run_CCI: Generate cell cell communication score

View source: R/run_scfeatures.R

run_CCIR Documentation

Generate cell cell communication score


This function calculates the ligand receptor interaction score using SingleCellSignalR. The output features are in the form of celltype a -> celltype b – ligand 1 -> receptor 2 , which indicates the interaction between ligand 1 in celltype a and receptor 2 in celltype b.

It supports scRNA-seq.


run_CCI(data, type = "scrna", ncores = 1)



A list object containing data matrix and celltype and sample vector.


input data type, either scrna, spatial_p, or spatial_t


number of cores


a matrix of samples x features The features are in the form of ligand 1 receptor 2 celltype a, ligand 1 receptor 2 celltype b ... etc, with the numbers representing cell-cell interaction probability.


utils::data("example_scrnaseq" , package = "scFeatures")
data <- example_scrnaseq[1:1000, 1:100]
celltype <- data$celltype
sample <- data$sample
data <- as.matrix(data@assays$RNA@data)

alldata <- scFeatures:::formatData(data = data, celltype = celltype, sample = sample )
feature_CCI <- run_CCI(alldata, type = "scrna" ,  ncores = 1 )

SydneyBioX/scFeatures documentation built on Nov. 30, 2024, 6:40 p.m.