

version <- '0.5'
default_url <- "http://mygene.info/v3"

MyGene <- setClass("MyGene",
    slots=list(base.url="character", delay="numeric", step="numeric", version="character", verbose="logical", debug="logical"),
    prototype=list(base.url=default_url, delay=1, step=1000, version=version, verbose=TRUE, debug=FALSE))

validMyGeneObject <- function(object) {
    errors <- character(0)
    for (sn in c("base.url", "delay", "step")) {
        if (length(slot(object, sn)) != 1)
            errors <- c(errors, sprintf("Slot %s must have length 1", sn))
    if (length(errors) > 0){
    } else {

setValidity("MyGene", validMyGeneObject)

.return.as <- function(gene_obj, return.as=c("DataFrame", "records", "text")) {
  return.as <- match.arg(return.as)
  if (return.as == "DataFrame") {
    gene_obj <- .json2df(gene_obj)
    df <- DataFrame(gene_obj)
    df <- rename(df, c("X_id"="_id"))
    df$`_version` <- NULL
  } else if (return.as == "text") {
  } else {
    return(fromJSON(.json.batch.collapse(gene_obj), simplifyDataFrame=FALSE))}

setGeneric(".request.get", signature=c("mygene"),
            function(mygene, path, params=list()) standardGeneric(".request.get"))

setMethod(".request.get", c(mygene="MyGene"),
            function(mygene, path, params=list()){
    url <- paste(mygene@base.url, path, sep="")
    headers <- c('User-Agent' = sprintf('R-httr_mygene.R/httr.%s', version))
    if (exists('params')){
        if (mygene@debug){
            res <- GET(url, query=params, verbose())
        } else {
            res <- GET(url, query=params, config=add_headers(headers))
    if (res$status_code != 200) 
        stop("Request returned unexpected status code:\n",
            paste(capture.output(print(res)), collapse="\n"))
    httr::content(res, "text")

setGeneric(".request.post", signature=c("mygene"),
            function(mygene, path, params=list()) standardGeneric(".request.post"))

setMethod(".request.post", c(mygene="MyGene"),
            function(mygene, path, params=list()) {
    url <- paste(mygene@base.url, path, sep="")
    headers <- c('Content-Type'= 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
            'User-Agent'=sprintf('R-httr_mygene.R/httr.%s', version))
    if (exists('params')){
        if (mygene@debug){
            res <- POST(url, body=params, config=list(add_headers(headers)), verbose())
            res <- POST(url, body=params, config=list(add_headers(headers)))
    if (res$status_code != 200)
        stop("Request returned unexpected status code:\n",
             paste(capture.output(print(res)), collapse="\n"))
    httr::content(res, "text")

.repeated.query <- function(mygene, path, vecparams, params=list(), return.as) {
    verbose <- mygene@verbose
    vecparams.split <- .transpose.nested.list(lapply(vecparams, .splitBySize, maxsize=mygene@step))
    if (length(vecparams.split) <= 1){
        verbose <- FALSE
    vecparams.splitcollapse <- lapply(vecparams.split, lapply, .collapse)
    n <- length(vecparams.splitcollapse)
    reslist <- character(n)
    i <- 1
    repeat {
        if (verbose) {
          message("Querying chunk ", i)
        params.i <- c(params, vecparams.splitcollapse[[i]])
        reslist[[i]] <- .request.post(mygene=mygene, path, params=params.i)
        ## This avoids an extra sleep after the last fragment
        if (i == n){
        i <- i+1
    # This gets the text that would have been returned if we could submit all genes in a single query.
    #restext <- .json.batch.collapse(reslist)

setMethod("metadata", c(x="MyGene"), function(x, ...) {
    .return.as(.request.get(x, "/metadata"), "records")

setGeneric("getGene", signature=c("mygene"),
            function(geneid, fields=c("symbol","name","taxid","entrezgene"),
            ..., return.as=c("records", "text"), mygene) standardGeneric("getGene"))

setMethod("getGene", c(mygene="MyGene"),
            function(geneid, fields=c("symbol","name","taxid","entrezgene"),
            ..., return.as=c("records", "text"), mygene) {
    return.as <- match.arg(return.as)
    params <- list(...)
    params$fields <- .collapse(fields)
    res <- .request.get(mygene, paste("/gene/", geneid, sep=""), params)
    .return.as(res, return.as=return.as)

