
Defines functions Zero Weights Trend TDist Season Norm Mix Level Known InvChiSq Initial HalfT ExchFixed Exch Error DLMS DLM Damp Covariates Components Classes

Documented in Components Covariates Damp DLM DLMS Error Exch ExchFixed HalfT Initial InvChiSq Known Level Mix Norm Season TDist Trend Weights Zero

Classes <- function(cl, scale = NULL, mult = 1) {
    if (!methods::is(cl, "Values"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "cl", class(cl)))
    dimtypes <- dimtypes(cl, use.names = FALSE)
    if (!("origin" %in% dimtypes))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' does not have dimension with dimtype \"%s\"",
                      "cl", "origin"))
    .Data <- cl@.Data
    if (length(.Data) == 0L)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has length %d",
                      "cl", 0L))
    if (any(is.na(.Data)))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has missing values",
    if (any(round(.Data) != .Data))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has non-integer values",
    .Data <- as.integer(.Data)
    if (any(.Data) < 0L)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has negative values",
    unique.cl <- unique(as.integer(.Data))
    n.cl <- length(unique.cl)
    if (n.cl == 1L)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' contains only one distinct value",
    min.val <- min(unique.cl)
    if (!(min.val %in% 0:1))
        stop(gettextf("minimum value for '%s' must be %d or %d",
                      "cl", 0L, 1L))
    if (any(diff(sort(unique.cl)) != 1L))
        stop(gettextf("distinct values from '%s' must be consecutive integers",
    cl <- toInteger(cl)
    A <- checkAndTidySpecScale(x = scale,
                               name = "scale")
    mult <- checkAndTidyMult(mult = mult,
                             scale = A,
                             nameScale = "scale")
                 classes = cl,
                 A = A,
                 mult = mult)                 

#' Specify priors for the components in a Mix prior.
#' In normal usage, it is better to accept the default prior
#' for the components than to specify it explicitly.
#' End users are therefore unlikely to need this function.
#' A \code{\link{Mix}} prior treats an interaction as a mixture of
#' normal distributions.  The means for these normal distributions
#' are formed by multiplying a component for each dimension
#' other than the 'along' dimension (typically the time dimension).
#' Each element of these components has a normal prior with mean
#' 0 and standard deviation \code{scaleComponent}.  The prior
#' for \code{scaleComponent} can be set using the \code{scale}
#' argument.
#' Let \eqn{s} be the standard deviation of data \eqn{y},
#' or of \code{log(y)} in the case of a Poisson model without
#' exposure.  Let \eqn{m} be the \code{mult} argument. Then
#' the default value for scale parameter in the half-t distribution is
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   \strong{Model} \tab \strong{Default} \cr
#'   Poisson with exposure  \tab \eqn{m 0.5} \cr
#'   Poisson without exposure \tab \eqn{ms 0.5} \cr
#'   binomial  \tab \eqn{m 0.5} \cr
#'   normal \tab \eqn{ms 0.5}
#' }
#' @param scale An object of class \code{\link{HalfT}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Components}}.
#' @seealso Mixture priors are specified using \code{\link{Mix}}.
#' The weights in a mixture prior are specified using
#' \code{\link{Weights}}.
#' @examples
#' Components()
#' ## A tighter prior on 'scaleComponent'
#' Components(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.25))
#' @export
Components <- function(scale = HalfT()) {
    if (!methods::is(scale, "HalfT"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      scale, class(scale)))
    AVectorsMix <- scale@A
    multVectorsMix <- scale@mult
    nuVectorsMix <- scale@nu
    omegaVectorsMaxMix <- scale@scaleMax
                 AVectorsMix = AVectorsMix,
                 multVectorsMix = multVectorsMix,
                 nuVectorsMix = nuVectorsMix,
                 omegaVectorsMaxMix = omegaVectorsMaxMix)

#' Specify covariates in a prior for a main effect or interaction.
#' Most priors for main effects or interactions, such as age effects or
#' age-sex interactions, can include a covariate term.  The covariate
#' term is specified using function \code{Covariates}.
#' The \code{formula} argument is a standard R \code{\link[stats]{formula}},
#' though with the restriction that the response must be \code{mean}.
#' Interactions are specified in the usual way, so that, for instance,
#' \code{mean ~ age * sex + time}
#' \code{mean ~ age + sex + age:sex + time}
#' \code{mean ~ (age + sex)^2 + time}
#' are all equivalent.
#' The \code{data} argument must include labels for the main effect or
#' interaction being modelled, in addition to the covariate data itself.
#' For example, the \code{data} argument for region effect with a
#' \code{formula} argument of \code{mean ~ income} could be
#' \tabular{lrr}{
#'  \tab region \tab income \cr
#' 1 \tab A \tab 15000 \cr
#' 2 \tab B \tab 22000 \cr
#' 3 \tab C \tab 18000
#' }
#' The \code{data} argument for region:time interaction with a
#' \code{formula} argument of \code{mean ~ income} could be
#' \tabular{lrrr}{
#'  \tab region \tab time \tab income \cr
#' 1 \tab A \tab 2000 \tab 15000 \cr
#' 2 \tab B \tab 2000 \tab 22000 \cr
#' 3 \tab C \tab 2000 \tab 18000 \cr
#' 4 \tab A \tab 2010 \tab 17000 \cr
#' 5 \tab B \tab 2010 \tab 23000 \cr
#' 6 \tab C \tab 2010 \tab 17000
#' }
#' Any columns in \code{data} that are not referred to by the \code{formula}
#' argument and that do do not serve as labels for the main effect or
#' interaction are ignored.  Similarly, redundant rows are ignored.
#' When modelling mortality rates with data that include an "infant"
#' age group (ie an age group that includes infants, such as
#' age group "0" or age group "0-4"),
#' it is good practice to include an indicator
#' variable for this age group, since its mortality rates are much
#' higher would be predicted by subsequent age groups.
#' If \code{infant} is \code{TRUE},
#' then an infant indicator is set up automatically.
#' \code{infant = TRUE} can only be used when specifying the prior
#' for a main effect for age.  If \code{infant} is \code{TRUE},
#' then \code{formula} and \code{data} can also be supplied,
#' but do not have to be.
#' Internally, covariates are standardized to have mean 0 and standard
#' deviation 0.5, as described in Gelman et al (2014, Section 16.3).
#' Coefficients for the standardized covariates are assumed to be drawn
#' from \emph{t} distributions centered on 0.  These distributions contain
#' scale parameters that determine the degree to which coefficient estimates
#' are shrunk towards 0.  The rules for choosing default values for the scale
#' parameters are described in the' documentation for \code{\link{HalfT}}.
#' Shrinking coefficient' estimates towards 0 protects against over-fitting.
#' The help for \code{\link[stats]{model.matrix}} contains a discussion of
#' contrasts.  With Bayesian models that have informative priors, such as the
#' t priors used by \code{Covariates}, all levels of a factor can be included
#' in the model. See below for an example. 
#' @param formula A \code{\link[stats]{formula}} with response \code{mean}.
#' @param data A data.frame containing covariate data.
#' @param infant Logical. Whether to add an 'infant' indicator to the
#' covariates specified by \code{formula}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param contrastsArg A named list, the elements which are matrices
#'     or names of contrasts functions.
#' @param coef An object of class \code{\link{TDist}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Covariates}}
#' @references
#' Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S. and Rubin, D.B., 2014.
#' \emph{Bayesian Data Analysis. Third Edition.} Boca Raton, FL, USA:
#' Chapman & Hall/CRC.
#' @seealso Priors constructed with \code{\link{Exch}} and
#' \code{\link{DLM}} both allow for covariates.
#' @examples
## covariates for a region main effect
#' reg.data <- data.frame(region = LETTERS[1:10],
#'                        income = c(20, 31, 15, 7, 24, 8, 22, 14, 21, 17),
#'                        area = rep(c("Urban", "Rural"), each = 5))
#' Covariates(mean ~ income + area,
#'            data = reg.data)

