
# var
# in: string
# used in:
#   group_by with date variables (sometimes dynamic) --> can be done with group_by_at and stringed vector
#   to determine no segmentation vs segmentation, --> new variable: segmentation_levels
#   to join (stringed vector), --> only need stringed vector
# how?
# put together stringed vector inside function: group_by_vector or join_vector

# library(ggplot2)

# need to put this into data wrangling
# df <- df %>% filter(pointintime_month < "2017-01-01")

#' vintalyse
#' @title Vintage analysis of loan default rates
#' @description produces
#' @param data a monthly loan performance level data frame in standard
#'   \href{https://github.com/TheProfitTable/masterlibrary/blob/master/tpt_credit_datadictionary.Rmd}{data
#'    dictionary} format
#' @param period_dim the name of the period dimension used to do the vintage
#'   analysis. Usually either "loan_period" or "fpd_period". Note, must be input
#'   as a "string".
#' @param month_dim the name of the month dimension used to do the vintage
#'   analysis. Usually either "orig_month" or "fpd_month". Note, must be input
#'   as a "string".
#' @param segmenter_level 1, 2 or 3. Default = 1. When 1 then no segmentation
#'   will be done when doing vintage analysis. If 2, then segmentation will be
#'   done by to the variable entered as var1. If 3, then segmentation will be
#'   done by var1 and var2. It is very important to enter the correct value
#'   here.
#' @param var1 the main variable to segment the vintage analysis by. Must be
#'   provided as "string" and must be a categorical variable. See Note below.
#' @param var2 if a second level of segmentation is required, this is the second
#'   level.
#' @return A data set used for plotting default vintage analysis.
#' @export
#' @note Each level of the var1 and var2 pararmeters need to have sufficient
#'   volume to produce meaningful results. When creating a plot for the vintage
#'   analysis, the var1 and var2 parameters need to be either filtered upon or
#'   used to create a grid.
#' @examples
#' default_summary <- vintalyse(df, "loan_period", "orig_month")
#' default_summary_var1 <- vintalyse(df, "loan_period", "orig_month", segmenter_level = 3, var1 = "fico_bin")
#' default_summary_var2 <- vintalyse(df, "loan_period", "orig_month", segmenter_level = 3, var1 = "fico_bin", "occpy_sts")
vintalyse <- function(data, period_dim = "loan_period", month_dim = "orig_month", segmenter_level = 1, var1, var2)  {

  # period_dim <- as.name(eval(period_dim))
  # month_dim <- as.name(eval(month_dim))
  # period_dim <- enquo(period_dim)
  # month_dim <- enquo(month_dim)

  group_by_vector <- switch(segmenter_level,
                            c(period_dim, month_dim),
                            c(period_dim, month_dim, var1),
                            c(period_dim, month_dim, var1, var2))

    default_summary <- data %>%
      group_by_at(group_by_vector) %>% # Define the grouping variables
      summarise( # Now you define your summary variables with a name and a function...
        total_count = n(),  # The function n() in dlpyr gives you the number of observations
        default_count = sum(default_flag ,na.rm = TRUE),
        default_perc_count = default_count / total_count,
        total_loan_amount = sum(loan_amount, na.rm = TRUE),
        default_loan_amount = sum(default_flag*loan_amount, na.rm = TRUE),
        default_perc_loan_amount = default_loan_amount / total_loan_amount,
        total_closing_balance =  sum(closing_balance, na.rm = TRUE),
        default_closing_balance = sum(default_flag*closing_balance, na.rm = TRUE),
        default_perc_closing_balance = default_closing_balance / total_closing_balance

#     var <- as.name(eval(var))
#     var <- enquo(var)



# early default function
# -----------------------

#' early_default
#' @title Early roll rates by vintage
#' @description Calculates early arrears rolls by first pay date vintage. I.e. %
#'   loans in arrears bucket 1 at month 1 and arrears 2 in month 2 etc.
#' @inheritParams vintalyse
#' @param default_definition the default definition applied to the loan
#'   portfolio
#' @return a data frame consisting of variables that represent the rate of roll
#'   straight from origination through the various arrears buckets into default.
#'   I.e. if the default definition is 3 then % of contracts that are in default
#'   in month 3 (period since first pay date - fpd_period). As well as the %
#'   loans in arrears 1 in month 1, 2 in month 2, etc. up to default.
#' @note the rate is calculated based on the following weights: loan_amount,
#'   count, closing_balance. A variable for each is included in the data frame.
#'   fpd_month is used as the vintage grouping variable. This view only really
#'   makes sense with fpd_month
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df_arrflags_test_var1_ <- early_default(df, default_definition = 3, segmenter_level = 1)
#' df_arrflags_test_var1_ <- early_default(df, default_definition = 3,
#' segmenter_level = 2, var1 = "fico_bin")
early_default <- function(data, default_definition, segmenter_level, var1, var2) {

  group_by_vector <- switch(segmenter_level,
                            c("fpd_month", var1),
                            c("fpd_month", var1, var2))

    df_arrflags <- data %>%
      filter(fpd_period <= default_definition)

    # create early arrears flags
    for (i in 1:default_definition) {
      df_arrflags <- df_arrflags %>%
        mutate(!!paste0("arr_flag_", i) := if_else(fpd_period == i & months_arrears == i, true = 1, false = 0))

    # create table with dates to join to
    df_arrflags_all <- df_arrflags %>% group_by_at(group_by_vector) %>% summarise() #test

    for (i in 1:default_definition) {
      name <- as.name((paste0("arr_flag_", i)))

      # must repeat this section in loop:
      df_arrflags_sum <- df_arrflags %>%
        filter(fpd_period == i) %>%
        group_by_at(group_by_vector) %>% #var
        summarise(!!paste0("arr_flag_", i, "_count") := sum(UQ(name)) / n(),
                  !!paste0("arr_flag_", i, "_loan_amount") := sum(UQ(name)*loan_amount) / sum(loan_amount),
                  !!paste0("arr_flag_", i, "_closing_balance") := sum(UQ(name)*closing_balance) / sum(closing_balance))

      df_arrflags_all <- inner_join(x = df_arrflags_sum, y = df_arrflags_all, by = group_by_vector) #var



# -----------------------

# arrange to make viewing easier.

# default_summary <- default_summary %>% arrange(orig_month, loan_period) %>%
#   filter(orig_month < "2013-01-01")

# data <- ggplot(data=default_summary,
#                aes(x=loan_period,
#                    y=default_perc_loan_amount,
#                    group=orig_month,
#                    colour=orig_month,
#                    xlab = "Loan Period (months)", ylab = "NPL Percentage (%)")) +
#   geom_line(aes(alpha=0.8)) +
#   geom_point()
# plot(data)
TheProfitTable/loanportr documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:17 p.m.