## If nothing is passed for the mygene argument, just construct a
## default MyGene object and use it.
setMethod("getGene", c(mygene="missing"),
            function(geneid, fields=c("symbol","name","taxid","entrezgene"),
            ..., return.as=c("records", "text"), mygene) {

    mygene <- MyGene()
    getGene(geneid, fields, ..., return.as=return.as, mygene=mygene)

setGeneric("getGenes", signature=c("mygene"),
            function(geneids, fields=c("symbol","name","taxid","entrezgene"),
            ..., return.as=c("DataFrame", "records", "text"), mygene) standardGeneric("getGenes"))

setMethod("getGenes", c(mygene="MyGene"),
            function(geneids, fields = c("symbol","name","taxid","entrezgene"),
            ..., return.as=c("DataFrame", "records", "text"), mygene) {
    return.as <- match.arg(return.as)
    if (exists('fields')) {
        params <- list(...)
        params[['fields']] <- .collapse(fields)
        params <- lapply(params, .collapse)
    vecparams <- list(ids=.uncollapse(geneids))
    res <- .repeated.query(mygene, '/gene/', vecparams=vecparams, params=params)
    .return.as(res, return.as=return.as)


setMethod("getGenes", c(mygene="missing"),
            function(geneids, fields = c("symbol","name","taxid","entrezgene"),
            ..., return.as=c("DataFrame", "records", "text"), mygene) {
    mygene <- MyGene()
    getGenes(geneids, fields, ..., return.as=return.as, mygene=mygene)

setGeneric("query", signature=c("mygene"),
            function(q, ..., return.as=c("DataFrame", "records", "text"), mygene) standardGeneric("query"))

setMethod("query", c(mygene="MyGene"),
            function(q, ..., return.as=c("DataFrame", "records", "text"), mygene) {

    return.as <- match.arg(return.as)
    params <- list(...)
    params[['q']] <- q
    res <- .request.get(mygene, paste("/query/", sep=""), params)
    if (return.as == "DataFrame"){
    } else if (return.as == "text"){
        return(.return.as(res, "text"))
    } else if (return.as == "records"){
        return(.return.as(res, "records"))


setMethod("query", c(mygene="missing"),
            function(q, ..., return.as=c("DataFrame", "records", "text"), mygene) {
    mygene <- MyGene()
    query(q, ..., return.as=return.as, mygene=mygene)

setGeneric("queryMany", signature=c("mygene"),
            function(qterms, scopes=NULL, ..., return.as=c("DataFrame", 
            "records", "text"), mygene) standardGeneric("queryMany"))

setMethod("queryMany", c(mygene="MyGene"),
            function(qterms, scopes=NULL, ..., return.as=c("DataFrame", 
            "records", "text"), mygene){ 
    return.as <- match.arg(return.as)
    params <- list(...)        
    if (exists('scopes')){
        params<-lapply(params, .collapse)
        params[['scopes']] <- .collapse(scopes)
        returnall <- .pop(params,'returnall', FALSE)
        params['returnall'] <-NULL
        verbose <- mygene@verbose
        if (length(qterms) == 0) {
          return(query(qterms, ...))
        out <- .repeated.query(mygene, '/query/', vecparams=vecparams, params=params)
        out.li <- .return.as(out, "records")
        found <- sapply(out.li, function(x) is.null(x$notfound))
        li_missing <- as.character(lapply(out.li[!found], function(x) x[['query']]))
        li_query <- as.character(lapply(out.li[found], function(x) x[['query']]))
        #check duplication hits
        count <- as.list(table(li_query))
        li_dup <- data.frame(count[count > 1])