#' ## override the default settings
#' Covariates(mean ~ income + area,
#'            data = reg.data,
#'            coef = TDist(scale = 0.25))
#' ## override the default 'treatment' contrast
#' contrasts.arg <- list(area = diag(2))
#' Covariates(mean ~ income + area,
#'            data = reg.data,
#'            contrastsArg = contrasts.arg)
#' ## covariate data for an age:sex interaction
#' agesex.data <- data.frame(age = rep(c("0-14", "15-29", "30+"),
#'                                     times = 2),
#'                           sex = rep(c("Female", "Male"),
#'                                     each = 3),
#'                           weight = c(78, 94, 83, 84, 62, 75))
#' Covariates(mean ~ weight,
#'            data = agesex.data)
#' ## 'infant' indicator
#' Covariates(infant = TRUE)
#' @export 
Covariates <- function(formula = NULL, data = NULL, infant = FALSE,
                       contrastsArg = list(), coef = TDist()) {
    checkCovariateData(x = data, name = "data")
    checkModelMatrix(formula = formula,
                     data = data,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg)
    if (is.null(formula) & !is.null(data))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' supplied but '%s' not supplied",
                      "data", "formula"))
    if (!is.null(formula) && is.null(data))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' supplied but '%s' not supplied",
                      "formula", "data"))
    if (is.null(formula) && is.null(data)) {
        if (!infant)
            stop(gettextf("'%s' and '%s' not supplied, and '%s' is %s",
                          "formula", "data", "infant", "FALSE"))
        data <- methods::new("data.frame")
        formula <- methods::new("formula")
    if (!methods::is(coef, "TDist"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "coef", class(coef)))
    AEtaCoef <- coef@AEtaCoef
    meanEtaCoef <- coef@meanEtaCoef
    multEtaCoef <- coef@multEtaCoef
    nuEtaCoef <- coef@nuEtaCoef
    infant <- methods::new("LogicalFlag", infant)
                 AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                 contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                 data = data,
                 formula = formula,
                 infant = infant,
                 meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                 multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                 nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef)

#' Specify the amount of damping in a DLM prior.
#' By default, the level term in a local level model and the trend term in a
#' linear trend model are 'damped'.  The level term or trend term are pulled
#' towards 0.  The amount of damping can be specified by the user, or can
#' be estimated from the data.
#' With a prior for a main effect, in a local level model, the level term has
#' the form
#' \code{level[j] ~ damp * level[j-1] + errorLevel[j]},
#' and in a linear trend model, the trend term has the form
#' \code{trend[j] ~ damp * trend[j-1] + errorTrend[j]}.
#' With a prior for an interaction, in a local level model, the level term
#' has the form
#' \code{level[k,l] ~ damp * level[k-1,l] + errorLevel[k,l]}.
#' and in linear trend model, the trend term has the form
#' \code{trend[k,l] ~ damp * trend[k-1,l] + errorTrend[k,l]}
#' (See the documentation for function \code{\link{DLM}} for
#' an explanation of the \code{k,l} subscripts.)
#' Values of for \code{damp} are restricted to the range \code{0 <= damp <= 1}.
#' In linear trend models, including a damping term with a value near 1
#' typically results in more accurate forecasts (Hyndman et al 2008).  There
#' are exceptions, however: for instance, damping of the trend for the time
#' effect is probably not appropriate in mortality forecasts for developed
#' countries (Oeppen and Vaupel 2002).  Damping is also not necessary
#' appropriate in local level models.
#' The user can set the level of damping by providing a value for the
#' \code{coef} argument.  Alternatively, an appropriate value can be inferred
#' from the data, using a beta prior on the transformed parameter
#' \code{(damp - min)/(max - min)}.  The beta prior is specified
#' using parameters \code{shape1} and \code{shape1}.  The default
#' values give a boundary-avoiding prior, confined to the range \code{(min, max)},
#' with \code{min} defaulting to 0.8 and \code{max} defaulting to \code{1}.
#' (See Gelman et al 2014, pp313-318, for a definition
#' of boundary-avoiding priors.) Setting \code{shape1 = 1} and \code{shape2 = 1}
#' gives a uniform prior on the range \code{(min, max)}.
#' Setting the \code{damp} argument to \code{NULL} in function
#' \code{\link{DLM}} turns off damping.
#' @param coef A number between 0 and 1.
#' @param min A number between 0 and 1.
#' @param max A number between \code{min} and 1.
#' @param shape1 A positive number. Defaults to 2.
#' @param shape2 A positive number. Defaults to 2.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Damp}}.
#' @seealso \code{Damp} is used in calls to function \code{\link{DLM}}
#' @references
#' Hyndman, R., Koehler, A. B., Ord, J. K., & Snyder, R. D. (2008).
#' \emph{Forecasting with' exponential smoothing: the state space approach}.
#' Springer.
#' Oeppen, J., & Vaupel, J. W. (2002). Broken limits to life expectancy.
#' \emph{Science}, 296(5570), 1029-1031.
#' @examples
#' ## default
#' Damp()
#' ## known value
#' Damp(coef = 0.95)
#' ## estimate, but restrict to values between 0.85 and 0.95
#' Damp(min = 0.85, max = 0.95)
#' ## uniform prior on the range (0, 1)
#' Damp(min = 0, max = 1, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1)
#' ## informative prior favouring high values, but
#' ## not ruling out any value between 0 and 1
#' Damp(min = 0, max = 1, shape1 = 9, shape2 = 1)
#' @export
Damp <- function(coef = NULL, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 2, min = 0.8, max = 1) {
    phi.known <- !is.null(coef)
    if (phi.known) {
        if (methods::hasArg(shape1))
            warning(gettextf("'%s' is ignored when '%s' is non-%s",
                             "shape1", "coef", "NULL"))
        if (methods::hasArg(shape2))
            warning(gettextf("'%s' is ignored when '%s' is non-%s",
                             "shape2", "coef", "NULL"))
        if (methods::hasArg(min))
            warning(gettextf("'%s' is ignored when '%s' is non-%s",
                             "min", "coef", "NULL"))
        if (methods::hasArg(max))
            warning(gettextf("'%s' is ignored when '%s' is non-%s",
                             "max", "coef", "NULL"))
        phi <- checkAndTidyPhi(coef)
                     phi = phi)
    else {
        checkPositiveNumeric(x = shape1,
                             name = "shape1")
        checkPositiveNumeric(x = shape2,
                             name = "shape2")
        shape1 <- as.double(shape1)
        shape2 <- as.double(shape2)
        shape1 <- methods::new("Scale", shape1)
        shape2 <- methods::new("Scale", shape2)
        min.max <- checkAndTidyPhiMinMax(min = min, max = max)
                     minPhi = min.max[1L],
                     maxPhi = min.max[2L],
                     shape1Phi = shape1,
                     shape2Phi = shape2)

