Zero: Specify a prior that sets all terms to zero.

View source: R/SpecPrior-generators.R

ZeroR Documentation

Specify a prior that sets all terms to zero.


Specify a prior for a main effect or interaction in which parameter[j] = 0.




In some cases, as with a dimension representing upper and lower Lexis triangles, setting all elements of the main effect or interaction to zero may make substantive sense. In other cases, a Zero prior to reduce the number of terms being estimated, while conforming to that requirement from Model that all terms marginal to an interaction be included in a model.


An object of class SpecZero.

See Also

Known can be used to create a prior that fixes the main effect or interaction at values other than 0.



StatisticsNZ/demest documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 7:56 p.m.