        if (verbose){
            if (length('li_dup')>0){
                sprintf('%f input query terms found dup hits:   %s', length(li_dup), li_dup)
            if (length('li_missing')>0){
                sprintf('%f input query terms found dup hits:   %s', length(li_missing), li_missing)
        out <- .return.as(out, return.as=return.as)
        if (returnall){
            return(list("response"=out, 'duplicates'=li_dup, 'missing'=li_missing))
        } else {
            if (verbose & ((length(li_dup)>=1) | (length(li_missing)>=1))){
                cat('Pass returnall=TRUE to return lists of duplicate or missing query terms.\n')

setMethod("queryMany", c(mygene="missing"),
            function(qterms, scopes=NULL, ...,
            return.as=c("DataFrame", "records", "text"), mygene){

    # Should use callGeneric here except that callGeneric gets the variable scoping wrong for the "..." argument
    queryMany(qterms, scopes, ..., return.as=return.as, mygene=mygene)

# tx.id is a foreign key. matches tx.id from transcripts.
index.tx.id <- function(transcripts, splicings){#, genes){
    transcripts$tx_id <- as.integer(seq_len(nrow(transcripts)))  
    new.splicings <- sqldf("SELECT tx_id, 
                       FROM transcripts 
                       NATURAL JOIN splicings")
    genes <- sqldf("SELECT tx_id, 
               FROM transcripts")
    transcripts$num_exons <- NULL
    transcripts$gene_id <- NULL
    transcripts$unique_tx_name <- NULL
    transcripts$cdsstart <- NULL
    transcripts$cdsend <- NULL
    chrominfo <- data.frame(chrom=as.character(unique(transcripts$tx_chrom)),
                          length=rep(NA, length(unique(transcripts$tx_chrom))),
                          is_circular=rep(NA, length(unique(transcripts$tx_chrom))))
    mygene.version <- tryCatch(installed.packages()["mygene", "Version"], error=function(...) "unknown")
    name <- c("mygene version at creation time",
              "Resource URL",
              "mygene API URL")#,
              #"Data source")
    value <- c(mygene.version,
    makeTxDb(transcripts, new.splicings, genes, chrominfo, 

# merges like data.frames to single dataframe
merge.df <- function(df.list){
    transcript.list <- lapply(df.list, `[[`, "transcripts")
    splicing.list <- lapply(df.list, `[[`, "splicings")
    transcripts <- do.call(rbind, transcript.list) 
    splicings <- do.call(rbind, splicing.list)
    index.tx.id(transcripts, splicings)

