Man pages for Theob0t/scEasyPip
Automated Seurat Pipeline for scRNA-seq analysis

checkInputsCheck inputs for FindCelltypes function
FindCelltypeIdentify cell types based on a user defined consensus markers
getAssignmentsVectorsAssign clusters to cell identities from the consensus file...
MergeObjectMerge a list of rds file Seurat object
Read10xDataCreate Seurat Object from sparse data matrices provided by...
runCellCyclePerform cell cycle scoring
runClusteringPerform clustering on Seurat object
RunIntegrationRun Seurat Anchors Integration Pipeline
runNormalizationRun Normalization using Seurat pipeline
RunSeuratRun Seurat Pipeline
RunTfCreate Dorothea Assay with TF activity computed using Viper
RunTfPipelineRun the Seurat Pipeline using TF activity (Dorothea + Viper)
SavePlotSave output plot in png format
Theob0t/scEasyPip documentation built on Dec. 18, 2021, 4:10 p.m.