
Defines functions natverse_update natverse_deps natverse_githubdeps .get_version get_versions

Documented in natverse_update

#' Update natverse packages
#' This will check to see if all natverse packages (and optionally (if recursive = TRUE), their
#' dependencies ) are up-to-date, and will provide the command to perform the installation in one go!
#' Adapted and modified from the following sources : update function in 'tidyverse' package, github_update function in 'dtupdate' package
#' @param recursive If \code{TRUE}, will also check all dependencies of
#'   natverse packages.
#' @param source set the source of updates 'CRAN' or 'GITHUB'
#'   natverse packages.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' natverse_update()
natverse_update <- function(recursive = FALSE, source = 'CRAN') {

  if(source == 'CRAN'){deps <- natverse_deps(recursive)} #grab dependicies for packages installed via CRAN
  else if(source == 'GITHUB'){deps <- natverse_githubdeps(recursive)} #grab dependicies for packages installed via GitHub
    cli::cat_line("You should provide option of source as 'CRAN' or 'GITHUB' to update..")

  behind_temp <- dplyr::filter(deps, deps$behind)
  deps$status <- paste0(crayon::green(cli::symbol$tick))
  deps[deps$behind,"status"] <- paste0(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross))
  deps$behind <- NULL

  if (nrow(behind_temp) == 0) {
    cli::cat_line(paste("\nAll natverse dependencies from", source, "are up-to-date, see details below:"))
    if(source == 'CRAN'){
      cli::cat_line(format(knitr::kable(deps,format = "pandoc")))
    else if(source == 'GITHUB'){
      cli::cat_line(format(knitr::kable(deps,format = "pandoc")))}

  cli::cat_line(paste("\nThe following natverse dependencies from", source, "are out-of-date, see details below:"))
  if(source == 'CRAN'){
    cli::cat_line(format(knitr::kable(deps,format = "pandoc")))
  else if(source == 'GITHUB'){
    cli::cat_line(format(knitr::kable(deps,format = "pandoc")))

  cli::cat_line("Start a clean R session then run:")

  if(source == 'CRAN'){
    pkg_str <- paste0(deparse(behind_temp$package), collapse = "\n")
    cli::cat_line("install.packages(", pkg_str, ")")}
  else if(source == 'GITHUB'){

    just_repo <- apply(behind_temp, 1, function(x) {stringr::str_match(x["source"],
    pkg_str <- paste0(deparse(just_repo), collapse = "\n")
    cli::cat_line("devtools::install_github(", pkg_str, ")")


#This function grabs the dependencies of the natverse package which have been installed via CRAN

natverse_deps <- function(recursive = FALSE) {

  #set the location of the repository or else you get complaints from knitr and examples
  r = getOption("repos")
  r["CRAN"] = "http://cran.us.r-project.org"
  options(repos = r)

  pkgs <- utils::available.packages() #list all the packages available in CRAN repositories with row names as pkgnames..

  pkgs_local <- utils::installed.packages() #list all installed packages only, as you will only update packages after installing them?, will be changed once natverse
                                       #is on CRAN (may be someone updated dependencies alone)..

  deps <- tools::package_dependencies("natverse", pkgs_local, recursive = FALSE) # check only the dependencies of natverse(which is currently local only)

  pkg_deps <- unique(sort(unlist(deps))) #just flatten the list

  # we don't want to update base packages, so ignore them, this needs to be checked with Greg..
  base_pkgs <- c(
    "base", "compiler", "datasets", "graphics", "grDevices", "grid",
    "methods", "parallel", "splines", "stats", "stats4", "tools", "tcltk",
  pkg_deps <- setdiff(pkg_deps, base_pkgs) #just ignore the base packages..

  #we also don't want to update the github packages here, so ignore them as well..
  githubpgks <- natverse_githubdeps()
  github_pksgs <- githubpgks$package

  pkg_deps <- setdiff(pkg_deps, github_pksgs) #just ignore the github packages..

  pkg_deps <- intersect(pkg_deps,pkgs[,"Package"]) #added for testing examples from devtools::check()

  cran_version <- lapply(pkgs[pkg_deps, "Version"], base::package_version) #get the version number for the dependent packages in r format..
  local_version <- lapply(pkg_deps, utils::packageVersion) #get the version number for the dependent packages in r format..

  behind <- purrr::map2_lgl(cran_version, local_version, `>`) #check if the local version is lower and store it in behind flag..

