individual_errors: Predictive Error Plots

View source: R/diagnostics.R

individual_errorsR Documentation

Predictive Error Plots


Plots the predictive error with respect to a variety of quantities.


  errtype = "normal",
  xtype = "index",
  plottype = "normal"



The emulator to perform diagnostics on


The validation set of points with output(s)


The type of individual error to be plotted.


The value to plot against


Whether to plot a standard or Q-Q plot.


The choice of errors to plot is controlled by errtype, and can be one of four things: normal, corresponding to the regular standardised errors; eigen, corresponding to the errors after reordering given by the eigendecomposition of the emulator covariance matrix; chol, similarly deriving errors after Cholesky decomposition; and cholpivot, deriving the errors after pivoted Cholesky decomposition.

What the errors are plotted with respect to is controlled by xtype. The options are index, which plots them in their order in the validation set; em, which plots errors with respect to the emulator prediction at that point; and any named parameter of the model, which plots with respect to the values of that parameter.

Finally, the plot type is controlled by plottype: this can be one of normal, which plots the errors; or qq, which produces a Q-Q plot of the errors.

The default output is to plot the standardised errors (with no decomposition) against the ordering in the validation set; i.e. errtype = "normal", xtype = "index", plottype = "normal".

Some combinations are not permitted, as the output would not be meaningful. Errors arising from an eigendecomposition cannot be plotted against either emulator prediction or a particular parameter (due to the transformation induced by the eigendecomposition); Q-Q plots are not plotted for a non-decomposed set of errors, as the correlation between errors makes it much harder to interpret.


The relevant plot.


Bastos & O'Hagan (2009) <doi:10.1198/TECH.2009.08019>

See Also

Other diagnostic functions: analyze_diagnostic(), classification_diag(), comparison_diag(), get_diagnostic(), residual_diag(), standard_errors(), summary_diag(), validation_diagnostics()


i1 <- individual_errors(SIREmulators$ems$nS, SIRSample$validation)
i2 <- individual_errors(SIREmulators$ems$nS, SIRSample$validation, "chol", "em")
i3 <- individual_errors(SIREmulators$ems$nS, SIRSample$validation, "eigen", plottype = "qq")
i4 <- individual_errors(SIREmulators$ems$nS, SIRSample$validation, "cholpivot", xtype = "aSI")

Tandethsquire/hmer documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 12:22 p.m.