
Defines functions wsmp

Documented in wsmp

#' Weighting between stability and mean performance
#' @description
#' `r badge('stable')`
#' This function computes the WAASY or WAASBY indexes (Olivoto et al., 2019)
#' considering different scenarios of weights for stability and mean
#' performance.
#' After fitting a model with the functions [waas()] or
#' [waasb()] it is possible to compute the superiority indexes WAASY
#' or WAASBY in different scenarios of weights for stability and mean
#' performance. The number of scenarios is defined by the arguments
#' `increment`. By default, twenty-one different scenarios are computed. In
#' this case, the the superiority index is computed considering the following
#' weights: stability (waasb or waas) = 100; mean performance = 0. In other
#' words, only stability is considered for genotype ranking. In the next
#' iteration, the weights becomes 95/5 (since increment = 5). In the third
#' scenario, the weights become 90/10, and so on up to these weights become
#' 0/100. In the last iteration, the genotype ranking for WAASY or WAASBY
#' matches perfectly with the ranks of the response variable.
#' @param model An object computed with [waas()], [waasb()], or [mps()].
#' @param mresp A numeric value that will be the new maximum value after
#'   rescaling. By default, the variable in `resp` is rescaled so that the
#'   original maximum and minimum values are 100 and 0, respectively. Let us
#'   consider that for a specific trait, say, lodging incidence, lower values
#'   are better. In this case, you should use `mresp = 0` to rescale the
#'   response variable so that the lowest values will become 100 and the highest
#'   values 0.
#' @param increment The increment in the weight ratio for stability and mean
#'   performance. Se the **Details** section for more information.
#' @param saveWAASY Automatically save the WAASY values when the weight for
#'   stability is `saveWAASY`.
#' @param prob The p-value for considering an interaction principal component
#'   axis significant. must be multiple of `increment`. If this assumption
#'   is not valid, an error will be occur.
#' @param progbar A logical argument to define if a progress bar is shown.
#'   Default is `TRUE`.
#' @references
#' Olivoto, T., A.D.C. L{\'{u}}cio, J.A.G. da silva, V.S. Marchioro, V.Q. de
#' Souza, and E. Jost. 2019. Mean performance and stability in multi-environment
#' trials I: Combining features of AMMI and BLUP techniques. Agron. J.
#' \doi{10.2134/agronj2019.03.0220}
#' @return An object of class `wsmp` with the following items for each
#'   variable
#' * When computed with [waas()] or [waasb()].
#'    * **scenarios** A list with the model for all computed scenarios.
#'    * **WAASY** The values of the WAASY estimated when the weight for the
#' stability in the loop match with argument `saveWAASY`.
#'    * **hetdata, hetcomb** The data used to produce the heatmaps.
#'    * **Ranks** All the values of WAASY estimated in the different
#' scenarios of WAAS/GY weighting ratio.
#' * When computed with [mps()]
#' * **hetcomb** showing the rank for mean performance and stability in the different weights.
#' @md
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso [resca()], [mps()], [mtmps()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' # using the WAASB as statistic and BLUP as mean performance
#' # the same as using waasb()
#' model <- mps(data_ge2,
#'              env = ENV,
#'              gen = GEN,
#'              rep = REP,
#'              resp = PH)
#' scenarios <- wsmp(model)
wsmp <- function(model,
                 mresp = 100,
                 increment = 5,
                 saveWAASY = 50,
                 prob = 0.05,
                 progbar = TRUE) {
  if(!class(model) %in% c("waas", "waasb", "mps")){
    stop("The model must be an object of class 'waas' or 'waasb'")
  if(class(model) %in% c("waas", "waasb")){
    test <- 100%%increment == 0
    test2 <- saveWAASY%%increment == 0
    if (!mresp %in% c(100, 0)) {
      stop("The value 'mresp' must be 0 or 100.")
    if (test == FALSE) {
      stop("The argument 'increment = ", increment, "' is invalid. Please, note that this value must result in an integer in the expression '100 / increment'. Please, consider changing the values.")
