directional_deriv: Derivative inner product

View source: R/derivative_functions.R

directional_derivR Documentation

Derivative inner product


Find the (uncertainty modified) inner product between the derivative at a point x and a proposed direction v.


directional_deriv(em, x, v, sd = NULL, ...)



The emulator in question


The point in input space to evaluate at


The direction to assess


How many standard deviations to consider.


Additional arguments to pass through (eg local.var to the emulator functions)


Given a point x and a direction v, we find the overlap between E[f'(x)] and v. The emulated derivative has uncertainty associated with it: the variance is taken into account using v^{T} Var[f'(x)] v.

If sd == NULL, then only the (normed) overlap between the derivative and the direction vector is returned. Otherwise a pair of values are returned: these are the normed overlap plus or minus sd times the uncertainty.

This function is concerned with ascertaining whether a direction is oriented in the direction of the emulator gradient, subject to the uncertainty around the estimate of the derivative. It allows for a consideration of "emulated gradient descent".


Either a single numeric or a pair of numerics (see description)


 directional_deriv(SIREmulators$ems[[1]], SIRSample$validation[1,], c(1,1,1))

Tandethsquire/hmer documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 12:22 p.m.