
Defines functions heatmapUpdateDefaults heatmapDefaults heatmapColumns rectangleDefaults rectangleColumns circleDefaults circleColumns polygonUpdateDefaults polygonDefaults polygonUpdateColumns polygonColumns polylineUpdateDefaults polylineDefaults polylineUpdateColumns polylineColumns markerDefaults df_markerColours markerColumns requiredHeatmapUpdateColumns requiredHeatmapColumns requiredMarkerColumns requiredCircleColumns requiredShapeUpdateColumns requiredShapeColumns requiredLineUpdateColumns requiredLineColumns shapeAttributes lineAttributes addDefaults replaceVariableColours createPolylineListColumn createMapObject

# Create Map Object
# Creates the map object from the input data and arguments. If the arguments
# are columns of the \code{data}, the column is used. Otherwise, the value
# is assumed to be required for every row of \code{data} and is replicated
# for the whole data set
# prior to entering this function all the data arguments will have been resolved.
# for exmaple, if the info_window is a chart (list), it will already have been
# removed from the objArgs.
# @param data data passed into the map layer function
# @param cols all the columns required for the given map object
# @param objArgs the arguments passed into the map layer function
createMapObject <- function(data, cols, objArgs) {

  dataNames <- names(data)

  argsIdx <- match(cols, names(objArgs)) ## those that exist in 'cols'
  argsIdx <- argsIdx[!is.na(argsIdx)]
  argValues <- sapply(1:length(objArgs), function(x) objArgs[[x]])

  dataArgs <- which(argValues %in% names(data)) ## those where there is a column of data

  additionalValues <- setdiff(argsIdx, dataArgs)

  dataCols <- vapply(dataArgs, function(x) objArgs[[x]], "")
  dataNames <- names(objArgs)[dataArgs]

  df <- stats::setNames(data[, dataCols, drop = F], dataNames)

  ## need to resolve info windows here, because if it's a list of data
  ## to be used in a chart, this will fail

  if (length(additionalValues) > 0) {

    extraCols <- lapply(additionalValues, function(x){

      ## the rep(eval(info_window)) won't work if it's a list...
      ## this is designed for when the value passed is a single value, like a colour #00FF00
      setNames(as.data.frame(rep(eval(objArgs[[x]]), nrow(df)), stringsAsFactors = F), names(objArgs)[x])
    df <- cbind(df, do.call(cbind, extraCols))

  if("info_window" %in% names(df)){
    df[['info_window']] <- as.character(df[['info_window']])

## TODO:
## tests - info window can be a single value, repeated for all markers
## - can be a column of data
## - can be a chart.
## - supplying / not suplygin an 'id' column
## -

# Create Polyline List Column
# if using a polyline, the javascript functions are expecting an array
# of polylines, which need to be in a list in R
createPolylineListColumn <- function(shape) {

  ## the polyline column has been named 'polyline'
    f <- paste0("polyline ~ " , paste0(setdiff(names(shape), "polyline"), collapse = "+") )
    shape <- stats::aggregate(stats::formula(f), data = shape, list)

# Replace Variable Colours
# Replaces the columns in shape object with the colours they have been mapped to
# @param shape object to be plotted on map
# @param colours list of colours that will replace the data in shape
replaceVariableColours <- function(shape, colours) {

  eachColour <- do.call(cbind, colours)
  colourNames <- colnames(eachColour)

  ## need to strip off attributes so rstudio and browsers can plot the colours
  ## (there is an issue with one or the other not recognisign an array ["#FF00FF"])
  shape[, c(unname(colourNames))] <- as.data.frame(eachColour, stringsAsFactors = F)


# Add Defaults
# adds the default object parameters to a shape
# @param shape object to be plotted on a map
# @param requiredDefaults required columns of default data
# @param shapeType the type of shape
addDefaults <- function(shape, requiredDefaults, shapeType) {

  n <- nrow(shape)
  defaults <- switch(shapeType,
                     "marker" = markerDefaults(n),
                     "circle" = circleDefaults(n),
                     "polygon" = polygonDefaults(n),
                     "polygonUpdate" = polygonUpdateDefaults(n),
                     "polyline" = polylineDefaults(n),
                     "polylineUpdate" = polylineUpdateDefaults(n),
                     "rectangle" = rectangleDefaults(n),
                     "heatmap" = heatmapDefaults(n),
                     "heatmapUpdate" = heatmapUpdateDefaults(n))

  shape <- cbind(shape, defaults[, requiredDefaults, drop = F])

lineAttributes <- function(stroke_colour) {
  c("stroke_colour" = stroke_colour)

shapeAttributes <- function(fill_colour, stroke_colour) {
  c("stroke_colour" = stroke_colour,
    "fill_colour" = fill_colour)

requiredLineColumns <- function() {

requiredLineUpdateColumns <- function() {
  c("stroke_colour", "stroke_weight", "stroke_opacity")

requiredShapeColumns <- function() {
  c("stroke_colour", "stroke_weight", "stroke_opacity",
    "fill_opacity", "fill_colour", "z_index")

