
Defines functions NanoStringQC

Documented in NanoStringQC

#' QC metrics for NanoString Data
#' Computes and returns NanoString quality control metrics and flags.
#' @param raw data frame of raw counts obtained from nCounter (rows represent
#'   genes, columns represent samples). The first three columns must be labeled:
#'   `c("Code.Class", "Name", "Accession")` and contain that information.
#' @param exp data frame of annotations with rows in the same order as the
#'   columns of `raw`. Requires a column labeled `"File.Name"` with entries
#'   corresponding to sample names in `raw`, also needs columns
#'   `c("fov.counted", "fov.count", "binding.density")`.These fields can be
#'   extracted from the nanostring RCC files.
#' @param detect threshold of percentage of genes expressed over limit of
#'   detection (LOD) that we would like to detect (not decimal), defaults to 80
#'   percent.
#' @param sn signal to noise ratio of the housekeeping genes we are willing to
#'   tolerate, defaults to 150.
#' @return data frame of annotations updated with normalization parameters
#' @author Aline Talhouk, Derek Chiu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exp.OVD <- subset(expQC, OVD == "Yes")
#' expOVD <- NanoStringQC(ovd.r, exp.OVD)
NanoStringQC <- function(raw, exp, detect = 80, sn = 150) {
  # Run checks to make sure the data is in the right order
  assertthat::assert_that(check_colnames(raw))  # Checks format of raw counts
  assertthat::assert_that(check_genes(raw))  # Checks HK genes are specified
  assertthat::assert_that(ncol(raw) == nrow(exp) + 3)  # Checks data dimensions

  # Extract PC gene concentrations
  PCgenes <- raw[raw$Code.Class == "Positive", "Name", drop = TRUE]
  if (!all(grepl("[[:digit:]]", PCgenes))) {
    stop("Positive controls need numeric concentrations: e.g. POS_A(128)")
  PCconc <- as.numeric(regmatches(PCgenes, regexpr("\\d+\\.*\\d*", PCgenes)))

  # Code QC measures and flags
  exp %>%
      linPC = raw[raw$Code.Class == "Positive", -1:-3, drop = FALSE] %>%
        purrr::map_dbl(~ round(summary(lm(. ~ PCconc))$r.squared, 2)),
      linFlag = .data$linPC < 0.95 | is.na(.data$linPC),
      perFOV = (.data$fov.counted / .data$fov.count) * 100,
      imagingFlag = .data$perFOV < 75,
      ncgMean = raw[raw$Code.Class == "Negative", -1:-3, drop = FALSE] %>%
      ncgSD = raw[raw$Code.Class == "Negative", -1:-3, drop = FALSE] %>%
      lod = .data$ncgMean + 2 * .data$ncgSD,
      llod = .data$ncgMean - 2 * .data$ncgSD,
      spcFlag = raw[raw$Name %in% c("POS_E(0.5)", "POS_1"), -1:-3] %>%
        purrr::flatten() %>%
        `<`(.data$llod) %>%
        `|`(.data$ncgMean == 0),
      gd = purrr::map2_int(
        raw[raw$Code.Class == "Endogenous", -1:-3, drop = FALSE],
        ~ sum(.x > .y)
      pergd = (.data$gd / sum(raw$Code.Class == "Endogenous")) * 100,
      averageHK = raw[raw$Code.Class == "Housekeeping", -1:-3, drop = FALSE] %>%
        purrr::map_dbl(~ exp(mean(log2(.)))),
      snr = ifelse(.data$lod < 0.001, 0, .data$averageHK / .data$lod),
      bdFlag = .data$binding.density < 0.05 | .data$binding.density > 2.25,
      normFlag = .data$snr < sn | .data$pergd < detect,
      QCFlag = .data$linFlag | .data$imagingFlag | .data$spcFlag |
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(grepl("Flag", names(.)),
                     levels = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                     labels = c("Failed", "Passed")) %>%
    dplyr::select(-c(.data$ncgMean, .data$ncgSD))
TalhoukLab/nanostringr documentation built on June 15, 2024, 2:18 a.m.