#initiates data.frames from "records" query
extract.tables.for.gene <- function(query) {
  if (!is.null(names(query$exons[[1]]))){
    query.exons <- query$exons
    txs <- sapply(query.exons, `[[`, "transcript")
    txdf <- data.frame(tx_name=txs, unique_tx_name=txs,
                     num_exons=sapply(query.exons, function(x) nrow(x$position)),
                     sapply(c("chr", "strand", "txstart", "cdsstart", "cdsend", "txend"), 
                            function(i) sapply(query.exons, `[[`, i), simplify=FALSE),
    txdf$strand <- factor(ifelse(txdf$strand == 1, "+", "-"), levels=c("+", "-", "*"))
    txdf <- rename(txdf, c(txstart="tx_start", txend="tx_end",
                         chr="tx_chrom", strand="tx_strand"))
    splicings <- data.frame(
              lapply(seq(1, length(txs), 1), function(txpos) {
                start.end.table <- data.frame(query.exons[[txpos]]$position)
                names(start.end.table)[1:2] <- c("exon_start", "exon_end")
                start.end.table <- start.end.table[order(start.end.table$exon_start, start.end.table$exon_end),]
                eranks <- seq(nrow(start.end.table))
                if (txdf[txpos,]$tx_strand == "-")
                  eranks <- rev(eranks)
                df <- data.frame(start.end.table, 
                cds.start <- query.exons[[txpos]]$cdsstart
                cds.end <- query.exons[[txpos]]$cdsend
                if (!is.null(cds.start) && !is.null(cds.end)) {
                  coding <- df$exon_end >= cds.start & df$exon_start <= cds.end
                  df <- data.frame(df, cds_start=NA_integer_, cds_end=NA_integer_)
                  df$cds_start[coding] <- pmax(cds.start, df$exon_start[coding])
                  df$cds_end[coding] <- pmin(cds.end, df$exon_end[coding])
    df.list <- list(transcripts=txdf, splicings=splicings)
  } else {
    query.exons.list <- .transpose.nested.list(query$exons)
    df.list.nested <- mapply(query.exons.list, seq_len(length(query.exons.list)), 
                             FUN=function(query.exons, dup.num) {
      txdf <- data.frame(tx_name=names(query.exons), 
                         unique_tx_name=sprintf("%s.%s", names(query.exons), dup.num),
                         num_exons=sapply(query.exons, function(x) nrow(x$exons)),
                         sapply(c("chr", "strand", "txstart", "cdsstart", "cdsend", "txend"), 
                                function(i) sapply(query.exons, `[[`, i), simplify=FALSE),
      txdf$strand <- factor(ifelse(txdf$strand == 1, "+", "-"), levels=c("+", "-", "*"))
      txdf <- rename(txdf, c(txstart="tx_start", txend="tx_end",
                             chr="tx_chrom", strand="tx_strand"))      
      splicings <- data.frame(
                lapply(txdf$tx_name, function(txname) {
                  start.end.table <- data.frame(query.exons[[txname]]$exons)
                  names(start.end.table)[1:2] <- c("exon_start", "exon_end")
                  start.end.table <- start.end.table[order(start.end.table$exon_start, start.end.table$exon_end),]
                  eranks <- seq(nrow(start.end.table))
                  if (txdf[txname,]$tx_strand == "-")
                    eranks <- rev(eranks)
                  df <- data.frame(start.end.table, 
                              unique_tx_name=sprintf("%s.%s", txname, dup.num))
                  cds.start <- query.exons[[txname]]$cdsstart
                  cds.end <- query.exons[[txname]]$cdsend
                  if (!is.null(cds.start) && !is.null(cds.end)) {
                    coding <- df$exon_end >= cds.start & df$exon_start <= cds.end
                    df <- data.frame(df, cds_start=NA_integer_, cds_end=NA_integer_)
                    df$cds_start[coding] <- pmax(cds.start, df$exon_start[coding])
                    df$cds_end[coding] <- pmin(cds.end, df$exon_end[coding])
      df.list <- list(transcripts=txdf, splicings=splicings)
    df.list <- lapply(.transpose.nested.list(df.list.nested), do.call, what=rbind)

# passes gene list to query or queryMany, converts response to txdb
makeTxDbFromMyGene <- function(gene.list, scopes, species, returnall=FALSE){
    if (length(gene.list) == 1) {
         res <- query(gene.list,
    } else {  
    mygene <- MyGene(verbose=FALSE)  
    res <- queryMany(gene.list,
    has.exons <- sapply(res, function(x) is.null(x$notfound))
    if (all(!has.exons)) {
      stop("No genes from your gene list have available exons annotations")
    } else if (any(!has.exons)) {
      warning("Some genes do not have available exons annotations")
      notfound <- as.character(lapply(res[!has.exons], function(x) x[['query']]))
    res <- res[has.exons]
    txdb <- merge.df(lapply(res, function(i) extract.tables.for.gene(i)))
    if (returnall){
      return(c(txdb, notfound))
    } else {