requiredShapeUpdateColumns <- function() {
  c("stroke_colour", "stroke_weight", "stroke_opacity",
    "fill_opacity", "fill_colour")

requiredCircleColumns <- function() {
  c(requiredShapeColumns(), "radius")

requiredMarkerColumns <- function() {
  c("opacity", "colour")

requiredHeatmapColumns <- function() {

requiredHeatmapUpdateColumns <- function() {

## MARKERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------
markerColumns <- function() {
  c('id', 'colour', 'lat', 'lng', 'title', 'draggable', 'opacity', 'label',
    'info_window', 'mouse_over', 'mouse_over_group', 'url')

df_markerColours <- function() {
  data.frame(colour = c('red', 'blue', 'green', 'lavender'),
             url = c("https://mt.googleapis.com/vt/icon/name=icons/spotlight/spotlight-poi.png&scale=1",

markerDefaults <- function(n) {
  data.frame("opacity" = rep(1, n),
             "colour" = rep("red", n),
             stringsAsFactors = F)

## polyline ---------------------------------------------------------------------
polylineColumns <- function() {
  c('polyline', 'id', 'lat', 'lng', 'editable', 'draggable', 'stroke_colour',
    'stroke_opacity', 'stroke_weight', 'mouse_over', 'mouse_over_group', 'info_window',

polylineUpdateColumns <- function() {
  c('id', 'stroke_colour', 'stroke_weight', 'stroke_opacity', 'info_window')

polylineDefaults <- function(n) {
    "geodesic" = rep(TRUE, n),
    "stroke_colour" = rep("#0000FF", n),
    "stroke_weight" = rep(2, n),
    "stroke_opacity" = rep(0.6, n),
    "z_index" = rep(3, n),
    stringsAsFactors = F

polylineUpdateDefaults <- function(n) {
    "stroke_colour" = rep("#0000FF", n),
    "stroke_weight" = rep(2, n),
    "stroke_opacity" = rep(0.6, n),
    stringsAsFactors = F

## polygon ---------------------------------------------------------------------
polygonColumns <- function() {
  c('polyline', 'id', 'lat', 'lng', 'pathId', 'editable', 'draggable', 'stroke_colour',
    'stroke_opacity', 'stroke_weight', 'fill_colour', 'fill_opacity',
    'mouse_over', 'mouse_over_group', 'info_window', 'z_index')

polygonUpdateColumns <- function() {
  c('id', 'stroke_colour', 'stroke_weight', 'stroke_opacity', 'fill_colour',
    'fill_opacity', 'info_window')

polygonDefaults <- function(n) {
  data.frame("stroke_colour" = rep("#0000FF",n),
             "stroke_weight" = rep(1,n),
             "stroke_opacity" = rep(0.6,n),
             "fill_colour" = rep("#FF0000",n),
             "fill_opacity" = rep(0.35,n),
             "z_index" = rep(1,n),
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

polygonUpdateDefaults <- function(n) {
  data.frame("stroke_colour" = rep("#0000FF",n),
             "stroke_weight" = rep(1,n),
             "stroke_opacity" = rep(0.6,n),
             "fill_colour" = rep("#FF0000",n),
             "fill_opacity" = rep(0.35,n),
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## circle ---------------------------------------------------------------------
circleColumns <- function() {
  c('id', 'lat', 'lng', 'radius', 'draggable', 'stroke_colour',
    'stroke_opacity', 'stroke_weight', 'fill_colour', 'fill_opacity',
    'mouse_over', 'mouse_over_group', 'info_window', 'z_index')

circleDefaults <- function(n) {
  data.frame("stroke_colour" = rep("#FF0000",n),
             "stroke_weight" = rep(1,n),
             "stroke_opacity" = rep(0.8,n),
             "radius" = rep(50,n),
             "fill_colour" = rep("#FF0000",n),
             "fill_opacity" = rep(0.35,n),
             "z_index" = rep(4,n),
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## rectangle ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rectangleColumns <- function() {
  c("north", "east", "south", "west", 'id', 'lat', 'lng', "editable",
    'draggable', 'stroke_colour', 'stroke_opacity', 'stroke_weight',
    'fill_colour', 'fill_opacity', 'mouse_over', 'mouse_over_group',
    'info_window', 'z_index')

rectangleDefaults <- function(n) {
  data.frame("stroke_colour" = rep("#FF0000", n),
             "stroke_weight" = rep(1, n),
             "stroke_opacity" = rep(0.8, n),
             "fill_colour" = rep("#FF0000", n),
             "fill_opacity" = rep(0.35, n),
             "z_index" = rep(2, n),
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## heatmap ---------------------------------------------------------------------
heatmapColumns <- function() {
  c('lat', 'lng', 'fill_colour')

heatmapDefaults <- function(n) {
  data.frame('fill_colour' = rep(1, n),
             stringsAsFactors = F)

heatmapUpdateDefaults <- function(n) {
  data.frame('fill_colour' = rep(1, n),
             stringsAsFactors = F)
SymbolixAU/googleway documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 2:46 a.m.