

test_that("gradient legends return correct rows",{

  ## A gradient legend should have an even number of bins and spacing between numbers
  ## we want to keep the min & max colours
  ## but we may not want to use the values associated wtih those colours because the
  ## numbers may not space nicely

  n <- 234
  palette <- data.frame(variable = 1:n, colour = viridisLite::inferno(n) )


test_that("legend resolves", {

  dat <- data.frame(id = c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 2)),
                    val = letters[1:5],
                    val2 = letters[11:15],
                    stringsAsFactors = F)

  lstPalette <- list(stroke_colour = viridisLite::viridis,
                     fill_colour = viridisLite::inferno)

  allCols <- c("id", "val", "val2")
  objArgs <- quote(add_polygons(id = "id", stroke_colour = "id", fill_colour = "val"))
  shape <- googleway:::createMapObject(dat, allCols, objArgs)

  colourColumns <- c("stroke_colour" = 'id', "fill_colour" = "val")

  pal <- googleway:::createPalettes(shape, colourColumns)

  colour_palettes <- googleway:::createColourPalettes(dat, pal, colourColumns, lstPalette)

  legend <- googleway:::resolveLegend(T, NULL, colour_palettes)

    legend[[1]]$colourType == "stroke_colour"

    legend[[2]]$title == "val"


test_that("legend values are prefixed & suffixed", {

  dat <- data.frame(id = c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 2)),
                    val = letters[1:5],
                    val2 = letters[11:15],
                    stringsAsFactors = F)

  lstPalette <- list(stroke_colour = viridisLite::viridis,
                     fill_colour = viridisLite::inferno)

  allCols <- c("id", "val", "val2")
  objArgs <- quote(add_polygons(id = "id", stroke_colour = "id", fill_colour = "val"))
  shape <- googleway:::createMapObject(dat, allCols, objArgs)

  colourColumns <- c("stroke_colour" = 'id', "fill_colour" = "val")

  pal <- googleway:::createPalettes(shape, colourColumns)

  colour_palettes <- googleway:::createColourPalettes(dat, pal, colourColumns, lstPalette)

  legend <- googleway:::constructLegend(colour_palettes, legend = T)

  legend_options <- list(
    fill_colour = list(
      title = "new legend title",
      css = 'max-width : 120px; max-height : 160px; overflow : auto;',
      position = "BOTTOM_LEFT",
      prefix = "MyVal",
      suffix = NULL
    stroke_colour = list(
      suffix = "%%%%"

  legend <- googleway:::addLegendOptions(legend, legend_options)

    legend[[1]]$legend[1, 'variable'] == "MyVala"

    legend[[2]]$legend[2, 'variable'] == "2%%%%"


test_that("legends are formatted", {

  dat <- data.frame(id = c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 2)),
                    val = 10000000:10000004,
                    val2 = seq.POSIXt(from = as.POSIXct("2017-10-01 00:00:00", tz = "Australia/Melbourne"), by = "1 day", length.out = 5),
                    stringsAsFactors = F)

  lstPalette <- list(stroke_colour = viridisLite::viridis,
                     fill_colour = viridisLite::inferno)

  allCols <- c("id", "val", "val2")
  objArgs <- quote(add_polygons(id = "id", stroke_colour = "val2", fill_colour = "val"))
  shape <- googleway:::createMapObject(dat, allCols, objArgs)

  colourColumns <- c("stroke_colour" = 'val2', "fill_colour" = "val")

  pal <- googleway:::createPalettes(shape, colourColumns)

  colour_palettes <- googleway:::createColourPalettes(dat, pal, colourColumns, lstPalette)

  legend <- googleway:::constructLegend(colour_palettes, legend = T)
  legend <- googleway:::addLegendOptions(legend, NULL)

    legend[[1]]$legend[1, 'variable'] == "10,000,000"

    legend[[2]]$legend[1, 'variable'] == "2017-10-01"


test_that("legend is reveresed", {

  dat <- data.frame(id = c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 2)),
                    val = 10000000:10000004,
                    val2 = seq.POSIXt(from = as.POSIXct("2017-10-01 00:00:00", tz = "Australia/Melbourne"), by = "1 day", length.out = 5),
                    stringsAsFactors = F)

  lstPalette <- list(stroke_colour = viridisLite::viridis,
                     fill_colour = viridisLite::inferno)

  allCols <- c("id", "val", "val2")
  objArgs <- quote(add_polygons(id = "id", stroke_colour = "val2", fill_colour = "val"))
  shape <- googleway:::createMapObject(dat, allCols, objArgs)

  colourColumns <- c("stroke_colour" = 'val2', "fill_colour" = "val")

  pal <- googleway:::createPalettes(shape, colourColumns)

  colour_palettes <- googleway:::createColourPalettes(dat, pal, colourColumns, lstPalette)

  legendOptions <- list(
    reverse = T

  legend <- googleway:::constructLegend(colour_palettes, legend = T)
  legend <- googleway:::addLegendOptions(legend, legendOptions)

    legend[[1]]$legend[1, 'variable'] == as.Date("2017-10-05")

    legend[[2]]$legend[1, 'variable'] == "10,000,004"

  legendOptions <- list(
    fill_colour = list(
      reverse = T

  legend <- googleway:::constructLegend(colour_palettes, legend = T)
  legend <- googleway:::addLegendOptions(legend, legendOptions)

    legend[[2]]$legend[1, 'variable'] == as.Date("2017-10-01")

    legend[[1]]$legend[1, 'variable'] == "10,000,004"


## issue 184
test_that("error handled when asking for legend while using hex colours",{

  legend <- TRUE
    googleway:::resolveLegend(legend, NULL, list())
    , "nothing to include in the legend"

  legend <- list( fill_colour = TRUE, stroke_colour = TRUE )
    googleway:::resolveLegend(legend, NULL, list())
    , "nothing to include in the legend"

  ## IF stroke is a column, it should work
  legend <- list( fill_colour = TRUE, stroke_colour = TRUE )

  pal <- list(list(variables = c(stroke_colour = "id"), palette = structure(list(
    variable = c(1, 2), colour = c("#440154", "#FDE725")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

    googleway:::resolveLegend(legend, NULL, list( stroke_colour = pal ) )
    , list(
      stroke_colour = list(
        colourType = "stroke_colour"
        , type = "category"
        , title = NULL
        , legend = NULL
        , css = NULL
        , position = NULL

SymbolixAU/googleway documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 4:31 p.m.