
Defines functions proj_l1_l2

#' Projection onto the intersection of the L1 and L2 balls
#' @param x numeric vector to project onto the intersection of the L1 and
#' L2 balls
#' @param a numeric scalar defining the radius of the L1 ball
#' @return \item{k}{number of iteration.}
#' @return \item{lambda}{threshold value for the soft-thresholding operator.}
#' @return \item{l2_sat}{Boolean value indicating whether the
#' l2-constraint are saturated or not.}
#' @return \item{sol}{Numeric vector giving the projection of x onto the
#' intersection of the L1 and L2 balls if the l2-constraint is not saturated.}
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @noRd
proj_l1_l2 <- function(x, a = 1) {
  # Check if constraints are already satisfied
  norm2_x <- norm(x, type = "2")
  if (norm2_x < .Machine$double.eps) {
    return(list(sol = x, l2_sat = FALSE))
  if (sum(abs(x / norm2_x)) <= a) {
    return(list(k = NaN, lambda = 0, l2_sat = TRUE))
  # The desired a_k cannot be null as the constraints are not already satisfied
  # (cf. previous check). So zero values are removed.
  uneq <- x != 0
  p0 <- abs(x[uneq])
  # Check for multiple maximum
  MAX0 <- max(p0)
  # 1e-13 is the gap tolerance to define a maximum. Otherwise, in some
  # cases, there could be numerical problems (indeed the function psi is 
  # not defined for MAX0 = a_1).
  bMAX0 <- (abs(p0 - MAX0) <= 1e-13)
  nMAX0 <- sum(bMAX0)
  # If there are multiple maximum, the sparse parameter
  # "a" must be >= sqrt(number of max)
  if (a < sqrt(nMAX0)) {
    sol <- x * 0
    idx_MAX_val0 <- which(bMAX0)
    sol[idx_MAX_val0] <- sign(x[idx_MAX_val0]) * a / nMAX0
    return(list(sol = sol, l2_sat = FALSE))
  # If there are multiple maximum and a = sqrt(number of max),
  # solution is straightforward
  if (a == sqrt(nMAX0)) {
    if (nMAX0 == length(p0)) {
      # Case where there is as many maximum as the number of elements of the
      # vector to project "x". Indeed in the case,
      # ||x||_1/||x||_2 = sqrt(number of max)
      lambda <- 0
    } else {
      # With this choice of lambda, the soft-thresholding will set all
      # parameters to 0 except for the elements equals to the maximum value.
      a_2 <- max(p0[-which(bMAX0)])
      lambda <- (MAX0 + a_2) / 2
    return(list(k = NaN, lambda = lambda, l2_sat = TRUE))
  # If the vector to project "x" is composed of 2 elements only, as the
  # sparse parameter a <= 1 the desired a_k is a_2 (the lowest element) as
  # psi(a_2) = 1 (cf. theory) and by construction a_3 = 0 and psi(0) >= a
  # (checked previously). Moreover, these 2 elements are necessarily different
  # (cf. conditions above)
  if (length(p0) == 2) {
    a_k <- min(p0)
    psi_a_k <- 1
    k <- 2
    lambda <- a_k - (a * sqrt((k - psi_a_k^2) / (k - a^2)) - psi_a_k) *
      (sum(p0) - k * a_k) / (psi_a_k * (k))
    return(list(k = NaN, lambda = lambda, l2_sat = TRUE))
  # Initialize parameters
  s_1 <- s_2 <- nb <- 0
  p <- p0
  repeat {
    # the psi function is not defines for a_1 (the highest element of x in 
    # absolute value) so it is removed for the step where a "a_k" is selected.
    # Nonetheless it must be kept in "p"!! 
    bMAX <- (abs(p - MAX0) <= 1e-13)
    p_MAX_rmv <- p[!bMAX]
    # after removing all the maximums, there is still at least one element
    # as the case where all elements are maximums have been dealt with earlier.
    # If by any chance, a_2 is selected, them p_low is composed only of the 
    # maximum and the next step would result in N being equal to zero. However, 
    # is a_2 is selected, psi(a_2)=sqrt(nMax)<= s, so p_high is necessarily 
    # selected.
    N <- length(p_MAX_rmv)
    if (N == 0) {
      warning("length(p_MAX_rmv) = 0")
    # Choose next a_k
    if (N %% 2 == 0) {
      # Either min or max is possible 
      p_reduced <- p_MAX_rmv[-which.max(p_MAX_rmv)]
      # Replace by ccaPP::fastMedian or any homemade cpp median function
      a_k <- median(p_reduced)
    } else {
      # Replace by ccaPP::fastMedian or any homemade cpp median function
      a_k <- median(p_MAX_rmv)
    # Make a partition of list p
    p_inf_ak <- p < a_k
    p_sup_ak <- p > a_k
    p_high <- p[p_inf_ak]
    p_low <- p[p_sup_ak]
    # Evaluation decreasing rank of a_k
    nb_a_k <- sum(p == a_k)
    k <- nb + sum(p_sup_ak) + nb_a_k
    # Compute value of the constraint
    aksq <- a_k^2
    s_low_1 <- sum(p_low) + nb_a_k * a_k
    # NOTE : could create  : ssq   <- function(u) sum(u**2) -> not necessary
    # could use norm(u, type = "2")^2 -> not working when u = as.numeric(0)
    # (mean p_low is empty)
    # When p_low is empty, sum(p_low**2) = 0, which is what is wanted.
    s_low_2 <- sum(p_low**2) + nb_a_k * aksq
    psi_a_k <- (s_1 + s_low_1 - k * a_k) /
      sqrt(s_2 + s_low_2 - 2 * a_k * (s_1 + s_low_1) + k * aksq)
    # Choose partition depending on the constraint
    if (psi_a_k > a) {
      if (length(p_low) == 0) break
      p <- p_low
    } else {
      if (length(p_high) == 0) {
      } else {
        a_k_1 <- max(p_high)
        psi_a_k_1 <- (s_1 + s_low_1 - k * a_k_1) /
          sqrt(s_2 + s_low_2 - 2 * a_k_1 * (s_1 + s_low_1) + k * a_k_1^2)
        if (psi_a_k_1 > a) {
        p <- p_high
        nb <- k
        s_1 <- s_1 + s_low_1
        s_2 <- s_2 + s_low_2
  # Compute lambda
  lambda <- a_k - (a * sqrt((k - psi_a_k^2) / (k - a^2)) - psi_a_k) *
    (s_1 + s_low_1 - k * a_k) / (psi_a_k * (k))
  return(list(k = k, lambda = lambda, l2_sat = TRUE))
Tenenhaus/RGCCA documentation built on July 20, 2024, 2:14 p.m.