plot_actives: Active variable plotting

plot_activesR Documentation

Active variable plotting


For a set of emulators, demonstrate which variables are active.


plot_actives(ems, output_names = NULL, input_names = NULL)



The list of emulators to consider


The names of the outputs to include in the plot, if not all


The names of the inputs to include in the plot, if not all


Each emulator has a list of ‘active’ variables; those which contribute in an appreciable way to its regression surface. It can be instructive to examine the differences in active variables for a give collection of emulators. The plot here produces an nxp grid for n emulators in p inputs; a square is blacked out if that variable does not contribute to that output.

Both the outputs and inputs can be restricted to collections of interest, if desired, with the optional output_names and input_names parameters.


A ggplot object corresponding to the plot

See Also

Other visualisation tools: behaviour_plot(), diagnostic_wrap(), effect_strength(), emulator_plot(), hit_by_wave(), output_plot(), plot_lattice(), plot_wrap(), simulator_plot(), space_removed(), validation_pairs(), wave_dependencies(), wave_points(), wave_values()


 # Remove the nR output and aIR input from the plot
 plot_actives(SIREmulators$ems, c('nS', 'nI'), c('aSI', 'aSR'))
 # Note that we can equally restrict the emulator list...
 plot_actives(SIREmulators$ems[c('nS', 'nI')], input_names = c('aSI', 'aSR'))

Tandethsquire/hmer documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 12:22 p.m.