
Defines functions remove_error_tracker init_error_tracker catch_error error_analysis error_correction_propostion get_all_objets_from_r

Documented in catch_error error_analysis error_correction_propostion get_all_objets_from_r init_error_tracker remove_error_tracker

#' Extract the name of all objects loaded in the R environments 
#' Fetch the name of all objects loaded in the environments (functions, values, data...)
#' @return a list with the names of all objects contained in the environments
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr map flatten_chr
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% 
#' @examples
#' get_all_objets_from_r()
get_all_objets_from_r <- function() {
  search() %>% 
    map(ls,all.names = TRUE) %>% 
    flatten_chr() %>% c(installed.packages() %>% rownames())

#' Find closest object names 
#' Analyse a typo and suggests the two closest names. 
#' @param asked_objet the R name producing an error
#' @param method Method for distance calculation. The default is "jaccard", see \link[stringdist]{stringdist-metrics}.
#' @param n number of corrections to suggest.
#' @return a character vector with the closest neighbors
#' @export
#' @import stringdist
#' @examples 
#' error_correction_propostion("iri")

error_correction_propostion <- function(asked_objet, method = "jaccard",n=2) {
  candidats <- get_all_objets_from_r()
  candidats[order(stringdist(tolower(asked_objet), tolower(candidats), method = method))][seq_len(n)]

#' Error Analysis
#' @param asked_objet the name to analyse
#' @param n number of names to suggest 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' fcuk::error_analysis() #last error is analysed
#' fcuk::error_analysis("view")
#' fcuk::error_analysis("iri")
error_analysis <- function(asked_objet = catch_error(),n=2) {
# browser()
    if (length(asked_objet)>0 && !is.na(asked_objet)) {
    # message(gettext("You ask :"), deparse(asked_objet), "\n")
      gettext("Did you mean :"),
      out <- paste(
        corr <- error_correction_propostion(as.character(asked_objet)[1],n=n),
        collapse = gettext(" or ")

#' Capture and parse an error message.
#' @param sentence an error message to parse
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' catch_error()
#' catch_error("Error: object 'iri' not found\n")
#' catch_error("Error: object 'view' not found\n")
catch_error <- function(sentence = geterrmessage()) {
  regex_rules()$regex %>% 
    map_chr(~sub(.x,"\\1",sentence)) %>%
    # unname() %>% 
    .[. != sentence]

#' Init error tracker
#' After lauching this function, every error message will be analysed.
#' This function is called when loading the package. 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' getOption("error")
#' fcuk::init_error_tracker()
#' getOption("error")
init_error_tracker <- function(){
  options("old_error" = getOption("error"))
  options( error = function(...){ 
    # .rs.breakOnError(TRUE)
  }  )

#' Remove error tracker
#' After lauching this function, the errors will no longer be analysed.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' getOption("error")
#' fcuk::remove_error_tracker()
#' getOption("error")
remove_error_tracker <- function() {
  options("error" = getOption("old_error"))
ThinkR-open/fcuk documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 10:09 p.m.