    if (test2 == FALSE) {
      stop("The argument 'saveWAASY = ", saveWAASY, "' must be divisible by 'increment' (",
           increment, "). Please, consider changing the values.")
    datain <- model
    if (inherits(model, "waasb")) {
      dfs <- list()
      for (k in 1:length(model)) {
        PesoWAAS <- 100
        PesoResp <- 0
        minresp <- 100 - mresp
        data <- datain[[k]][["residuals"]] %>%
          select(ENV, GEN, REP, Y)
        nam <- names(datain[k])
        Nenv <- length(unique(data$ENV))
        Ngen <- length(unique(data$GEN))
        minimo <- min(Nenv, Ngen) - 1
        ncomb <- (100/increment) + 1
        totalcomb <- ncomb * minimo
        CombWAASY <- data.frame(type = matrix(".", (Ngen + Nenv), 1))
        ovmean <- mean(data$Y)
        WAASY.Values <- list()
        initial <- 0
        model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::lmer(Y ~ REP %in% ENV + ENV + (1 | GEN) + (1 | GEN:ENV),
                                                              data = data)))
        summ <- summary(model)
        bups <- lme4::ranef(model)
        blups <- data.frame(Names = rownames(bups$`GEN:ENV`))
        blups <- blups %>% data.frame(do.call("rbind", strsplit(as.character(blups$Names),
                                                                ":", fixed = TRUE))) %>% dplyr::select(-Names) %>%
          dplyr::select(-X1, everything()) %>% dplyr::mutate(BLUPge = bups[[1]]$`(Intercept)`) %>%
          dplyr::rename(Code = X2, GEN = X1) %>% dplyr::arrange(Code)
        intmatrix <- by(blups[, 3], blups[, c(2, 1)], function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        s <- svd(intmatrix)
        U <- s$u[, 1:minimo]
        LL <- diag(s$d[1:minimo])
        V <- s$v[, 1:minimo]
        Eigenvalue <-
          data.frame(Eigenvalue = s$d[1:minimo]^2) %>%
          add_cols(Proportion = s$d[1:minimo]^2/sum(s$d[1:minimo]^2) * 100,
                   Accumulated = cumsum(Proportion),
                   PC = paste("PC", 1:minimo, sep = "")) %>%
        SCOREG <- U %*% LL^0.5
        SCOREE <- V %*% LL^0.5
        colnames(SCOREG) <- colnames(SCOREE) <- paste("PC", 1:minimo, sep = "")
        MEDIAS <- mean_by(data, ENV, GEN)
        MGEN <-
          mean_by(data, GEN) %>%
          add_cols(type = "GEN")
        MGEN <- cbind(MGEN, SCOREG) %>%
          rename(Code = GEN)
        MENV <- mean_by(data, ENV) %>%
          add_cols(type = "ENV")
        MENV <- cbind(MENV, SCOREE) %>%
          rename(Code = ENV)
        Escores <- rbind(MGEN, MENV) %>%
        Pesos <- data.frame(Percent = Eigenvalue$Proportion)
        if (progbar == TRUE) {
          pb <- progress(max = totalcomb, style = 4)
        for (k in 1:ncomb) {
          WAASB <-
            Escores %>%
            select_cols(contains("PC")) %>%
            abs() %>%
            t() %>%
            as.data.frame() %>%
            add_cols(Percent = Pesos$Percent)
          WAASAbsInicial <- Escores %>%
            mutate(WAASB = sapply(WAASB[, -ncol(WAASB)], weighted.mean, w = WAASB$Percent)) %>%
            group_by(type) %>%
            mutate(PctResp = (mresp - minresp)/(max(Y) - min(Y)) * (Y - max(Y)) + mresp,
                   PctWAASB = (minresp - mresp)/(max(WAASB) - min(WAASB)) * (WAASB - max(WAASB)) + minresp,
                   wRes = PesoResp, wWAASB = PesoWAAS, OrResp = rank(-Y),
