# In addition: Warning message:
# In runHook(".onLoad", env, package.lib, package) :
# internal error -3 in R_decompress1
# Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rgdal’
# so:
# remove.packages("rgdal")
# quit & restart rstudio, install rgdal fresh
# include eliths BRT_ALL within this code?
# Bag fraction optimiser
# separate bin & gaus parameters
# dots <- list(...) # if tc not set by user, default to 2,length(expvar)
# ifelse("tc" %in% names(dots), tc <- dots$tc, tc <- c(2,length(expvar))) # removed from after expvarcols
# remove log1p since grv_yes subset now has no zeroes L104 & 8
# incorporate gbm.basemap as a gbm.auto default
# gbm.basemap: calculate default res based on size of bounds?
# if nrows (either original for bin or grv_yes for gaus) are <= 42 it'll crash @ 0.5 bf.
# make a function which solves for your row number?? gbm.bfcheck
# Allow user to call extra parameters with '...' which will be parsed to gbm.step
# Ls 124 & 149.
# offset = NULL, # allows an offset to be specified
# fold.vector = NULL, # allows a fold vector to be read in for CV with offsets,
# site.weights = rep(1, nrow(data)), # allows varying weighting for sites
# var.monotone = rep(0, length(gbm.x)), # restricts responses to individual predictors to monotone
# n.folds = 10, # number of folds
# prev.stratify = TRUE, # prevalence stratify the folds - only for p/a data
# family = "bernoulli", # family - bernoulli (=binomial), poisson, laplace or gaussian
# n.trees = 50, # number of initial trees to fit
# step.size = n.trees, # numbers of trees to add at each cycle
# max.trees = 10000, # max number of trees to fit before stopping
# tolerance.method = "auto", # method to use in deciding to stop - "fixed" or "auto"
# tolerance = 0.001, # tolerance value to use - if method == fixed is absolute,
# # if auto is multiplier * total mean deviance
# keep.data = FALSE, # keep raw data in final model
# plot.main = TRUE, # plot hold-out deviance curve
# plot.folds = FALSE, # plot the individual folds as well
# verbose = TRUE, # control amount of screen reporting
# silent = FALSE, # to allow running with no output for simplifying model)
# keep.fold.models = FALSE, # keep the fold models from cross valiation
# keep.fold.vector = FALSE, # allows the vector defining fold membership to be kept
# keep.fold.fit = FALSE, # allows the predicted values for observations from CV to be kept
# ...) # allows for any additional plotting parameters
# allow different image device for Mac OSX
# user setting tc overrides auto-calc default?
# gbm.rsb plots: log+1 & have scale go to 2 (for 'both' else 1)
# clean workspace
# gbm.basemap
# unrep plots: Change title back to unrep
####grids to be optional####
# if grids=FALSE, ignore:
# lines 10,11, (don't need to change, can be set but unused objects) 40, 54,
# sections 16-20, 22-23
####variable interactions switch####
# option to switch off variable interactions if they fail
# topline switch defaults to varint=TRUE
# false wraps if(varint) {existing lines}
# "contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels"
# worked!
####mapmaker defaults @ toplevel####
# see gbm.auto section23, landcol mapback legendloc legendtitle??
# mapmain, heatcol, shape, landcol, legendcol, lejback, mapback, grdfun (line17)
# can the user edit these, ACTUALLY? Try changing all of them and see which work
# works!
####make b&w an option?####
# default to true
####win linux mac####
# does directory creation work the same? aren't the slashes different ways around?
# dir.create, l237
# probably works fine!
####gbm.map terms####
# x/y/z are the same as grids[,gridslon]/grids[,gridslat]/grids[,predabund] ??
# if so: replace grids/gridslon/gridslat/predabund with x/y/z etc in byx/byy generator
# done
# and remove those those terms in gbm.map function : done
# and references to them in gbm.auto: done
####gbm.auto: BnW####
# heatcol defaulting to colours not b&w, why? Multiple arguments to same parameter. Fixed now I've set a default?
# in gbm.map, if people define heatcols, and zero=TRUE, L51 will overwrite heatcol with (alpha + actual heatcolours)
# zero defaults to true. it will always override heatcols.
####gbm.auto tc default####
# should be 2,length(expvar) not 2,5. How to do though? Make not default, if not set by user, sets to that?
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