#' Specify a Dynamic Linear Model (DLM) prior.
#' Specify a prior for main effects or interactions in which units that are
#' neighbours are more strongly correlated than units that are distant
#' from each other. Dynamic linear models were developed for time
#' series, but are often appropriate for non-time dimensions, such as age.
#' When applied to a main effect, the prior specified by \code{DLM} has the
#' form
#'\code{parameter[j] = level[j] + season[j] + covariates[j] + error[j].}
#' When applied to an interaction, a DLM prior contains a separate series
#' along one dimension (typically a time dimension) for each combination
#' of values for the remaining series.  Using \code{k} to index location
#' on the "along" dimension, and \code{l} to index location on the remaining
#' dimensions, the prior has the form
#' \code{
#' parameter[k,l] = level[k,l] + season[k,l] + covariates[k,l] + error[k,l].
#' }
#' For instance, if \code{parameter} is a region:time interaction involving 10
#' regions and 30 periods, and the "along" dimension is time, then
#' \code{k=1,...,30} and \code{l=1,...,10}.  If \code{parameters} is an
#' age:sex:region interaction involving 101 age groups, 2 sexes, and 10
#' regions, and the "along" dimension is age, then \code{k=1,...,101} and
#' \code{l = 1,...,20}.
#' Season and covariate terms are specified using functions \code{\link{Season}}
#' and \code{\link{Covariates}}.  Both are optional.  Error terms are 
#' specified using  function \code{\link{Error}}.
#' @section The "along" dimension:
#' If the "along" dimension is not specified, then \code{DLM} looks
#' for a dimension with \code{\link[dembase]{dimtype}}
#' \code{"time"}.  If it does not find one, it looks for a dimension with
#' dimtype \code{"age"}.
#' A dimension with dimtype \code{"state"} can be used as an \code{"along"}
#' dimension.  Doing so probably make senses if the dimension measures
#' a qualitative variable such as income or years of schooling.  It probably
#' does not makes sense if the dimension measures a qualitative variable
#' such as region or occupation.
#' @section The local level model:
#' In a local level model, the level term follows a random walk.  With
#' a main effect,
#' \code{level[j] = damp * level[j-1] + errorLevel[j],}
#' and with an interaction,
#' \code{level[k,l] = damp * level[k-1,l] + errorLevel[k,l],}
#' where \code{0 < damp <= 1}.  The documentaion for function
#' \code{\link{Damp}} describes the role played by the \code{damp} term.
#' @section The linear trend model:
#' In a linear level model, the level term follows a random walk but with
#' an underlying trend.  The trend term itself follows a random walk, implying
#' that it can change magnitude or direction.  With a main effect,
#' \code{level[j] = level[j-1] + trend[j-1] + errorLevel[j]}
#' \code{trend[j] = trend[j-1] + errorTrend[j],}
#' and with an interaction,
#' \code{level[k,l] = level[k-1,l] + trend[k-1,l] + errorLevel[k,l]}
#' \code{trend[k,l] = damp * trend[k-1,l] + errorTrend[k,l].}
#' where \code{0 < damp <= 1}.  The documentaion for function
#' \code{\link{Damp}} describe the role played by the \code{damp} term.
#' If \code{level} is \code{NULL}, then the model does not
#' include \code{errorLevel}.  This can be a useful simplification
#' in situations where there is a trend in the data, but the full
#' linear trend model is not converging properly.
#' @section Error terms:
#' The error term for the level, \code{errorLevel}, has the form
#' \code{errorLevel[j] ~ N(0, scaleLevel^2)}
#' or
#' \code{errorLevel[k,l] ~ N(0, scaleLevel^2)}.
#' Similarly, the error term for the trend, \code{errorTrend}, has the form
#' \code{errorLevel[j] ~ N(0, scaleLevel^2)}
#' or
#' \code{errorLevel[k,l] ~ N(0, scaleLevel^2)}.
#' \code{scaleLevel} and \code{scaleTrend} both have half-t priors.
#' Non-default versions of these can be specified using function 
#' \code{\link{HalfT}}.
#' @param along Name of a dimension.  
#' @param level An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Level}}
#' specifying the prior for \code{errorLevel} or \code{NULL}.
#' \code{level} can be \code{NULL} only when \code{trend} is
#' non-\code{NULL}.
#' @param trend An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Trend}}
#' (the default) or \code{NULL}.  If \code{trend} is \code{NULL},
#' then \code{DLM} produces local level model; otherwise
#' \code{DLM} produces a linear trend model.
#' @param damp An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Damp}}
#' (the default) or \code{NULL}.  If \code{damp} is \code{NULL}
#' the level or trend terms are not damped.
#' @param season An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Season}}
#' or \code{NULL} (the default).  If \code{season} is
#' \code{NULL}, the prior does not include a seasonal effect.
#' @param covariates An object of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{Covariates}} or \code{NULL}
#' (the default).  If \code{covariates} is
#' \code{NULL}, the prior does not include covariates.
#' @param error An object of class \code{\link{Error}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecDLM}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ExchFixed}} and \code{\link{Exch}} specify exchangeable
#' in which the order of the units conveys no information about the
#' correlations between them.  \code{DLM}, \code{\link{ExchFixed}},
#' and \code{\link{Exch}} are usually called as part of a call
#' to function \code{\link{Model}}.
#' @references
#' Petris, G., Petrone, S., & Campagnoli, P. (2009). \emph{Dynamic Linear
#' Models with R}. Springer.
#' Prado, R., & West, M. (2010). \emph{Time Series: Modeling, Computation,
#' and Inference}. CRC Press.
#' @examples
#' ## damped linear trend model with no seasonal effect
#' ## and no covariates
#' DLM()
#' ## damped local level model with no seasonal effect
#' ## and no covariates
#' DLM(trend = NULL)
#' ## local level model with no damping, no seasonal effect,
#' ## and no covariates
#' DLM(trend = NULL, damp = NULL)
#' ## damped linear trend model with seasonal effect
#' ## and no covariates
#' DLM(season = Season(n = 4))
#' ## linear trend model with covariates, but no damping
#' ## and no seasonal effects
#' gdp.data <- data.frame(year = 2000:2016,
#'                        gdp = rnorm(17))
#' gdp.covariates <- Covariates(mean ~ gdp, data = gdp.data)
#' DLM(damp = NULL, covariates = gdp.covariates)
#' ## robustified damped linear trend model
#' DLM(error = Error(robust = TRUE))
#' @export
DLM <- function(along = NULL, level = Level(), trend = Trend(),
                damp = Damp(), season = NULL, covariates = NULL,
                error = Error()) {
    ## along
    along <- checkAndTidyAlongDLM(along)
    ## level
    if (methods::is(level, "Level")) {
        has.level <- TRUE
        AAlpha <- level@AAlpha
        multAlpha <- level@multAlpha
        nuAlpha <- level@nuAlpha
        omegaAlphaMax <- level@omegaAlphaMax
    else {
        if (is.null(level)) {
            has.level <- FALSE
            level <- Level()
            AAlpha <- level@AAlpha
            multAlpha <- level@multAlpha
            nuAlpha <- level@nuAlpha
            omegaAlphaMax <- level@omegaAlphaMax
        else {
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                          "level", class(level)))
    has.level <- methods::new("LogicalFlag", has.level)
    ## trend
    if (methods::is(trend, "Trend")) {
        has.trend <- TRUE
        ADelta <- trend@ADelta
        ADelta0 <- trend@ADelta0
        meanDelta0 <- trend@meanDelta0
        multDelta <- trend@multDelta
        multDelta0 <- trend@multDelta0
        nuDelta <- trend@nuDelta
        omegaDeltaMax <- trend@omegaDeltaMax
    else {
        if (is.null(trend))
            has.trend <- FALSE
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                          "trend", class(trend)))
    if (!has.level && !has.trend)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' and '%s' are both %s",
                      "level", "trend", "NULL"))
    ## damp
    if (!methods::is(damp, "Damp")) {
        if (is.null(damp))
            damp <- Damp(coef = 1)
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                          "damp", class(damp)))
    phiKnown <- methods::is(damp, "DampKnown")
    if (phiKnown) {
        minPhi <- 0
        maxPhi <- 1
        shape1Phi <- methods::new("Scale", 1)
        shape2Phi <- methods::new("Scale", 1)
        phi <- damp@phi
    else {
        minPhi <- damp@minPhi
        maxPhi <- damp@maxPhi
        shape1Phi <- damp@shape1Phi
        shape2Phi <- damp@shape2Phi
        phi <- as.double(NA)
    phiKnown <- methods::new("LogicalFlag", phiKnown)
    ## season
    if (methods::is(season, "Season")) {
        has.season <- TRUE
        ASeason <- season@ASeason
        multSeason <- season@multSeason
        nSeason <- season@nSeason
        nuSeason <- season@nuSeason
        omegaSeasonMax <- season@omegaSeasonMax
    else {
        if (is.null(season))
            has.season <- FALSE
            if (!methods::is(season, "Season"))
                stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                              "season", class(season)))
    ## covariates
    if (methods::is(covariates, "Covariates")) {
        has.covariates <- TRUE
        AEtaCoef <- covariates@AEtaCoef
        contrastsArg <- covariates@contrastsArg
        data <- covariates@data
        formula <- covariates@formula
        infant <- covariates@infant
        meanEtaCoef <- covariates@meanEtaCoef
        multEtaCoef <- covariates@multEtaCoef
        nuEtaCoef <- covariates@nuEtaCoef
    else {
        if (is.null(covariates))
            has.covariates <- FALSE
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                          "covariates", class(covariates)))
    ## error
    if (!methods::is(error, "Error"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "error", class(error)))
    ATau <- error@ATau
    multTau <- error@multTau
    nuTau <- error@nuTau
    tauMax <- error@tauMax
    is.robust <- methods::is(error, "ErrorRobust")
    if (is.robust)
        nuBeta <- error@nuBeta
    ## return
    if (!has.trend && !has.season && !has.covariates && !is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (has.trend && !has.season && !has.covariates && !is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ADelta = ADelta,
                     ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     hasLevel = has.level,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multDelta = multDelta,
                     multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuDelta = nuDelta,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (!has.trend && has.season && !has.covariates && !is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ASeason = ASeason,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multSeason = multSeason,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nSeason = nSeason,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuSeason = nuSeason,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (has.trend && has.season && !has.covariates && !is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ADelta = ADelta,
                     ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                     ASeason = ASeason,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     hasLevel = has.level,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multDelta = multDelta,
                     multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                     multSeason = multSeason,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nSeason = nSeason,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuDelta = nuDelta,
                     nuSeason = nuSeason,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax,
                     omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (!has.trend && !has.season && has.covariates && !is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     infant = infant,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (has.trend && !has.season && has.covariates && !is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ADelta = ADelta,
                     ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     hasLevel = has.level,
                     infant = infant,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multDelta = multDelta,
                     multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuDelta = nuDelta,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (!has.trend && has.season && has.covariates && !is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ASeason = ASeason,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     infant = infant,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multSeason = multSeason,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nSeason = nSeason,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuSeason = nuSeason,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (has.trend && has.season && has.covariates && !is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ADelta = ADelta,
                     ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ASeason = ASeason,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     hasLevel = has.level,
                     infant = infant,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multDelta = multDelta,
                     multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multSeason = multSeason,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nSeason = nSeason,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuDelta = nuDelta,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuSeason = nuSeason,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax,
                     omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (!has.trend && !has.season && !has.covariates && is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (has.trend && !has.season && !has.covariates && is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ADelta = ADelta,
                     ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     hasLevel = has.level,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multDelta = multDelta,
                     multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuDelta = nuDelta,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (!has.trend && has.season && !has.covariates && is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ASeason = ASeason,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multSeason = multSeason,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nSeason = nSeason,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuSeason = nuSeason,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (has.trend && has.season && !has.covariates && is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ADelta = ADelta,
                     ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                     ASeason = ASeason,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     hasLevel = has.level,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multDelta = multDelta,
                     multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                     multSeason = multSeason,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nSeason = nSeason,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuDelta = nuDelta,
                     nuSeason = nuSeason,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax,
                     omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (!has.trend && !has.season && has.covariates && is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     infant = infant,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (has.trend && !has.season && has.covariates && is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ADelta = ADelta,
                     ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     hasLevel = has.level,
                     infant = infant,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multDelta = multDelta,
                     multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuDelta = nuDelta,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (!has.trend && has.season && has.covariates && is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ASeason = ASeason,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     infant = infant,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multSeason = multSeason,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nSeason = nSeason,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuSeason = nuSeason,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (has.trend && has.season && has.covariates && is.robust) {
                     AAlpha = AAlpha,
                     ADelta = ADelta,
                     ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ASeason = ASeason,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     along = along,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     hasLevel = has.level,
                     infant = infant,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                     multAlpha = multAlpha,
                     multDelta = multDelta,
                     multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multSeason = multSeason,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nSeason = nSeason,
                     nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuDelta = nuDelta,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuSeason = nuSeason,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax,
                     omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax,
                     omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)