# tx.id is a foreign key. matches tx.id from transcripts.
#index.tx.id2 <- function(transcripts, splicings){#, genes){
#  transcripts$tx_id <- as.integer(seq_len(nrow(transcripts)))  
#  new.splicings <- sqldf("SELECT tx_id, 
#                         exon_rank, 
#                         exon_start, 
#                         exon_end,
#                         cds_start,
#                         cds_end
#                         FROM transcripts 
#                         NATURAL JOIN splicings")
#  genes <- sqldf("SELECT tx_id, 
#                 gene_id
#                 FROM transcripts")
#  transcripts$num_exons <- NULL
#  transcripts$gene_id <- NULL
#  transcripts$unique_tx_name <- NULL
#  transcripts$cdsstart <- NULL
#  transcripts$cdsend <- NULL
#  chrominfo <- data.frame(chrom=as.character(unique(transcripts$tx_chrom)),
#                          length=rep(NA, length(unique(transcripts$tx_chrom))),
#                          is_circular=rep(NA, length(unique(transcripts$tx_chrom))))
#  mygene.version <- tryCatch(installed.packages()["mygene", "Version"], error=function(...) "unknown")
#  name <- c("mygene version at creation time",
#            "Resource URL",
#            "mygene API URL")#,
#  #"Data source")
#  value <- c(mygene.version,
#             "http://mygene.info",
#             "http://mygene.info/v2")#,
#  #"mygene")
#  makeTxDb(transcripts, new.splicings, genes, chrominfo, 
#           metadata=data.frame(name,
#                               value, 
#                               stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
## merges like data.frames to single dataframe
#merge.df2 <- function(df.list){
#  transcript.list <- lapply(df.list, `[[`, "transcripts")
#  splicing.list <- lapply(df.list, `[[`, "splicings")
#  transcripts <- do.call(rbind, transcript.list) 
#  splicings <- do.call(rbind, splicing.list)
#  return(splicings)
#  #index.tx.id2(transcripts, splicings)
##initiates data.frames from "records" query
#extract.tables.for.gene2 <- function(query) {
#  if (!is.null(names(query$exons[[1]]))){
#    query.exons <- query$exons
#    txdf <- data.frame(tx_name=names(query.exons), unique_tx_name=names(query.exons),
#                       num_exons=sapply(query.exons, function(x) nrow(x$exons)),
#                       sapply(c("chr", "strand", "txstart", "cdsstart", "cdsend", "txend"), 
#                              function(i) sapply(query.exons, `[[`, i), simplify=FALSE),
#                       gene_id=query$`_id`)
#    txdf$strand <- factor(ifelse(txdf$strand == 1, "+", "-"), levels=c("+", "-", "*"))
#    txdf <- rename(txdf, c(txstart="tx_start", txend="tx_end",
#                           chr="tx_chrom", strand="tx_strand"))
#    splicings <- data.frame(
#      do.call(rbind,
#              lapply(txdf$tx_name, function(txname) {
#                start.end.table <- data.frame(sapply(query.exons[[txname]]$exons))
#                names(start.end.table)[1:2] <- c("exon_start", "exon_end")
#                start.end.table <- start.end.table[order(start.end.table$exon_start, start.end.table$exon_end),]
#                eranks <- seq(nrow(start.end.table))
#                if (txdf[txname,]$tx_strand == "-")
#                  eranks <- rev(eranks)
#                df <- data.frame(start.end.table, 
#                                 exon_rank=eranks,
#                                 unique_tx_name=txname)
#                cds.start <- query.exons[[txname]]$cdsstart
#                cds.end <- query.exons[[txname]]$cdsend
#                if (!is.null(cds.start) && !is.null(cds.end)) {
#                  coding <- df$exon_end >= cds.start & df$exon_start <= cds.end
#                  df <- data.frame(df, cds_start=NA_integer_, cds_end=NA_integer_)
#                  df$cds_start[coding] <- pmax(cds.start, df$exon_start[coding])
#                  df$cds_end[coding] <- pmin(cds.end, df$exon_end[coding])
#                }
#                df
#              })))
#    df.list <- list(transcripts=txdf, splicings=splicings)
#    df.list
#  } else {
#    query.exons.list <- .transpose.nested.list(query$exons)
#    df.list.nested <- mapply(query.exons.list, seq_len(length(query.exons.list)), 
#                             SIMPLIFY=FALSE,
#                             FUN=function(query.exons, dup.num) {
#                               txdf <- data.frame(tx_name=names(query.exons), 
#                                                  unique_tx_name=sprintf("%s.