                   OrWAASB = rank(WAASB), OrPC1 = rank(abs(PC1)),
                   WAASBY = ((PctResp * wRes) + (PctWAASB * wWAASB))/(wRes + wWAASB),
                   OrWAASBY = rank(-WAASBY)) %>%
          inicial <- as.data.frame(WAASAbsInicial$OrWAASB)
          colnames(inicial) <- paste0(minimo, "PC")
          SigPC2 <- 1
          for (j in 1:minimo) {
            WAASB <- Escores %>%
              select(contains("PC")) %>%
              abs() %>%
              t() %>%
              as.data.frame() %>%
              slice(1:SigPC2) %>%
              mutate(Percent = Pesos$Percent[1:SigPC2])
            WAASAbs <- Escores %>%
              mutate(WAASB = sapply(WAASB[, -ncol(WAASB)], weighted.mean, w = WAASB$Percent)) %>%
              group_by(type) %>%
              mutate(PctResp = (mresp - minresp)/(max(Y) - min(Y)) * (Y - max(Y)) + mresp,
                     PctWAASB = (minresp - mresp)/(max(WAASB) - min(WAASB)) * (WAASB - max(WAASB)) + minresp,
                     wRes = PesoResp, wWAASB = PesoWAAS, OrResp = rank(-Y),
                     OrWAASB = rank(WAASB), OrPC1 = rank(abs(PC1)),
                     WAASBY = ((PctResp * wRes) + (PctWAASB * wWAASB))/(wRes + wWAASB),
                     OrWAASBY = rank(-WAASBY)) %>%
            results <- as.data.frame(WAASAbs$OrWAASB)
            names(results) <- paste0(SigPC2, "PCA")
            final <- cbind(results, inicial)
            inicial <- final
            SigPC2 <- SigPC2 + 1
            ProcdAtua <- j
            initial <- initial + 1
            if (progbar == TRUE) {
                           actual = initial,
                           text = paste("Ranks considering ", PesoResp, " for Y and ", PesoWAAS, " for WAASB", sep = ""))

          initial <- initial
          WAAS <- WAASAbsInicial
          WAAS$type <- ifelse(WAAS$type == "GEN", "Genotype", "Environment")
          CombWAASY[[sprintf("%.0f/%.0f", PesoWAAS, PesoResp)]] <- WAASAbsInicial$OrWAASBY
          WAASY.Values[[paste("WAAS/GY", PesoWAAS, "/", PesoResp)]] <- data.frame(WAAS)
          PesoResp <- PesoResp + increment
          PesoWAAS <- PesoWAAS - increment
          if (PesoWAAS + increment == saveWAASY) {
            genotypes <- WAAS %>%
              dplyr::filter(type == "Genotype") %>%
              dplyr::select(Code, wRes, wWAASB, WAASBY) %>%
              dplyr::arrange(WAASBY) %>%
              mutate(Mean = ifelse(WAASBY < mean(WAASBY), "below", "above"))
        Rank <- final[, -(SigPC2)]
        Names <- WAASAbsInicial %>% select(type, Code, OrResp, OrPC1, OrWAASB)
        Rank <- cbind(Names, Rank) %>% as_tibble()
        hetdata <-
          Rank %>%
          dplyr::filter(type == "GEN") %>%
          column_to_rownames("Code") %>%
          select(contains("PCA")) %>%
          as_tibble(rownames = NA)
        CombWAASY %<>%
          select(-type) %>%
          mutate(type = Names$type, Code = Names$Code) %>%
          select(type, Code, everything()) %>%
          dplyr::filter(type == "GEN") %>%
          column_to_rownames("Code") %>%
          select(contains("/")) %>%
          as_tibble(rownames = NA)
        PC1 <- Pesos[1, 1]
        PC2 <- Pesos[2, 1]
        mean <- mean(WAAS$Y)
        dfs[[paste(nam)]] <- structure(list(scenarios = WAASY.Values,
                                            WAASY = genotypes,
                                            hetcomb = CombWAASY,