#' Short version of 'DLM' function for creating Dynamic Linear Model priors
#' @param l Logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), the model includes
#' a level term.
#' @param t Logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), the model includes
#' a trend term.
#' @param d Logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), the model is
#' damped, using the defaults for \code{\link{Damp}}.
#' @param scale A positive number. The value of the \code{scale}
#' parameter to be used in the priors for standard
#' deviations in level, trend, and error terms.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecDLM}}.
#' @examples
#' DLMS(scale = 0.1)
#' ## identical to
#' DLM(level = Level(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.1)),
#'     trend = Trend(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.1)),
#'     error = Error(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.1)))
#' DLMS(t = FALSE, d = FALSE, scale = 0.1)
#' ## identical to
#' DLM(level = Level(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.1)),
#'     trend = NULL,
#'     damp = NULL,
#'     error = Error(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.1)))
#' @export
DLMS <- function(l = TRUE, t = TRUE, d = TRUE, scale) {
    checkLogical(x = l, name = "l")
    checkLogical(x = t, name = "t")
    checkLogical(x = d, name = "d")
    if (!l && !t)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' and '%s' are both %s",
                      "l", "t", "FALSE"))
    if (missing(scale))
        stop(gettextf("argument '%s' is missing, with no default",
    checkNonNegativeNumeric(x = scale, name = "scale")
    spec.level <- if (l) Level(scale = HalfT(scale = scale)) else NULL
    spec.trend <- if (t) Trend(scale = HalfT(scale = scale)) else NULL
    spec.damp <- if (d) Damp() else NULL
    spec.error <- Error(scale = HalfT(scale = scale))
    DLM(level = spec.level,
        trend = spec.trend,
        damp = spec.damp,
        error = spec.error)

#' Specify the error term in a prior for a main effect or interaction.
#' Priors for main effects or interactions, such as age effects or
#' age-sex interactions, typically include an error term.  The error
#' terms can be specified using  function \code{Error}.
#' If \code{robust = FALSE} (the default), then the error term has a normal
#' distribution,
#'   \code{error[j] ~ N(0, scale^2)}.
#' The \code{scale} parameter has a half-\emph{t} prior, which is described in the
#' documentation for function \code{\link{HalfT}}.
#' If \code{robust = TRUE}, then, by default, the error term has a \emph{t}
#' distribution with 4 degrees of freedom,
#'   \code{error[j] ~ t(4, 0, scale^2)}.
#' Users can supply alternative values for the degrees of freedom.
#' The \code{scale} parameter has a half-\emph{t} prior, described
#' in the documentation for \code{\link{HalfT}}.
#' @param robust Whether to use a \emph{t} distribution.  Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param df The degrees of freedom for the \emph{t} distribution.
#' Defaults to 4.
#' @param scale Prior for the \code{scale} parameter.  An object of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{HalfT}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Error}}
#' @examples
#' Error()
#' Error(robust = TRUE)
#' Error(robust = TRUE, df = 10)
#' Error(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.5, max = 1))
#' Error(scale = HalfT(mult = 0.5))
#' @export
Error <- function(robust = FALSE, df = 4, scale = HalfT()) {
    checkLogical(x = robust, name = "robust")
    if (!methods::is(scale, "HalfT"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      scale, class(scale)))
    ATau <- scale@A
    multTau <- scale@mult
    nuTau <- scale@nu
    tauMax <- scale@scaleMax
    if (robust) {
        nuBeta <- checkAndTidyNu(x = df, name = "df")         
                     ATau = ATau,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else {
        if (methods::hasArg(df))
            warning(gettextf("'%s' is ignored when '%s' is %s",
                             "df", "robust", "FALSE"))
                     ATau = ATau,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     tauMax = tauMax)

#' Specify an exchangeable prior.
#' Specify a prior for main effects or interactions in which the units are
#' exchangeable.  Units are exchangeable if the labels or ordering of the
#' units does not provide any information about their distribution.
#' The prior specified by \code{Exch} has the form
#' \code{parameter[j] = covariates[j] + error[j].}
#' Including a covariates term can make the assumption of exchangeability
#' more plausible.  For instance, treating regional effects as exchangeable
#' is more plausible after the region effects have been adjusted for
#' differences in regions' incomes and population sizes.  A covariates term
#' can be specified using function \code{\link{Covariates}}.
#' Errors can have a normal or \emph{t} distribution.  The error term is
#' specified using function \code{\link{Error}}.
#' @inheritParams DLM
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecExch}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ExchFixed}} specifies a simpler
#' exchangeable prior.  \code{\link{DLM}} specifies a
#' non-exchangeable prior.
#' @examples
#' Exch()
#' Exch(error = Error(robust = TRUE))
#' Exch(error = Error(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.5)))
#' ## with covariates
#' data <- data.frame(region = letters[1:10],
#'                    income = rnorm(10))
#' Exch(covariates = Covariates(mean ~ income, data = data))
#' @export
Exch <- function(covariates = NULL, error = Error()) {
    ## covariates
    has.covariates <- !is.null(covariates)
    if (has.covariates) {
        if (!methods::is(covariates, "Covariates"))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class",
                          "covariates", class(covariates)))
        AEtaCoef <- covariates@AEtaCoef
        contrastsArg <- covariates@contrastsArg
        data <- covariates@data
        formula <- covariates@formula
        infant <- covariates@infant
        meanEtaCoef <- covariates@meanEtaCoef
        multEtaCoef <- covariates@multEtaCoef
        nuEtaCoef <- covariates@nuEtaCoef
    ## error
    if (!methods::is(error, "Error"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "error", class(error)))
    ATau <- error@ATau
    multTau <- error@multTau
    nuTau <- error@nuTau
    tauMax <- error@tauMax
    is.robust <- methods::is(error, "ErrorRobust")
    if (is.robust)
        nuBeta <- error@nuBeta
    ## return
    if (!is.robust && !has.covariates) {
                     ATau = ATau,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (is.robust && !has.covariates) {
                     ATau = ATau,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else if (!is.robust && has.covariates) {
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     infant = infant,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
    else {
                     AEtaCoef = AEtaCoef,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     contrastsArg = contrastsArg,
                     data = data,
                     formula = formula,
                     infant = infant,
                     meanEtaCoef = meanEtaCoef,
                     multEtaCoef = multEtaCoef,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     nuBeta = nuBeta,
                     nuEtaCoef = nuEtaCoef,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     tauMax = tauMax)

