
Defines functions makeFIMatrix.lgCMatrix makeFIMatrix.lgTMatrix makeFIMatrix.ngTMatrix makeFIMatrix.ngCMatrix makeFIMatrix.data.frame makeFIMatrix.matrix makeFIMatrix.transactions makeFIMatrix.itemsets makeFIMatrix.FIMatrix calcsupportFIMatrix outputFIMatrix makeTAMatrix.default makeTAMatrix.lgCMatrix makeTAMatrix.lgTMatrix makeTAMatrix.ngTMatrix makeTAMatrix.ngCMatrix makeTAMatrix.data.frame makeTAMatrix.matrix makeTAMatrix.transactions makeTAMatrix.TAMatrix outputTAMatrix

Documented in calcsupportFIMatrix makeFIMatrix.data.frame makeFIMatrix.FIMatrix makeFIMatrix.itemsets makeFIMatrix.lgCMatrix makeFIMatrix.lgTMatrix makeFIMatrix.matrix makeFIMatrix.ngCMatrix makeFIMatrix.ngTMatrix makeFIMatrix.transactions makeTAMatrix.data.frame makeTAMatrix.default makeTAMatrix.lgCMatrix makeTAMatrix.lgTMatrix makeTAMatrix.matrix makeTAMatrix.ngCMatrix makeTAMatrix.ngTMatrix makeTAMatrix.TAMatrix makeTAMatrix.transactions outputFIMatrix outputTAMatrix

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# --------------------------------------- Corce Types -------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

# The following methods are used to coerce allowed input types such as sparse matrices, matrices,
# data.frame ect. into the Rpriori classes TAMatrix and FIMatrix.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# -------------------------------------- makeTAMatrix -------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

#' Take different inputs and make them a TAMatrix.
#' Takes a object of class Matrix, ngCMatrix, ngTMatrix or  class transactions from arules and 
#' return a corresponding object of class TAMatrix. All these objects with the exception of 
#' transactions should have row names that describe the different items. The columns should 
#' represent the itemsets. It should be a binary matrix.
#' @name makeTAMatrix
#' @export
#' @param input Object of class matrix, sparse matrix or Formel class transaction (arules
#' class).
#' @return Object of class TAMatrix containing the same itemset as the input.
setGeneric('makeTAMatrix', function(input) UseMethod('makeTAMatrix'))

#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an ngTMatrix.
#' @name outputTAMatrix
#' @param out_mat Object of class ngTMatrix
#' @return Object of class TAMatrix corresponding to the ngTMatrix
#' @export
outputTAMatrix <- function(out_mat){
  out <- new('TAMatrix',data  = out_mat, 
             dim  = c(nrow(out_mat),ncol(out_mat)),
             items = row.names(out_mat))

#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an TAMatrix
#' @name makeTAMatrix.TAMatrix
#' @param input Object of class TAMatrix
#' @return Object of class TAMatrix containing the same itemset as the input.
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.TAMatrix <- function(input){
#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an object of class transaction (coming from the arules 
#' package)
#' @name makeTAMatrix.transactions
#' @param input Object of class transactions
#' @return Object of class transactions containing the same itemset as the input
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.transactions <- function(input){
  # Input is of class transaction from arules
  # Get the underlying data matrix from the transaction matrix 
  out_mat <- as(input@data, "TsparseMatrix")
  # Add the rownames (which do represent the different items)
  rownames(out_mat) <- input@itemInfo$labels

#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an object of class matrix
#' @name makeTAMatrix.matrix
#' @param input Object of class matrix
#' @return Object of class matrix containing the same itemset as the input.
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.matrix <- function(input){
  # Input is a matrix 
  # Find positions of the true elements
  pos_true <- which(input, arr.ind = TRUE)
  i <- pos_true[,1]
  j <- pos_true[,2]
  # Create a sparse Matrix using the sparseMatrix function from the Matrix package
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = i,
                          j = j,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input), ncol(input)),
                          dimnames = list(rownames(input), NULL))

#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an object of class data.frame
#' @name makeTAMatrix.data.frame
#' @param input Object of class data.frame
#' @return Object of class data.frame containing the same itemset as the input.
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.data.frame <- function(input){
  # Input is a data.frame
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  # From here on same procedure as input would be matrix.

#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an object of class ngCMatrix
#' @name makeTAMatrix.ngCMatrix
#' @param input Object of class ngCMatrix
#' @return Object of class data.frame containing the same itemset as the input.
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.ngCMatrix <- function(input){
  # Input is a compressed, sparse matrix
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = input@i,
                          p = input@p,
                          index1 = FALSE,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input), ncol(input)),
                          dimnames = list(rownames(input), NULL))
  # From here on same procedure as input would be matrix.

#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an object of class ngTMatrix
#' @name makeTAMatrix.ngTMatrix
#' @param input Object of class ngTMatrix
#' @return Object of class data.frame containing the same itemset as the input.
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.ngTMatrix <- function(input){
  # Input is already in correct sparse matrix format.
  out_mat <- input
  # From here on same procedure as input would be matrix.