                                            hetdata = hetdata,
                                            Ranks = Rank),
                                       class = "wsmp")
    if (inherits(model, "waas")) {
      dfs <- list()
      for (k in 1:length(model)) {
        PesoWAAS <- 100
        PesoResp <- 0
        minresp <- 100 - mresp
        data <- datain[[k]][["augment"]] %>%
          select(ENV, GEN, REP, Y)
        nam <- names(datain[k])
        Nenv <- length(unique(data$ENV))
        Ngen <- length(unique(data$GEN))
        minimo <- min(Nenv, Ngen) - 1
        ncomb <- (100/increment) + 1
        CombWAASY <- data.frame(type = matrix(".", (Ngen + Nenv), 1))
        WAASY.Values <- list()
        model <- performs_ammi(data, ENV, GEN, REP, Y, verbose = FALSE)[[1]]
        anova <- model$anova
        PC <- model$PCA
        MeansGxE <- model$MeansGxE
        totalcomb <- ncomb * nrow(PC)
        initial <- 0
        if (progbar == TRUE) {
          pb <- progress(max = totalcomb, style = 4)
        for (k in 1:ncomb) {
          Escores <- model$model
          SigPC1 <- nrow(PC[which(PC[, 6] < prob), ])
          Pesos <- as.data.frame(model$PCA[7][c(1:SigPC1), ])
          colnames(Pesos) <- "Percent"
          WAAS <-
            Escores %>%
            select(contains("PC")) %>%
            abs() %>%
            t() %>%
            as.data.frame() %>%
            slice(1:SigPC1) %>%
            mutate(Percent = Pesos$Percent)
          WAASAbsInicial <-
            Escores %>%
            mutate(WAAS = sapply(WAAS[, -ncol(WAAS)], weighted.mean, w = WAAS$Percent)) %>%
            group_by(type) %>%
            mutate(PctResp = (mresp - minresp)/(max(Y) - min(Y)) * (Y - max(Y)) + mresp,
                   PctWAAS = (minresp - mresp)/(max(WAAS) - min(WAAS)) * (WAAS - max(WAAS)) + minresp,
                   wRes = PesoResp, wWAAS = PesoWAAS, OrResp = rank(-Y),
                   OrWAAS = rank(WAAS), OrPC1 = rank(abs(PC1)),
                   WAASY = ((PctResp * wRes) + (PctWAAS * wWAAS))/(wRes + wWAAS),
                   OrWAASY = rank(-WAASY)) %>%
          inicial <- as.data.frame(WAASAbsInicial$OrWAAS)
          colnames(inicial) <- paste0(SigPC1, "PCA")
          SigPC2 <- 1
          for (j in 1:nrow(PC)) {
            WAAS <-
              Escores %>%
              select(contains("PC")) %>%
              abs() %>%
              t() %>%
              as.data.frame() %>%
              slice(1:SigPC2) %>%
              mutate(Percent = Pesos$Percent[1:SigPC2])
            WAASAbs <- Escores %>% mutate(WAAS = sapply(WAAS[, -ncol(WAAS)], weighted.mean, w = WAAS$Percent)) %>%
              group_by(type) %>%
              mutate(PctResp = (mresp - minresp)/(max(Y) - min(Y)) * (Y - max(Y)) + mresp,
                     PctWAAS = (minresp - mresp)/(max(WAAS) - min(WAAS)) * (WAAS - max(WAAS)) + minresp,
                     wRes = PesoResp, wWAAS = PesoWAAS, OrResp = rank(-Y),
                     OrWAAS = rank(WAAS), OrPC1 = rank(abs(PC1)),
                     WAASY = ((PctResp * wRes) + (PctWAAS * wWAAS))/(wRes + wWAAS),
                     OrWAASY = rank(-WAASY)) %>%
            results <- as.data.frame(WAASAbs$OrWAAS)
            names(results) <- paste0(SigPC2, "PCA")
            final <- cbind(results, inicial)
            inicial <- final
            SigPC2 %<>% +1
            ProcdAtua <- j