#' Specify a simple exchangeable prior.
#' A simpler exchangeable prior than \code{\link{Exch}}.  The units are
#' assumed to be drawn from a normal distribution with no covariates and
#' a known standard deviation.
#' The prior specified by \code{ExchFixed} has the form
#' \code{parameter[j] ~ N(mean, sd^2).}
#' \code{mean} defaults to 0. In most cases, non-zero means are ignored,
#' with a warning, when the model is generated. The exception is when
#' \code{ExchFixed} is being used to specify an intercept term,
#' when generating simulated data.
#' If a value for \code{sd} is not supplied by the user, then a value is
#' generated when function \code{\link{estimateModel}},
#' \code{\link{estimateCounts}}, or \code{\link{estimateAccount}} is called.
#' Let \eqn{s} be the standard deviation of data \code{y}, or of \code{log(y)}
#' in the case of a Poisson model without exposure, and let \eqn{m} be
#' the \code{mult} argument.  The default value for \code{sd} is then
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   \strong{Model} \tab \strong{Default} \cr
#'   Poisson with exposure \tab \eqn{m} \cr
#'   Poisson without exposure \tab  \eqn{ms} \cr
#'   binomial \tab \eqn{m} \cr
#'   normal \tab  \eqn{ms}.
#' }
#' These value are designed to be weakly informative, in that they favour
#' values for \code{sd} that are demographically plausible.
#' \code{ExchFixed} can be useful a dimension with few elements, such as sex
#' dimension, where there is insufficient information to justify more
#' complicated priors.
#' @param mean Mean. Optional.
#' @param sd Standard deviation.  Optional.
#' @param mult Multiplier applied to \code{sd}, if \code{sd}
#' is generated automatically.  Defaults to 1.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecExchFixed}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Exch}} specifies a more complicated
#' exchangeable prior.
#' @examples
#' ## default standard deviation
#' ExchFixed()
#' ## user-specified standard deviation
#' ExchFixed(sd = 0.5)
#' ## reduce the size of the automatically-generated 'sd'
#' ExchFixed(mult = 0.5)
#' ## increase the size of the automatically-generated 'sd'
#' ExchFixed(mult = 2)
#' @export
ExchFixed <- function(mean = 0, sd = NULL, mult = 1) {
    mean <- checkAndTidyMeanOrProb(mean, name = "mean")
    mean <- methods::new("Parameter", mean)
    tau <- checkAndTidySpecScale(x = sd, name = "sd")
    multTau <- checkAndTidyMult(mult = mult,
                                scale = tau,
                                nameScale = "sd")
                 mean = mean,
                 tau = tau,
                 multTau = multTau)

#' Specify a half-t distribution.
#' If \code{x} has a \emph{t} distribution, then \code{abs(x)} has a
#' half-\emph{t} distribution, also known as a folder \emph{t}
#' distribution.  In package \pkg{demest}, most standard deviation or
#' scale parameters have half-\emph{t} priors.
#' A half-\emph{t} distribution with degrees of freedom \eqn{n} and
#' scale \eqn{A} has density
#' \deqn{p(y) \propto ((y^2)/n + A^2)^(-(n+1)/2).}
#' Setting a maximum value that the standard deviation or scale
#' parameter can take (and so specifying a \emph{truncated} half-\emph{t}
#' distribution) can reduce numerical problems, and dramatically
#' improve convergence.  By default, the maximum value is set to the 0.999
#' quantile.Users can specify alternative values, including infinity.
#' \code{HalfT} is typically used to specify the prior for
#' a main effect or interaction.  In this case, if a value for \code{scale}
#' is not specified, a default value is determined when function
#' \code{\link{estimateModel}}, \code{\link{estimateCounts}}, or
#' \code{\link{estimateAccount}} is called. Let \eqn{s} be the standard
#' deviation of data \eqn{y}, or of \code{log(y)} in the case of a
#' Poisson model without exposure. Let \eqn{d} be the degree of an
#' interaction: for instance, an interaction between age and sex has
#' degree 2, and an interaction between age, sex, and region has degree 3.
#' Let \eqn{m} be the \code{mult} argument. The default value for \code{scale}
#' is then
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   \strong{Model} \tab \strong{Term} \tab \strong{Default} \cr
#'   Poisson with exposure \tab Main effect \tab \eqn{m} \cr 
#'   Poisson with exposure \tab Interaction of degree \eqn{d} \tab \eqn{m 0.5^{d-1}} \cr
#'   Poisson without exposure \tab Main effect \ \eqn{ms} \cr
#'   Poisson without exposure \tab Interaction of degree \eqn{d} \tab \eqn{ms 0.5^{d-1}} \cr
#'   binomial \tab Main effect \tab \eqn{m} \cr
#'   binomial \tab Interaction of degree \eqn{d} \tab \eqn{m 0.5^{d-1}} \cr
#'   normal \tab Main effect \tab \eqn{ms} \cr
#'   normal \tab Interaction of degree \eqn{d} \tab \eqn{ms 0.5^{d-1}}.
#' }
#' @param df Degrees of freedom of the half-\emph{t} distribution.
#' A positive number, defaulting to 7
#' @param scale Scale parameter for the  half-\emph{t} distribution.
#' A positive number.
#' @param max A positive number.  If finite, the half-\emph{t}
#' distribution is truncated at this point.
#' @param mult Multiplier applied to \code{scale} if \code{scale}
#' is generated automatically.  Defaults to 1.
#' @return Object of class \code{\linkS4class{HalfT}}.
#' @references
#' Brazauskas, V., and Kleefeld, A. (2011) Folded and log-folded-t
#' distributions as models for insurance loss data.
#' \emph{Scandinavian Actuarial Journal} 59-74.
#' Gelman, A. (2006). Prior distributions for variance parameters in
#' hierarchical models (comment on article by Browne and Draper).
#' \emph{Bayesian Analysis} 1, 515-534.
#' Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S. and Rubin, D.B., 2014.
#' \emph{Bayesian Ddata Analysis. Third Edition.} Boca Raton, FL, USA:
#' Chapman & Hall/CRC. Section 16.3.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Error}}, \code{\link{Exch}}, \code{\link{Exch}}
#' @examples
#' HalfT()
#' HalfT(scale = 0.5)
#' HalfT(df = 1, scale = 10)
#' HalfT(scale = 0.5, max = 4)
#' HalfT(mult = 0.5)
#' HalfT(mult = 2)
#' @export
HalfT <- function(df = 7, scale = NULL, max = NULL, mult = 1) {
    nu <- checkAndTidyNu(x = df, name = "df")
    A <- checkAndTidySpecScale(x = scale,
                               name = "scale")
    scaleMax <- checkAndTidyScaleMax(x = max,
                                     name = "max",
                                     nu = nu,
                                     A = A)
    mult <- checkAndTidyMult(mult = mult,
                             scale = A,
                             nameScale = "scale")
                 A = A,
                 mult = mult,
                 nu = nu,
                 scaleMax = scaleMax)