#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an object of class lgTMatrix
#' @name makeTAMatrix.lgTMatrix
#' @param input Object of class lgTMatrix
#' @return Object of class data.frame containing the same itemset as the input.
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.lgTMatrix <- function(input){
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = input@i,
                          j = input@j,
                          index1 = FALSE,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input), ncol(input)),
                          dimnames = list(rownames(input), NULL))
  # From here on same procedure as input would be matrix.

#' Function to create a TAMatrix from an object of class lgCMatrix
#' @name makeTAMatrix.lgCMatrix
#' @param input Object of class lgCMatrix
#' @return Object of class data.frame containing the same itemset as the input.
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.lgCMatrix <- function(input){
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = input@i,
                          p = input@p,
                          index1 = FALSE,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input), ncol(input)),
                          dimnames = list(rownames(input), NULL))
  # From here on same procedure as input would be matrix.

#' Default method for not implemented classes
#' @name makeTAMatrix.default
#' @param input Object of uknown class
#' @return Error message
#' @export
makeTAMatrix.default <- function(input){
  print(paste("Object of class", class(input)[1], "cannot be coerced to TAMatrix. "))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# -------------------------------------- makeFIMatrix -------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

#' Take different input and make them a FIMatrix
#' Takes a object of class Matrix, ngCMatrix, ngTMatrix, transactions or itemsets  and return a
#' corresponding object of class FIMatrix. The rows should represent the itemset and be named.
#' The columns should describe the itemsets. It should be a binary matrix.
#' @name makeFIMatrix
#' @export
#' @param input Object of class matrix, sparse matrix,  transactions (arules
#' class) or itemsets containing the frequent itemsets.
#' @param support The support values for the provided itemsets. Should have a length corresponding 
#' to the columns of the supplied matrix. If no support is provided it has to be recalculated.
#' @param dataset Either this has to be provided or support. Please provide the initial datasets
#' based on which the frequent itemsets from input with minimal support where calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatrix representing the input object.
setGeneric('makeFIMatrix', function(input, support, dataset) UseMethod('makeFIMatrix'))

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an ngTMatrix as well as the corresponding vector of support.
#' @name outputFIMatrix
#' @param mat Object of class ngTMatrix
#' @param support Vector containing the coresponding support values for the frequent itemsets in
#' mat
#' @return Object of class FIMatrix corresponding to the ngTMatrix and the support vector
outputFIMatrix <- function(mat, support){
             data = mat,
             support = support))

#' Calculate support if missing.
#' This function calculate the support for a frequent itemset with a transactions set if the 
#' support vector is missing and otherwise otherwise just returns the support vector
#' @name calcsupportFIMatrix
#' @param input The frequent Itemsets as a ngTMatrix
#' @param support The support vector, if missing the support is calculated for the frequent itemsets
#' based on the transaction set in dataset.
#' @param dataset dataset containing the transaction data. May be of all classes that can be coerced
#' to TAMatrix by the function MakeTAMatrix.
#' @return Vector of support values.
#' @export
calcsupportFIMatrix <- function(input, support, dataset){
  if ((missing(support) || is.null(support)) && (missing(dataset) || is.null(dataset))) {
    stop("Supported has to be calculated. Please provide either the correct vector of 
         support or the dataset with a minimal support level.")
  # Recalculate the support
  if (missing(support) || is.null(support)) {
    out_support <- DetSupport(makeTAMatrix(input)@data, Transaction = makeTAMatrix(dataset),
                              same_item_num = FALSE)
  } else {
    out_support <- support

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an FIMatrix
#' @name makeFIMatrix.FIMatrix
#' @param input Object of class FIMatrix
#' @param support Support values for the FIMatrix
#' @param dataset Underlying transactions. Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing.
#' @return Object of class FIMatrix containing the same itemset as the input.
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.FIMatrix <- function(input, support, dataset){
  # input is already in the correct format

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an itemsets
#' @name makeFIMatrix.itemsets
#' @param input Object of class itemsets
#' @param support Support values for the itemsets
#' @param dataset Underlying transactions. Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing and
#' has to be calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatirx containing correct support values
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.itemsets <- function(input, support, dataset){
  # Extract support from itemsets object
  out_support <- input@quality[,1]
  # Extract and coerce sparse, compressed pattern matrix to sparse, non-compressed pattern matrix
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = input@items@data@i,
                          p = input@items@data@p,
                          index1 = FALSE,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input@items@data), ncol(input@items@data)),
                          dimnames = list(input@items@itemInfo$labels, NULL))
  # Only select the items (rows) that have at least one occurence
  out_mat <- out_mat[rowSums(out_mat) > 0 ,,drop = FALSE]
  return(outputFIMatrix(out_mat, out_support))