            initial <- initial + 1
            if (progbar == TRUE) {
                           actual = initial,
                           text = paste("Ranks considering ", PesoResp, " for GY and ", PesoWAAS, " for WAASB", sep = ""))

              # pb$tick(tokens = list(what = paste("Ranks considering ", PesoResp, "% for GY and ", PesoWAAS, "% for WAAS", sep = "")))
          initial <- initial
          WAAS <- WAASAbsInicial
          WAAS$type <- ifelse(WAAS$type == "GEN", "Genotype", "Environment")
          CombWAASY[[sprintf("%.0f/%.0f", PesoWAAS, PesoResp)]] <- WAASAbsInicial$OrWAASY
          WAASY.Values[[paste("WAAS/GY", PesoWAAS, "/", PesoResp)]] <- as_tibble(WAAS)
          PesoResp <- PesoResp + increment
          PesoWAAS <- PesoWAAS - increment
          if (PesoWAAS + increment == saveWAASY) {
            genotypes <- WAAS %>%
              dplyr::filter(type == "Genotype") %>%
              dplyr::select(Code, wRes, wWAAS, WAASY) %>%
              dplyr::arrange(WAASY) %>%
              mutate(Mean = ifelse(WAASY < mean(WAASY), "below", "above"))
        Rank <- final[, -(SigPC2)]
        Names <- WAASAbsInicial %>%
          select(type, Code, OrResp, OrPC1, OrWAAS)
        Rank <- cbind(Names, Rank) %>% as_tibble()
        hetdata <-
          Rank %>%
          dplyr::filter(type == "GEN") %>%
          column_to_rownames("Code") %>%
          select(contains("PCA")) %>%
          as_tibble(rownames = NA)
        CombWAASY %<>%
          select(-type) %>%
          mutate(type = Names$type, Code = Names$Code) %>%
          select(type, Code, everything()) %>%
          dplyr::filter(type == "GEN") %>%
          column_to_rownames("Code") %>%
          select(contains("/")) %>%
          as_tibble(rownames = NA)
        PC1 <- Pesos[1, 1]
        PC2 <- Pesos[2, 1]
        mean <- mean(WAAS$Y)
        dfs[[paste(nam)]] <- structure(list(scenarios = WAASY.Values,
                                            WAASY = genotypes,
                                            hetcomb = CombWAASY,
                                            hetdata = hetdata,
                                            Ranks = Rank),
                                       class = "wsmp")
    return(structure(dfs, class = "wsmp"))
  } else{
    nvar <- ncol(model$performance_res)
    ncomb <- (100/increment) + 1
    wstab <- 100
    wmp <- 0
    vars <- list()
    for (i in 1:nvar){
      stab <- model$stability_res[[i]]
      mper <- model$performance_res[[i]]
      tmp <- list()
      for(j in 1:ncomb){
        tmp[[paste0(wstab, "/", wmp)]] <- as.numeric(((stab * wstab) + (mper * wmp)) / (wstab + wmp))
        wmp <- wmp + increment
        wstab <- wstab - increment
      bind <- as.data.frame(bind_cols(tmp))
      rownames(bind) <- rownames(model$performance_res)
      vars[[paste(colnames(model$stability_res[[i]]))]][["hetcomb"]] <- bind
      wstab <- 100
      wmp <- 0
    return(structure(vars, class = "wsmp"))

#' Plot heat maps with genotype ranking
#' Plot heat maps with genotype ranking in two ways.
#' The first type of heatmap shows the genotype ranking depending on the number
#' of principal component axis used for estimating the WAASB index. The second type of heatmap shows the
#' genotype ranking depending on the WAASB/GY ratio. The ranks obtained with a
#' ratio of 100/0 considers exclusively the stability for the genotype ranking.