%s", names(query.exons), dup.num),
#                                                  num_exons=sapply(query.exons, function(x) nrow(x$exons)),
#                                                  sapply(c("chr", "strand", "txstart", "cdsstart", "cdsend", "txend"), 
#                                                         function(i) sapply(query.exons, `[[`, i), simplify=FALSE),
#                                                  gene_id=query$`_id`)
#                               txdf$strand <- factor(ifelse(txdf$strand == 1, "+", "-"), levels=c("+", "-", "*"))
#                               txdf <- rename(txdf, c(txstart="tx_start", txend="tx_end",
#                                                      chr="tx_chrom", strand="tx_strand"))      
#                               splicings <- data.frame(
#                                 do.call(rbind,
#                                         lapply(txdf$tx_name, function(txname) {
#                                           start.end.table <- data.frame(query.exons[[txname]]$exons)
#                                           names(start.end.table)[1:2] <- c("exon_start", "exon_end")
#                                           start.end.table <- start.end.table[order(start.end.table$exon_start, start.end.table$exon_end),]
#                                           eranks <- seq(nrow(start.end.table))
#                                           if (txdf[txname,]$tx_strand == "-")
#                                             eranks <- rev(eranks)
#                                           df <- data.frame(start.end.table, 
#                                                            exon_rank=eranks,
#                                                            unique_tx_name=sprintf("%s.%s", txname, dup.num))
#                                           cds.start <- query.exons[[txname]]$cdsstart
#                                           cds.end <- query.exons[[txname]]$cdsend
#                                           if (!is.null(cds.start) && !is.null(cds.end)) {
#                                             coding <- df$exon_end >= cds.start & df$exon_start <= cds.end
#                                             df <- data.frame(df, cds_start=NA_integer_, cds_end=NA_integer_)
#                                             df$cds_start[coding] <- pmax(cds.start, df$exon_start[coding])
#                                             df$cds_end[coding] <- pmin(cds.end, df$exon_end[coding])
#                                           }
#                                           df
#                                         })))
#                               df.list <- list(transcripts=txdf, splicings=splicings)
#                               df.list
#                             })
#    df.list <- lapply(.transpose.nested.list(df.list.nested), do.call, what=rbind)
#  }
#  df.list
## passes gene list to query or queryMany, converts response to txdb
#makeTxDbFromMyGene2 <- function(gene.list, scopes, species, returnall=FALSE){
#  if (length(gene.list) == 1) {
#    res <- query(gene.list,
#                 scopes=scopes,
#                 fields="exons",
#                 species=species, 
#                 size=1,
#                 return.as="records")$hits
#  } else {  
#    mygene <- MyGene(verbose=FALSE)  
#    res <- queryMany(gene.list,
#                     scopes=scopes,
#                     fields="exons",
#                     species=species,
#                     return.as="records",
#                     mygene=mygene)
#  }
#  has.exons <- sapply(res, function(x) is.null(x$notfound))
#  if (all(!has.exons)) {
#    stop("No genes from your gene list have available exons annotations")
#  } else if (any(!has.exons)) {
#    warning("Some genes do not have available exons annotations")
#    notfound <- as.character(lapply(res[!has.exons], function(x) x[['query']]))
#  }
#  res <- res[has.exons]
#  #txdb <- merge.df2(lapply(res, function(i) extract.tables.for.gene2(i)))
#  txdb <- lapply(res, function(i) extract.tables.for.gene2(i))
#  if (returnall){
#    return(c(txdb, notfound))
#  } else {
#    txdb
#  }
SuLab/mygene.R documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:22 p.m.