Man pages for SydneyBioX/scFeatures
scFeatures: Multi-view representations of single-cell and spatial data for disease outcome prediction

example_scrnaseqExample of scRNA-seq data
get_num_cell_per_spotEstimate a relative number of cells per spot for spatial...
remove_mito_riboRemove mitochondrial and ribosomal genes, and other highly...
run_association_study_reportCreate an association study report in HTML format
run_CCIGenerate cell cell communication score
run_celltype_interactionGenerate cell type interaction
run_gene_corGenerate overall aggregated gene correlation
run_gene_cor_celltypeGenerate cell type specific gene expression correlation
run_gene_meanGenerate overall aggregated mean expression
run_gene_mean_celltypeGenerate cell type specific gene mean expression
run_gene_propGenerate overall aggregated gene proportion expression
run_gene_prop_celltypeGenerate cell type specific gene proportion expression
run_L_functionGenerate L stats
run_Morans_IGenerate Moran's I
run_nn_correlationGenerate nearest neighbour correlation
run_pathway_gsvaGenerate pathway score using gene set enrichement analysis
run_pathway_meanGenerate pathway score using expression level
run_pathway_propGenerate pathway score using proportion of expression
run_proportion_logitGenerate cell type proportions, with logit transformation
run_proportion_ratioGenerate cell type proportion ratio
run_proportion_rawGenerate cell type proportion raw
scFeaturesWrapper function to run all feature types in scFeatures
scfeatures_resultExample of scFeatures() output
SydneyBioX/scFeatures documentation built on Nov. 30, 2024, 6:40 p.m.