multi.ace | R Documentation |
Fast ancestral states estimations run on multiple trees using the Mk model from castor::asr_mk_model.
sample = 1, = list(fun = runif, param = list(min = min, max = max)),
threshold = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
estimation.details = NULL
data |
A |
tree |
A |
models |
A |
sample |
An | |
If |
threshold |
Is ignored if |
special.tokens |
optional, a named |
special.behaviours |
optional, a |
brlen.multiplier |
optional, a vector of branch length modifiers (e.g. to convert time branch length in changes branch length) or a list of vectors (the same length as |
verbose |
parallel |
Either a |
output |
optional, see |
options.args |
optional, a named list of options to be passed to function called by |
estimation.details |
optional, whether to also return the details for each estimation as returned by |
Depending on the type of characters models
argument can be either:
the name of a single model to apply to all characters (if all characters are discrete or all are continuous); see below for the list of available names. For example models = "ER"
applies the Equal Rates model to all characters (assuming they are all discrete characters).
a vector of model names to apply to different type of characters (see below for the list). For example models = c("ER", "ER", "BM")
applies the Equal Rates model to the two first characters (discrete) and the "BM"
model to the third character (continuous).
a transition "matrix"
to be applied to all characters (if discrete). For example models = matrix(0.2, 2, 2)
an single named list of arguments to be applied to all characters by passing it to ape::ace
(if continuous). For example models = list(method = "GLS", corStruct = corBrownian(1, my_tree))
an un-ambiguous list of arguments to be passed to either castor::asr_mk_model
(discrete characters) or ape::ace
(continuous characters). For example models = list("char1" = list(transition_matrix = matrix(0.2, 2, 2)), "char2" = list(method = "GLS", corStruct = corBrownian(1, my_tree)))
to be specifically passed to the characters named "char1" and "char2".
The available built-in models for discrete characters in castor::asr_mk_model
for all equal rates
for symmetric rates
all rates are different
equal stepwise transitions (e.g. for meristic/counting characters)
different stepwise transitions
See directly castor::asr_mk_model
for more models.
The available built-in models and methods for continuous characters in ape::ace
model: for a default Brownian Motion with the "REML" method
method: for a default Brownian Motion with the "REML" method (same as above)
method: for a default Brownian Motion with the "ML" method
method: for a default Brownian Motion with the "pic" (least squared) method
allows to generate a special rule for the special.tokens
. The functions should can take the arguments character, all_states
with character
being the character that contains the special token and all_states
for the character (which is automatically detected by the function). By default, missing data returns and inapplicable returns all states, and polymorphisms and uncertainties return all present states.
missing = function(x,y) y
inapplicable = function(x,y) y
polymorphism = function(x,y) strsplit(x, split = "\\&")[[1]]
uncertainty = function(x,y) strsplit(x, split = "\\/")[[1]]
Functions in the list must be named following the special token of concern (e.g. missing
), have only x, y
as inputs and a single output a single value (that gets coerced to integer
automatically). For example, the special behaviour for the special token "?"
can be coded as: special.behaviours = list(missing = function(x, y) return(NA)
to make ignore the character for taxa containing "?"
When using the parallel option (either through using parallel = TRUE
by using the number of available cores minus on or manually setting the number of cores - e.g. parallel = 5
), the castor::asr_mk_model
function will use the designated number of cores (using the option Nthreads = <requested_number_of_cores>
). Additionally, if the input tree
is a "multiPhylo"
object, the trees will be run in parallel for each number of cores, thus decreasing computation time accordingly (e.g. if 3 cores are requested and tree
contains 12 "phylo"
objects, 4 different "phylo"
objects will be run in parallel on the 3 cores making the calculation around 3 times faster).
When using the default sample = 1
, only one estimation is sampled per tree:
For continuous characters, this estimation is the average estimated ancestral value;
For discrete characters, this estimation is the one calculated using the threshold
option (see details below).
When using sample > 1
, multiple estimations are sampled per tree:
For continuous characters, this estimation is sample from the 95
For discrete characters, the estimations are sampled using their scaled likelihood.
