
Defines functions simRaster

Documented in simRaster

#' Simulate random covariate field
#' @param rho Coefficient of spatial autocorrelation
#' @param lim Vector of limits of the map (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#' @param res Grid resolution (defaults to 1)
#' @return Raster object
#' @importFrom raster focal crop rasterFromXYZ values values<-
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export
simRaster <- function(rho,lim,res=1) {
    # rho must be odd
        rho <- rho + 1
    # generate uniform random weights on larger map 
    # (it will be cropped by moving average)
    xgrid <- seq(lim[1]-rho/2,lim[2]+rho/2,by=res)
    ygrid <- seq(lim[3]-rho/2,lim[4]+rho/2,by=res)
    xygrid <- expand.grid(xgrid,ygrid)
    xyz <- data.frame(x=xygrid[,1],y=xygrid[,2],z=runif(nrow(xygrid)))
    rand <- rasterFromXYZ(xyz)
    # define the matrix of weights for smoothing 
    # (ones inside disc, zeros outside)
    foox <- (-(rho-1)/2):((rho-1)/2)
    fooy <- (-(rho-1)/2):((rho-1)/2)
    fooxy <- expand.grid(foox,fooy)
    dist <- sqrt(fooxy[,1]^2+fooxy[,2]^2)
    food <- rep(0,nrow(fooxy))
    food[which(dist<=rho/2)] <- 1
    m <- matrix(food,rho,rho)
    # smooth random field using 2-d moving average over disc
    smooth <- focal(rand, m)
    smooth <- crop(smooth, lim)
    # scale to [0,1]
    values(smooth) <- (values(smooth)-min(values(smooth)))/(max(values(smooth))-min(values(smooth)))
TheoMichelot/localGibbs documentation built on March 24, 2022, 5:56 a.m.