#' Specify the prior for the initial value of the trend term in a DLM prior.
#' Specify the prior for the initial value of the trend term, typically as
#' part of a call to function \code{\link{Trend}}.
#' In the linear trend version of a DLM prior, the trend term has the form
#' \code{trend[0] ~ N(mean, sd^2)}
#' \code{trend[j] ~ damp * trend[j-1] + errorLevel[j], j = 1,...,J}.
#' By default, the mean in the prior for \code{trend[0]} defaults to 0.
#' The default for the \code{sd} is set using the same rules as the
#' default for the scale term in a \code{\link{HalfT}} prior.
#' @inheritParams HalfT
#' @param mean The mean of the prior distribution.  Defaults to 0.
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the prior distribution.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Initial}}.
#' @seealso \code{Initial} is usually called as part of a call to function
#' \code{\link{Trend}}.
#' @examples
#' Initial()
#' Initial(mean = 0.1, sd = 0.3)
#' Initial(mean = 0.02, mult = 0.1)
#' @export
Initial <- function(mean = 0, sd = NULL, mult = 1) {
    mean <- checkAndTidyMeanOrProb(object = mean,
                                   name = "mean")
    mean <- methods::new("Parameter", mean)
    A <- checkAndTidySpecScale(x = sd,
                               name = "sd")
    mult <- checkAndTidyMult(mult = mult,
                             scale = A,
                             nameScale = "sd")
                 A = A,
                 mean = mean,
                 mult = mult)

#' Specify an inverse chi-squared distribution.
#' Specify an inverse chi-squared distribution,
#' for use as a prior..
#' @param df Degrees of freedom. A positive number.
#' @param scaleSq Scale parameter. A positive number.
#' @param max A positive number.  If finite, the
#' distribution is truncated at this point.
#' @return Object of class \code{\linkS4class{InvChiSq}}.
#' @examples
#' InvChiSq(df = 10, scaleSq = 10, max = 15)
#' @export
InvChiSq <- function(df, scaleSq, max = NULL) { ## must supply values for 'df' and 'scaleSq'
    nu <- checkAndTidyNu(x = df,
                         name = "df")
    A <- checkAndTidySpecScale(x = scaleSq,
                               name = "scaleSq")
    if (is.null(max))
        max <- 10 * scaleSq
    scaleMax <- checkAndTidyScaleMax(x = max,
                                     name = "max",
                                     nu = nu,
                                     A = A)
                 A = A,
                 nu = nu,
                 scaleMax = scaleMax)

#' Specify a prior where the mean varies but is treated as known.
#' Specify a 'Known' prior.  The prior comes in two forms.  With the first
#' form, the corresponding main effect or interaction equals the mean
#' exactly,
#' \code{parameter[j] = mean[j]}.
#' With the second form,
#' \code{parameter[j] ~ N(mean[j], sd[j])}.
#' The second form is obtained by supplying a \code{sd} argument
#' to function \code{Known}.
#' Internally, the \code{mean} and \code{sd} arguments are permuted and
#' subsetted to make them compatible with the corresponding main effect or
#' interaction.  Thus, for example, if \code{mean} has values for regions
#' \code{A}, \code{B}, and \code{C}, but data \code{y} only includes
#' regions \code{A} and \code{B}, then \code{C} is silently ignored.
#' The original \code{mean} and \code{sd} arguments are, however,
#' stored, and can be used for prediction.  For example, we might
#' supply a \code{mean} argument with values for years 2005,
#' 2010, 2015, 2020, and 2025, then call \code{\link{estimateModel}}
#' with data for 2005, 2010, and 2015, and finally call
#' \code{\link{predictModel}} to obtain forecasts for 2020 and 2025.
#' @param mean The mean of the prior distribution.  An object of
#' class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}}.
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the prior distribution.
#' If omitted, it is assumed to be 0.  \code{sd} can be an object
#' of class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}}, or it can be
#' a single number, in which case it is applied to all
#' elements of \code{mean}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecKnown}}.
#' @seealso \code{ExchFixed} creates a normal prior centered at 0.
#' @examples
#' mean <- ValuesOne(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
#'                   labels = c("A", "B", "C"),
#'                   name = "region")
#' sd <- ValuesOne(c(0.02, 0.03, 0.02),
#'                   labels = c("A", "B", "C"),
#'                   name = "region")
#' ## No uncertainty
#' Known(mean)
#' ## Some uncertainty
#' Known(mean = mean, sd = sd)
#' ## Single standard deviation
#' Known(mean = mean, sd = 0.05)
#' @export
Known <- function(mean, sd = 0) {
    ## 'mean' is "Values"
    if (!methods::is(mean, "Values"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "mean", class(mean)))
    metadata <- mean@metadata
    ## 'metadata' does not have any dimensions with dimtype "iteration"
    if ("iteration" %in% dimtypes(metadata))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has dimension with dimtype \"%s\"",
                      "mean", "iteration"))
    ## 'metadata' does not have any dimensions with dimtype "quantile"
    if ("quantile" %in% dimtypes(metadata))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has dimension with dimtype \"%s\"",
                      "mean", "quantile"))
    ## 'mean' has no missing values
    if (any(is.na(mean)))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has missing values",
    ## mean has length of 2 or more
    if (length(mean) < 2L)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has length %d",
                      "mean", length(mean)))
    alphaKnown <- as.double(mean)
    alphaKnown <- methods::new("ParameterVector", alphaKnown)
    if (identical(sd, 0)) {
            alphaKnown = alphaKnown,
            metadata = metadata)
    else {
        if (methods::is(sd, "Values")) {
            ## 'sd' is compatible with 'mean'
            sd <- tryCatch(dembase::makeCompatible(x = sd, y = mean, subset = TRUE),
                           error = function(e) e)
            if (methods::is(sd, "error"))
                stop(gettextf("'%s' and '%s' not compatible : %s",
                              "sd", "mean", sd$message))
            sd <- as.double(sd)
            ## 'sd' has no missing values
            if (any(is.na(sd)))
                stop(gettextf("'%s' has missing values",
            ## 'sd' has no negative values
            if (any(sd < 0))
                stop(gettextf("'%s' has negative values",
        else if (methods::is(sd, "numeric")) {
            sd <- as.double(sd)
            ## 'sd' has length 1
            if (!identical(length(sd), 1L))
                stop(gettextf("'%s' is numeric but does not have length %d",
                              "sd", 1L))
            ## 'sd' is not missing
            if (is.na(sd))
                stop(gettextf("'%s' is missing",
            ## 'sd' is non-negative
            if (sd < 0)
                stop(gettextf("'%s' is negative",
            sd <- rep(sd, times = length(mean))
        else { ## sd is Values or numeric
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                          "sd", class(sd)))
        sd <- methods::new("ScaleVec", sd)
            alphaKnown = alphaKnown,
            AKnownVec = sd,
            metadata = metadata)

#' Specify the level term in a DLM prior.
#' Specify the level term in a \code{\link{DLM}} prior.  Currently the only
#' part of the level term that can be specified is the prior for the
#' standard deviation of the innovations.
#' @param scale An object of class \code{\linkS4class{HalfT}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Level}}
#' @seealso \code{Level} is usually called as part of a call to
#' function \code{\link{DLM}}.
#' @examples
#' Level()
#' Level(scale = HalfT(scale = 0.5))
#' @export
Level <- function(scale = HalfT()) {
    if (!methods::is(scale, "HalfT"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      scale, class(scale)))
    AAlpha <- scale@A
    multAlpha <- scale@mult
    nuAlpha <- scale@nu
    omegaAlphaMax <- scale@scaleMax
                 AAlpha = AAlpha,
                 multAlpha = multAlpha,
                 nuAlpha = nuAlpha,
                 omegaAlphaMax = omegaAlphaMax)