The threshold
option allows to convert ancestral states likelihoods into discrete states. When threshold = FALSE
, the ancestral state estimated is the one with the highest likelihood (or at random if likelihoods are equal). When threshold = TRUE
, the ancestral state estimated are all the ones that are have a scaled likelihood greater than the maximum observed scaled likelihood minus the inverse number of possible states (i.e. select_state >= (max(likelihood) - 1/n_states)
). This option makes the threshold selection depend on the number of states (i.e. if there are more possible states, a lower scaled likelihood for the best state is expected). Finally using a numerical value for the threshold option (e.g. threshold = 0.95
) will simply select only the ancestral states estimates with a scaled likelihood equal or greater than the designated value. This option makes the threshold selection absolute. Regardless, if more than one value is select, the uncertainty token (special.tokens["uncertainty"]
) will be used to separate the states. If no value is selected, the uncertainty token will be use between all observed characters (special.tokens["uncertainty"]
option allows to specify a function and parameters for the sampling of the continuous traits. The default is = list(fun = runif, param = list(min = min, max = max))
for applying a random uniform sampling (runif
) with the parameters (the minimum and the maximum are applied using respectively the min
and max
functions on the estimated data). For applying different samplings to different traits, you can use a list of arguments in the sample format as
(e.g. = list(trait_uniform = list(fun = runif, param = list(min = min, max = max)), trait_normal = list(fun = rnorm, param = list(mean = mean, sd = function(x)return(diff(range(x))/4)))
- here the standard deviation is calculated as a quarter of the 95
Returns a "matrix"
or "list"
of ancestral states. By default, the function returns the ancestral states in the same format as the input matrix
. This can be changed using the option output = "matrix"
or "list"
to force the class of the output.
To output the combined ancestral states and input, you can use "combined"
(using the input format) or "combined.matrix"
or "combined.list"
If using continuous characters only, you can use the output option "dispRity"
to directly output a usable dispRity
object with all trees and all the data (estimated and input).
NOTE that if the input data had multiple character types (continuous and discrete) and that "matrix"
or "combined.matrix"
output is requested, the function returns a "data.frame"
Thomas Guillerme
, castor::asr_mk_model
, ape::ace
## A simple example:
## A random tree with 10 tips
tree <- rcoal(10)
## Setting up the parameters
my_rates = c(rgamma, rate = 10, shape = 5)
## A random Mk matrix (10*50)
matrix_simple <- sim.morpho(tree, characters = 50, model = "ER", rates = my_rates,
invariant = FALSE)
## Run a basic ancestral states estimations
ancestral_states <- multi.ace(matrix_simple, tree)
ancestral_states[1:5, 1:5]
## A random continuous trait matrix
matrix_continuous <- space.maker(elements = 10, dimensions = 2,
distribution = rnorm,
elements.names = tree$tip.label)
## A basic estimations for discrete data
ancestral_traits <- multi.ace(matrix_continuous, tree)
## A more complex example for discrete data
## Create a multiple list of 5 trees
multiple_trees <- rmtree(5, 10)
## Modify the matrix to contain missing and special data
matrix_complex <- matrix_simple
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 50)] <- "-"
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 50)] <- "0%2"
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 50)] <- "?"
## Set a list of extra special tokens
my_spec_tokens <- c("weirdtoken" = "%")
## Set some special behaviours for the "weirdtoken" and for "-" and "?"
my_spec_behaviours <- list()
## Inapplicable tokens "-" are ignored
my_spec_behaviours$inapplicable <- function(x,y) return(NA)
## Missing tokens "?" are considered as all states
my_spec_behaviours$missing <- function(x,y) return(y)
## Weird tokens are considered as state 0 and 3
my_spec_behaviours$weirdtoken <- function(x,y) return(c(1,2))
## Create a random branch length modifier to apply to each tree
branch_lengths <- rnorm(18)^2
## Setting a list of model ("ER" for the 25 first characters and then "SYM")
my_models <- c(rep("ER", 25), rep("SYM", 25))
## Run the ancestral states on all the tree with multiple options
ancestral_states <- multi.ace(matrix_complex, multiple_trees,
verbose = TRUE,
models = my_models,
threshold = 0.95,
special.tokens = my_spec_tokens,
special.behaviours = my_spec_behaviours,
brlen.multiplier = branch_lengths,
output = "combined.matrix")
## The results for the the two first characters for the first tree
ancestral_states[[1]][, 1:2]
## Not run:
## The same example but running in parallel
ancestral_states <- multi.ace(matrix_complex, multiple_trees,
verbose = TRUE,
models = my_models,
threshold = 0.95,
special.tokens = my_spec_tokens,
special.behaviours = my_spec_behaviours,
brlen.multiplier = branch_lengths,
output = "combined.matrix",
parallel = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
## Estimating ancestral states by sampling distributions
## Discrete characters:
sampled_ancestors <- multi.ace(matrix_simple, multiple_trees, sample = 25)
## A list of 125 matrices sampled across 25 estimations and 5 trees
sampled_ancestors <- unlist(sampled_ancestors, recursive = FALSE)
## Continuous characters:
## Sampling 100 matrices from the ancestral estimations
sampled_traits <- multi.ace(matrix_continuous, tree, sample = 100)
## Setting up two specific sampling functions
sample_fun <- list(
unif_sampl = list(fun = runif,
param = list(min = min, max = max)),
norm_sampl = list(fun = rnorm,
param = list(mean = mean,
sd = function(x)return(diff(range(x))/4)))
## Sampling 100 matrices with different distribution functions
sampled_traits <- multi.ace(matrix_continuous, tree, sample = 100, = sample_fun)
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