  #construct a dataframe with the details to pass on..
    package = pkg_deps,
    cran = cran_version %>% purrr::map_chr(as.character),
    local = local_version %>% purrr::map_chr(as.character),
    behind = behind


natverse_githubdeps <- function(recursive = FALSE) {

  pkgs <- utils::available.packages() #list all the packages available in CRAN repositories with row names as pkgnames..

  pkgs_local <- data.frame(utils::installed.packages(lib=.libPaths()[1]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  pkgs_local <- pkgs_local$Package
  pkgs_local <- sort(pkgs_local)

  # get pkg info

  desc_local <- lapply(pkgs_local, utils::packageDescription, lib.loc=.libPaths()[1])
  version_local <- vapply(desc_local, function(x) x$Version, character(1))
  date_local <- vapply(desc_local, pkg_date, character(1))
  source_local <- vapply(desc_local, pkg_source, character(1))

  pkgs_local_df <- data.frame(package=pkgs_local, version=version_local, date=date_local, source=source_local,
                              stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)

  rownames(pkgs_local_df) <- NULL
  class(pkgs_local_df) <- c("githubupdate", "data.frame")

  if (any(grepl("Github", pkgs_local_df$source))) {

    pkgs_local_df <- dplyr::filter(pkgs_local_df, grepl("Github", source))

    just_repo <- stringr::str_match(pkgs_local_df$source,
    pkgs_local_df$gh_version <- get_versions(just_repo)
    pkgs_local_df$`*` <- ifelse(mapply(utils::compareVersion, pkgs_local_df$version, pkgs_local_df$gh_version,
                                       USE.NAMES=FALSE)<0, '*', '')
    pkgs_local_df$`*` <- ifelse(is.na(pkgs_local_df$gh_version), '', pkgs_local_df$`*`)


  github_version <- lapply(pkgs_local_df$gh_version, base::package_version) #get the version number for the dependent packages in r format..
  local_version <- lapply(pkgs_local_df$version, base::package_version) #get the version number for the dependent packages in r format..

  behind <- purrr::map2_lgl(github_version, local_version, `>`)

    package = pkgs_local_df$package,
    github = github_version %>% purrr::map_chr(as.character),
    local = local_version %>% purrr::map_chr(as.character),
    source = pkgs_local_df$source,
    behind = behind


pkg_date <- function (desc)  {
  if (!is.null(desc$`Date/Publication`)) {
    date <- desc$`Date/Publication`
  } else if (!is.null(desc$Built)) {
    built <- strsplit(desc$Built, "; ")[[1]]
    date <- built[3]
  } else {
    date <- NA_character_
  as.character(as.Date(strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")))

pkg_source <- function (desc)  {
  if (!is.null(desc$GithubSHA1)) {
    str <- paste0("Github (", desc$GithubUsername, "/", desc$GithubRepo,
                  "@", substr(desc$GithubSHA1, 1, 7), ")")
  } else if (!is.null(desc$RemoteType)) {
    str <- paste0(desc$RemoteType, " (", desc$RemoteUsername,
                  "/", desc$RemoteRepo, "@", substr(desc$RemoteSha,
                                                    1, 7), ")")
  } else if (!is.null(desc$Repository)) {
    repo <- desc$Repository
    if (!is.null(desc$Built)) {
      built <- strsplit(desc$Built, "; ")[[1]]
      ver <- sub("$R ", "", built[1])
      repo <- paste0(repo, " (", ver, ")")
  } else if (!is.null(desc$biocViews)) {
  } else {

.get_version <- function(x) {
  url_con <- url(x)
  res <- as.character(read.dcf(url_con, fields="Version"))

get_versions <- function(github_user_repo) {

  base_url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/%s/master/DESCRIPTION"
  gh_urls <- sprintf(base_url, github_user_repo)

      function(url) {
        version <- try(.get_version(url), silent=TRUE)
        version <- if (inherits(version, "try-error")) NA else version

SridharJagannathan/natverse documentation built on July 28, 2019, 3:26 p.m.