#' On the other hand, a ratio of 0/100 considers exclusively the productivity
#' for the genotype ranking.  Four clusters of genotypes are shown by label colors (red) unproductive and
#' unstable genotypes; (blue) productive, but unstable genotypes; (black) stable, but
#' unproductive genotypes; and (green), productive and stable genotypes.
#' @param x An object returned by the function `wsmp`.
#' @param var The variable to plot. Defaults to `var = 1` the first
#'   variable of `x`.
#' @param type `1 = Heat map Ranks`: this graphic shows the genotype
#'   ranking considering the WAASB index estimated with different numbers of
#'   Principal Components; `2 = Heat map WAASY-GY ratio`: this graphic
#'   shows the genotype ranking considering the different combinations in the
#'   WAASB/GY ratio.
#' @param y.lab The label of y axis. Default is 'Genotypes'.
#' @param x.lab The label of x axis. Default is 'Number of axes'.
#' @param size.lab The size of the labels.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @method plot wsmp
#' @export
#' @return An object of class `gg`.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' model <- waasb(data_ge2,
#'                env = ENV,
#'                gen = GEN,
#'                rep = REP,
#'                resp = PH) %>%
#'          wsmp()
#' p1 <- plot(model)
#' p2 <- plot(model, type = 2)
#' arrange_ggplot(p1, p2, ncol = 1)
#' }
plot.wsmp <- function(x,
                      var = 1,
                      type = 1,
                      y.lab = NULL,
                      x.lab = NULL,
                      size.lab = 12,
                      ...) {
  nam_dat <- ifelse(type == 1, "hetdata", "hetcomb")
  dat <- x[[var]][[nam_dat]]
    warning("object `x` seems to be computed with `mps()`. Switching to `type = 2`.", call. = FALSE)
    dat <- x[[var]][["hetcomb"]]
  grps <-
    dist(dat) %>%
    hclust() %>%
    cutree(4) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    rownames_to_column("GEN") %>%
    set_names("GEN", "GROUP") %>%
    arrange(GROUP) %>%
    add_cols(color =
               case_when(GROUP == 1 ~ "green",
                         GROUP == 2 ~ "red",
                         GROUP == 3 ~ "blue",
                         GROUP == 4 ~ "black"))
  data <-
    dat %>%
    rownames_to_column("GEN") %>%
    metan::as_factor(1) %>%
    pivot_longer(-GEN) %>%
  if(type == 1){
    x.lab = ifelse(is.null(x.lab), paste0("Number of IPCAs"), x.lab)
    y.lab = ifelse(is.null(y.lab), paste0("Genotypes"), y.lab)
  if(type == 2){
    x.lab = ifelse(is.null(x.lab), paste0("WAASB/GY ratio"), x.lab)
    y.lab = ifelse(is.null(y.lab), paste0("Genotypes"), y.lab)
  if(type == 1){
    p <-
      ggplot(data, aes(reorder(name, desc(row_id)), factor(GEN, levels = grps$GEN), fill= value))
  if(type == 2){
    p <-
      ggplot(data, aes(reorder(name, row_id), factor(GEN, levels = grps$GEN), fill= value))
  p <-  p +
    geom_raster() +
    theme_metan() +
    theme(legend.position = "right")+
    scale_y_discrete(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0)))+
    scale_x_discrete(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0)))+
    scale_fill_viridis_c() +
    guides(fill = guide_colourbar(label = TRUE,
                                  draw.ulim = TRUE,
                                  draw.llim = TRUE,
                                  frame.colour = "black",
                                  ticks = TRUE,
                                  nbin = 10,
                                  label.position = "right",
                                  barwidth = 1.3,
                                  barheight = 10,
                                  direction = 'vertical'))+
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = size.lab, angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5))+
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = size.lab, colour = grps$color),
          axis.title = element_text(size = size.lab)) +
    labs(x = x.lab, y = y.lab)
TiagoOlivoto/metan documentation built on June 2, 2024, 7:32 a.m.