SIR_stochastic: Stochastic SIR Data

SIR_stochasticR Documentation

Stochastic SIR Data


An RData object consisting of two data.frames (in a similar fashion to BirthDeath). The first consists of 30 points in the parameter space (aSI, aIR, aSR), each of which has been inputted into the Gillespie algorithm for the stochastic version of the model used in GillespieSIR (but with changed starting conditions) 100 times. The second has similar form but for 20 unique points, each with 100 repetitions.




A list of two data.frames training and validation: each has the following columns:


Infection rate


Recovery rate


Waning immunity rate

I10 (25, 50)

The number of infected people at t = 10 (25, 50)

R10 (25, 50)

The number of recovered people at t = 10 (25, 50)


The outputs observed are the numbers of infected (I) and recovered (R) people at time points t = 10, 25, 50. All outputs display some level of bimodality. The initial conditions to generate the runs had S(0)=995, I(0)=5, R(0)=0.

Tandethsquire/hmer documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 12:22 p.m.