#' Specify a Mix prior.
#' A \code{Mix} prior is used to model an iteraction that includes
#' an "along" dimension (typically, but not necessarily, time),
#' and additional dimensions.  Values for the additional
#' dimensions evolve, generally smoothly, across successive values of the
#' "along" dimension.  A typical application is modelling age-structures
#' that change gradually over time.
#' The prior is modified from a model developed by Kunihama and Dunson
#' (2013).  The model is non-parametric, meaning that it extracts
#' structure from the data with minimal guidance from the user.  It is
#' designed for use with sparse data.
#' @inheritParams DLM
#' @param components An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Components}}.
#' @param weights An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Weights}}.
#' @param maxComponents The maximum number of components. Defaults to 10.
#' @references
#' Kunihama, T and Dunson, DB. 2013. Bayesian modeling of temporal dependence in
#' large sparse contingency tables.  \emph{Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association}, 108(504): 1324-1338.
#' @seealso Priors for the components can be specified using
#' function \code{\link{Components}}, and weights (ie mixing parameters)
#' can be specified using function \code{\link{Weights}}.  However,
#' in normal usage, it is typically best to stick with the defaults.
#' @examples
#' Mix()
#' @export
Mix <- function(along = NULL,
                components = Components(),
                weights = Weights(),
                covariates = NULL,
                error = Error(),
                maxComponents = 10) {
    ## along
    along <- checkAndTidyAlongDLM(along)
    ## components
    if (!methods::is(components, "Components"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "components", class(components)))
    AVectorsMix <- components@AVectorsMix
    multVectorsMix <- components@multVectorsMix
    nuVectorsMix <- components@nuVectorsMix
    omegaVectorsMaxMix <- components@omegaVectorsMaxMix
    ## weights
    if (!methods::is(weights, "Weights"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "weights", class(weights)))
    AComponentWeightMix <- weights@AComponentWeightMix
    ALevelComponentWeightMix <- weights@ALevelComponentWeightMix
    minLevelComponentWeight <- weights@minLevelComponentWeight
    maxLevelComponentWeight <- weights@maxLevelComponentWeight
    maxPhi <- weights@maxPhi
    minPhi <- weights@minPhi
    multComponentWeightMix <- weights@multComponentWeightMix
    multLevelComponentWeightMix <- weights@multLevelComponentWeightMix
    nuComponentWeightMix <- weights@nuComponentWeightMix
    nuLevelComponentWeightMix <- weights@nuLevelComponentWeightMix
    omegaComponentWeightMaxMix <- weights@omegaComponentWeightMaxMix
    omegaLevelComponentWeightMaxMix <- weights@omegaLevelComponentWeightMaxMix
    phi <- weights@phi
    phiKnown <- weights@phiKnown
    priorMeanLevelComponentWeightMix <- weights@priorMeanLevelComponentWeightMix
    priorSDLevelComponentWeightMix <- weights@priorSDLevelComponentWeightMix
    shape1Phi <- weights@shape1Phi
    shape2Phi <- weights@shape2Phi
    ## covariates
    has.covariates <- !is.null(covariates)
    if (has.covariates) {
        if (!methods::is(covariates, "Covariates"))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class",
                          "covariates", class(covariates)))
        AEtaCoef <- covariates@AEtaCoef
        contrastsArg <- covariates@contrastsArg
        data <- covariates@data
        formula <- covariates@formula
        infant <- covariates@infant
        meanEtaCoef <- covariates@meanEtaCoef
        multEtaCoef <- covariates@multEtaCoef
        nuEtaCoef <- covariates@nuEtaCoef
    ## error
    if (!methods::is(error, "Error"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "error", class(error)))
    ATau <- error@ATau
    multTau <- error@multTau
    nuTau <- error@nuTau
    tauMax <- error@tauMax
    is.robust <- methods::is(error, "ErrorRobust")
    if (is.robust)
        nuBeta <- error@nuBeta
    ## indexClassMax
    indexClassMaxMix <- checkAndTidyIndexClassMaxMix(maxComponents)
    ## return
    if (!is.robust && !has.covariates) {
                     AComponentWeightMix = AComponentWeightMix,
                     ALevelComponentWeightMix = ALevelComponentWeightMix,
                     ATau = ATau,
                     AVectorsMix = AVectorsMix,
                     along = along,
                     indexClassMaxMix = indexClassMaxMix,
                     minLevelComponentWeight = minLevelComponentWeight,
                     maxLevelComponentWeight = maxLevelComponentWeight,
                     minPhi = minPhi,
                     maxPhi = maxPhi,
                     multComponentWeightMix = multComponentWeightMix,
                     multLevelComponentWeightMix = multLevelComponentWeightMix,
                     multTau = multTau,
                     multVectorsMix = multVectorsMix,
                     nuComponentWeightMix = nuComponentWeightMix,
                     nuLevelComponentWeightMix = nuLevelComponentWeightMix,
                     nuTau = nuTau,
                     nuVectorsMix = nuVectorsMix,
                     omegaComponentWeightMaxMix = omegaComponentWeightMaxMix,
                     omegaLevelComponentWeightMaxMix = omegaLevelComponentWeightMaxMix,
                     omegaVectorsMaxMix = omegaVectorsMaxMix,
                     phi = phi,
                     phiKnown = phiKnown,
                     priorMeanLevelComponentWeightMix = priorMeanLevelComponentWeightMix,
                     priorSDLevelComponentWeightMix = priorSDLevelComponentWeightMix,
                     shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                     shape2Phi = shape2Phi,
                     tauMax = tauMax)
        stop("Mix prior with covariates and/or robust errors not implemented yet")

#' Specify a normal distribution.
#' Specify a normal distribution. \code{Norm} is used to specify
#' a prior (on the log scale) for
#' the dispersion parameter in a \code{\link{CMP}} model.
#' @param mean Mean. Defaults to 0.
#' @param sd Standard deviation. A positive number. Defaults to 1.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Norm}}.
#' @seealso \code{Norm} is used in calls to function \code{\link{Covariates}}.
#' @examples
#' Norm()
#' Norm(sd = 0.5)
#' Norm(mean = 0.5, sd = 1.5)
#' @export
Norm <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1) {
    mean <- checkAndTidyMeanOrProb(mean, name = "mean")
    mean <- methods::new("Parameter", mean)
    A <- checkAndTidySpecScale(x = sd, name = "scale")
                 mean = mean,
                 A = A)

#' Specify a seasonal effect in a DLM prior.
#' A \code{\link{DLM}} prior can contain a seasonal effect, which
#' is specified using function \code{Season}. Season effects can
#' can change over time.
#' In a prior for a main effect, the seasonal effect has the form
#' \code{s[j] = s[j-n] + errorSeason[j],}
#' where \code{n} is the number of seasons.
#' In a prior for an interaction, the seasonal effect has the form
#' \code{s[k,l] = s[k-n,l] + errorSeason[k,l].}
#' (See the documentation for function \code{\link{DLM}} for
#' an explanation of the \code{k,l} subscripts.)
#' The error term has the form
#' \code{errorSeason[j] ~ N(0, scaleSeason^2)}
#' or 
#' \code{errorSeason[k,l] ~ N(0, scaleSeason^2)}.
#' Standard deviation \code{scaleSeason} has a half-\emph{t} prior,
#' which can be specified using function \code{\link{HalfT}}.
#' Season effects are not fixed, but instead evolve over time.  The speed
#' with which season effects change is governed by \code{scaleSeason}.
#' @param n Number of seasons.  An integer greater than 1.
#' @param scale Prior for the \code{scaleSeason} parameter. An object of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{HalfT}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Season}}
#' @seealso \code{Season} supplies an option argument
#' to function \code{\link{DLM}}.
#' @examples
#' Season(n = 4)
#' Season(n = 2, scale = HalfT(scale = 3))
#' @export
Season <- function(n, scale = HalfT()) {
    n <- checkAndTidyNSeason(n)
    ASeason <- scale@A
    multSeason <- scale@mult
    nuSeason <- scale@nu
    omegaSeasonMax <- scale@scaleMax
                 ASeason = ASeason,
                 multSeason = multSeason,
                 nSeason = n,
                 nuSeason = nuSeason,
                 omegaSeasonMax = omegaSeasonMax)

#' Specify a vector of independent t-distributed variables
#' Specify a vector of \code{n} t-distributed variables, each
#' of which has degrees of freedom \code{df[i]},
#' mean \code{mean[i]}, and scale \code{scale[i]}.
#' @param df Degrees of freedom. A vector with length equal to
#' 1 or to the number of variables required. Defaults to 4.
#' @param mean Mean parameter. A vector with length equal to 1
#' or to the number of variables required. Defaults to 0.
#' @param scale Scale parameter.  A vector with length equal to
#' 1 or to the number of variables required. Defaults to 1.
#' @param mult Multiplier applied to \code{scale}, if \code{sd}
#' is generated automatically.  Defaults to 1.
#' @return Object of class \code{\linkS4class{TDist}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Covariates}}
#' @examples
#' TDist()
#' TDist(mean = c(-1, 0, 0))
#' TDist(df = c(4, 4, 7),
#'       mean = c(-1, 0.2, 0.1),
#'       scale = c(1, 2, 1))
#' @export
TDist <- function(df = 7, mean = 0, scale = NULL, mult = 1) {
    nu <- checkAndTidyNuVec(x = df,
                            name = "df")
    n.nu <- length(nu@.Data)
    if (n.nu == 0L)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has length %d",
                      "df", 0L))
    mean <- checkAndTidyParameterVector(x = mean,
                                        name = "mean")
    n.mean <- length(mean@.Data)
    if (n.mean == 0L)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has length %d",
                      "mean", 0L))
    A <- checkAndTidySpecScaleVec(x = scale,
                                  name = "scale")
    n.A <- length(A@.Data)
    if (n.A == 0L)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has length %d",
                      "mean", 0L))
    mult <- checkAndTidyMultVec(mult = mult,
                                scale = A,
                                nameMult = "mult",
                                nameScale = "scale")
    n.mult <- length(mult@.Data)
    max.len <- max(n.nu, n.mean, n.A, n.mult)
    if (max.len > 1L) {
        nu.invalid <- (n.nu != 1L) && (n.nu != max.len)
        mean.invalid <- (n.mean != 1L) && (n.mean != max.len)
        A.invalid <- (n.A != 1L) && (n.A != max.len)
        mult.invalid <- (n.mult != 1L) && (n.mult != max.len)
        if (nu.invalid || mean.invalid || A.invalid || mult.invalid)
            stop(gettextf("'%s', '%s', '%s', and '%s' have inconsistent lengths",
                          "df", "mean", "scale", "mult"))
        nu@.Data <- rep_len(nu@.Data, length.out = max.len)
        mean@.Data <- rep_len(mean@.Data, length.out = max.len)
        A@.Data <- rep_len(A@.Data, length.out = max.len)
        mult@.Data <- rep_len(mult@.Data, length.out = max.len)
                 AEtaCoef = A,
                 meanEtaCoef = mean,
                 multEtaCoef = mult,
                 nuEtaCoef = nu)

