
Defines functions simpleValueFill

#' Fills missing values starting with the best correlation
#' Correlations between value columns are tested and missing values are replaced
#'  beginning with the best correlation.
#' @param value_table A data.frame which contains the values to be filled and
#' for replacement
#' @param value_cols column names of the columns which are to be filled and used
#' for replacement
#' @param min_correlation Minimum correlation factor between columns to use it
#' for filling
#' @export
simpleValueFill <- function(value_table, value_cols, min_correlation = 0.9) {
  if (length(value_cols) <= 1) {
    stop("To fill values, at least two value_cols need to be provided")
  original_names <- names(value_table)
  if (FALSE %in% (value_cols %in% original_names)) {
    stop("At least one of the value_cols was not found in value_table")
  new_names <- make.names(original_names)
  out_table <- value_table %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(tidyselect::all_of(value_cols), as.numeric)
  names(out_table) <- new_names
  new_value_cols <- make.names(value_cols)
  var_pairs <- rje::powerSet(unique(new_value_cols)) %>%
    purrr::map(., function(x) {
      if (length(x) == 2) {
    }) %>%
    Filter(f = Negate(is.null), x = .)

  correlation_table <- var_pairs %>%
    purrr::map(~ {
      correlation <- out_table %>%
          x = !!as.symbol(.x[1]),
          y = !!as.symbol(.x[2]),
          use = "na.or.complete"
        )) %>%
        unname() %>%
        unlist() %>%
        tibble(variable_1 = .x[1], variable_2 = .x[2], correlation = .)
    }) %>%
    bind_rows() %>%
    dplyr::filter(correlation >= min_correlation)

  unselected_columns <- setdiff(new_names, new_value_cols)
  for (value.col in new_value_cols) {
    reduced_correlation <- correlation_table %>%
      dplyr::filter(variable_1 == value.col | variable_2 == value.col) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(variable_1 = dplyr::if_else(
        variable_1 == value.col,
        true = variable_2,
        false = variable_1
      )) %>%
      dplyr::select(-variable_2) %>%

    for (replace.column in unlist(reduced_correlation[, "variable_1"])) {
      replacement_rows <- out_table %>%
        mutate(temp_na_replace = is.na(!!as.symbol(value.col)) &
          !is.na(!!as.symbol(replace.column))) %>%
      if (sum(replacement_rows) > 0) {
        replacement_predictions <- replace.column %>%
          purrr::map(~ paste(value.col, .x, sep = "~")) %>%
          unlist() %>%
          purrr::map(~ lm(formula = .x, out_table)) %>%
          purrr::map(~ predict(
            as.data.frame(out_table[replacement_rows, ])
        out_table[replacement_rows, value.col] <- replacement_predictions
  row_means <- out_table %>%
    mutate(temp_row_means = rowMeans(select(
    na.rm = TRUE
    )) %>%
    mutate(temp_row_means = if_else(
      condition = is.nan(temp_row_means),
      true = as.numeric(NA),
      false = temp_row_means
    )) %>%

  for (value_column in new_value_cols) {
    na_values <- out_table %>%
      pull(value_column) %>%
    out_table[na_values, value_column] <- row_means[na_values]
  names(out_table) <- original_names
Sumpfohreule/MyUtilities documentation built on July 1, 2022, 1:21 a.m.