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an transactions
#' @name makeFIMatrix-transactions
#' @param input Object of class transactions
#' @param support Support values for the transactions
#' @param dataset Underlying transactions. Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing and
#' has to be calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatirx containing correct support values
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.transactions <- function(input, support, dataset){
  # Input is of class transaction from arules
  # Get the underlying data matrix from the transaction matrix 
  out_mat <- as(input@data, "TsparseMatrix")
  # Add the rownames (which do represent the different items)
  rownames(out_mat) <- input@itemInfo$labels
  # Determine support 
  out_support <- calcsupportFIMatrix(input, support, dataset)
  return(outputFIMatrix(out_mat, out_support))

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an matrix
#' @name makeFIMatrix.matrix
#' @param input Object of class matrix
#' @param support Support values for the matrix
#' @param dataset Underlying matrix Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing and
#' has to be calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatirx containing correct support values
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.matrix <- function(input, support, dataset){

  # Input is  a matrix 
  # Find positions of the true elements
  pos_true <- which(input, arr.ind = TRUE)
  i <- pos_true[,1]
  j <- pos_true[,2]
  # Create a sparse Matrix using the sparseMatrix function from the Matrix package
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = i,
                          j = j,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input), ncol(input)),
                          dimnames = list(rownames(input), NULL))
  # Determine support 
  out_support <- calcsupportFIMatrix(input, support, dataset)
  return(outputFIMatrix(out_mat, out_support))

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an data.frame
#' @name makeFIMatrix.data.frame
#' @param input Object of class data.frame
#' @param support Support values for the data.frame
#' @param dataset Underlying data.frame Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing and
#' has to be calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatirx containing correct support values
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.data.frame <- function(input, support, dataset){
  # Method is the same as for matrix, but coerce to matrix first.
  return(makeFIMatrix.matrix(as.matrix(input), support, dataset))

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an ngCMatrix
#' @name makeFIMatrix.ngCMatrix
#' @param input Object of class ngCMatrix
#' @param support Support values for the ngCMatrix
#' @param dataset Underlying data.frame Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing and
#' has to be calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatirx containing correct support values
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.ngCMatrix <- function(input, support, dataset){
  # Input is  a sparse, compressed pattern matrix
  # Create a sparse Matrix using the sparseMatrix function from the Matrix package
  # Input is a compressed, sparse matrix
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = input@i,
                          p = input@p,
                          index1 = FALSE,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input), ncol(input)),
                          dimnames = list(rownames(input), NULL))
  # Determine support 
  out_support <- calcsupportFIMatrix(input, support, dataset)
  return(outputFIMatrix(out_mat, out_support))

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an ngTMatrix
#' @name makeFIMatrix.ngTMatrix
#' @param input Object of class ngTMatrix
#' @param support Support values for the ngTMatrix
#' @param dataset Underlying data.frame Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing and
#' has to be calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatirx containing correct support values
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.ngTMatrix <- function(input, support, dataset){
  # Input is  a sparse, compressed pattern matrix
  # Create a sparse Matrix using the sparseMatrix function from the Matrix package
  # Input is a compressed, sparse matrix
  out_mat <- input
  # Determine support 
  out_support <- calcsupportFIMatrix(input, support, dataset)
  return(outputFIMatrix(out_mat, out_support))

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an lgTMatrix
#' @name makeFIMatrix.lgTMatrix
#' @param input Object of class lgTMatrix
#' @param support Support values for the lgTMatrix
#' @param dataset Underlying data.frame Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing and
#' has to be calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatirx containing correct support values
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.lgTMatrix <- function(input, support, dataset){
  # Input is  a sparse, compressed pattern matrix
  # Create a sparse Matrix using the sparseMatrix function from the Matrix package
  # Input is a compressed, sparse matrix
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = input@i,
                          j = input@j,
                          index1 = FALSE,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input), ncol(input)),
                          dimnames = list(rownames(input), NULL))
  # Determine support 
  out_support <- calcsupportFIMatrix(input, support, dataset)
  return(outputFIMatrix(out_mat, out_support))

#' Function to create a FIMatrix from an lgCMatrix
#' @name makeFIMatrix.lgCMatrix
#' @param input Object of class lgCMatrix
#' @param support Support values for the lgCMatrix
#' @param dataset Underlying data.frame Has to be supplied if the support vector is missing and
#' has to be calculated.
#' @return Object of class FIMatirx containing correct support values
#' @export
makeFIMatrix.lgCMatrix <- function(input, support, dataset){
  # Input is  a sparse, compressed pattern matrix
  # Create a sparse Matrix using the sparseMatrix function from thve Matrix package
  # Input is a compressed, sparse matrix
  out_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = input@i,
                          p = input@p,
                          index1 = FALSE,
                          giveCsparse = FALSE,
                          dims = c(nrow(input), ncol(input)),
                          dimnames = list(rownames(input), NULL))
  # Determine support 
  out_support <- calcsupportFIMatrix(input, support, dataset)
  return(outputFIMatrix(out_mat, out_support))
TimToebrock/Rpriori documentation built on Oct. 18, 2020, 9:41 p.m.