#' Specify the trend term in a DLM prior.
#' Specify the prior for the initial values, and the prior for the standard
#' deviation of the innovations in a \code{\link{DLM}} prior.
#' @param initial An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Initial}}.
#' @param scale An object of class \code{\linkS4class{HalfT}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Trend}}
#' @seealso \code{Trend} is usually called as part of a call to
#' function \code{\link{DLM}}.
#' @examples
#' Trend()
#' Trend(initial = Initial(mean = 0.05, sd = 0.1),
#'       scale = HalfT(scale = 0.5))
#' @export
Trend <- function(initial = Initial(), scale = HalfT()) {
    if (!methods::is(initial, "Initial"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      initial, class(initial)))
    ADelta0 <- initial@A
    meanDelta0 <- initial@mean
    multDelta0 <- initial@mult
    if (!methods::is(scale, "HalfT"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      scale, class(scale)))
    ADelta <- scale@A
    multDelta <- scale@mult
    nuDelta <- scale@nu
    omegaDeltaMax <- scale@scaleMax
                 ADelta = ADelta,
                 ADelta0 = ADelta0,
                 meanDelta0 = meanDelta0,
                 multDelta = multDelta,
                 multDelta0 = multDelta0,
                 nuDelta = nuDelta,
                 omegaDeltaMax = omegaDeltaMax)

#' Specify priors for the weights in a Mix prior.
#' In normal usage, it is better to accept the default priors
#' for the weights than to specify them explicitly.
#' End users are therefore unlikely to need this function.
#' A \code{\link{Mix}} prior treats an interaction as a mixture of
#' normal distributions.  The weights, also referred as mixture
#' parameters, evolve over time.  The evolution of the weight for
#' each component is governed by an auto-regressive time series model.
#' Specifically, transformed values of the weights are modelled
#' using
#'   \code{level1[k,h] = level2[k,h] + error1[k,h]}
#'   \code{level2[k,h] = mean + damp * level2[k-1,h] + error2[k,h]}
#' \code{mean} has a normal prior.
#' \code{damp} has the boundary-avoiding prior described in
#' Gelman et al (2004) p316-317.  This prior is equivalent to assuming
#' a Beta(2, 2) prior on the transformed parameter (\code{damp}+0.5)/2.
#' \code{error1} and \code{error2} both have half-t priors. These
#' priors have the defaults described in \code{\link{HalfT}}.
#' @param mean The mean of the prior for \code{mean}. Defaults to 0.
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the prior for \code{mean}.
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @param damp An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Damp}}. 
#' @param scale1 An object of class \code{\linkS4class{HalfT}} defining
#' the prior for \code{error1}.
#' @param scale2 An object of class \code{\linkS4class{HalfT}} defining
#' the prior for \code{error2}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Weights}}.
#' @seealso Mixture priors are specified using \code{\link{Mix}}.
#' The weights in a mixture prior are specified using
#' \code{\link{Weights}}.
#' @export
Weights <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1, damp = Damp(), scale1 = HalfT(), scale2 = HalfT()) {
    minAR2 <- -4; maxAR2 <- 4 # no longer letting users specify
    priorMeanLevelComponentWeightMix <- checkAndTidyMeanOrProb(object = mean,
                                                               name = "mean")
    checkPositiveNumeric(x = sd,
                         name = "sd")
    priorMeanLevelComponentWeightMix = methods::new("Parameter",
    priorSDLevelComponentWeightMix <- as.double(sd)
    priorSDLevelComponentWeightMix <- methods::new("Scale",
    if (!methods::is(scale1, "HalfT"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "scale1", class(scale1)))
    if (!methods::is(scale2, "HalfT"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "scale2", class(scale2)))
    if (!methods::is(damp, "Damp")) {
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "damp", class(damp)))
    phiKnown <- methods::is(damp, "DampKnown")
    if (phiKnown) {
        minPhi <- 0
        maxPhi <- 1
        shape1Phi <- methods::new("Scale", 1)
        shape2Phi <- methods::new("Scale", 1)
        phi <- damp@phi
        if (isTRUE(all.equal(phi, 1)))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' equals %d",
                          "damp", 1L))
    else {
        minPhi <- damp@minPhi
        maxPhi <- damp@maxPhi
        shape1Phi <- damp@shape1Phi
        shape2Phi <- damp@shape2Phi
        phi <- as.double(NA)
    phiKnown <- methods::new("LogicalFlag", phiKnown)
    l <- checkAndTidyLevelComponentWeightMinMax(minAR2 = minAR2,
                                                maxAR2 = maxAR2)
    minLevelComponentWeight <- l$minLevelComponentWeight
    maxLevelComponentWeight <- l$maxLevelComponentWeight
    maxAR2 <- l$maxAR2
    AComponentWeightMix <- scale1@A
    ALevelComponentWeightMix <- scale2@A
    multComponentWeightMix <- scale1@mult
    multLevelComponentWeightMix <- scale2@mult
    nuComponentWeightMix <- scale1@nu
    nuLevelComponentWeightMix <- scale2@nu
    omegaComponentWeightMaxMix <- scale1@scaleMax
    omegaLevelComponentWeightMaxMix <- scale2@scaleMax
                 AComponentWeightMix = AComponentWeightMix,
                 ALevelComponentWeightMix = ALevelComponentWeightMix,
                 maxLevelComponentWeight = maxLevelComponentWeight,
                 maxPhi = maxPhi,
                 minLevelComponentWeight = minLevelComponentWeight,
                 minPhi = minPhi,
                 multComponentWeightMix = multComponentWeightMix,
                 multLevelComponentWeightMix = multLevelComponentWeightMix,
                 nuComponentWeightMix = nuComponentWeightMix,
                 nuLevelComponentWeightMix = nuLevelComponentWeightMix,
                 omegaComponentWeightMaxMix = omegaComponentWeightMaxMix,
                 omegaLevelComponentWeightMaxMix = omegaLevelComponentWeightMaxMix,
                 phi = phi,
                 phiKnown = phiKnown,
                 priorMeanLevelComponentWeightMix = priorMeanLevelComponentWeightMix,
                 priorSDLevelComponentWeightMix = priorSDLevelComponentWeightMix,
                 shape1Phi = shape1Phi,
                 shape2Phi = shape2Phi)

#' Specify a prior that sets all terms to zero.
#' Specify a prior for a main effect or interaction in which 
#' \code{parameter[j] = 0}.
#' In some cases, as with a dimension representing upper and lower
#' Lexis triangles, setting all elements of the main effect or interaction
#' to zero may make substantive sense.  In other cases, a \code{Zero} prior
#' to reduce the number of terms being estimated, while conforming
#' to that requirement from \code{\link{Model}} that all terms marginal
#' to an interaction be included in a model.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecZero}}.
#' @seealso \code{Known} can be used to create a prior that
#' fixes the main effect or interaction at values other than 0.
#' @examples
#' Zero()
#' @export  
Zero <- function() {
StatisticsNZ/demest documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 7:56 p.m.