
plugin_bandwidth <- function(W, phi_U, sd_X, kernel_type) {
	kernel_list <- kernel(kernel_type)
	phiK <- kernel_list$phik
	mu_K2 <- kernel_list$muk2
	RK <- kernel_list$rk
	tt <- kernel_list$tt
	deltat <- tt[2] - tt[1]

	n <- length(W)

	# Grid of h on which to search for a solution
	maxh <- (max(W) - min(W)) / 10
	hnaive <- ((8 * sqrt(pi) * RK/3/mu_K2^2)^0.2) * sqrt(stats::var(W)) * 
	lh <- 101
	hgrid <- seq(hnaive / 3, maxh, length.out = lh)

	# Quantities and functions that will be needed multiple times
	toverh <- tt %*% t(1 / hgrid)
	phiKsq <- phiK(tt)^2
	phiUsq <- phi_U(toverh)^2

	calculate_indh <- function(rr, th) {
		term1 <- -hgrid^2 * mu_K2 * th
		term2 <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, lh), tt^(2*rr) * phiKsq) / phiUsq
		term2 <- colSums(term2) * deltat  / (2 * pi * n * hgrid^(2 * rr + 1))

		ABias2 <- (term1 + term2)^2

		indh <- which.min(ABias2)
		if (indh == 1) {
			warning(paste("Minimum of Abias2 for rr =", as.character(rr), "is 
				the first element of the grid of bandwidths. Consider enlarging 
				the grid."))
		if(indh == lh){
			warning(paste("Minimum of Abias2 for rr =", as.character(rr), "is 
				the last element of the grid of bandwidths. Consider enlarging 
				the grid."))


	calculate_th <- function(h, indh) {
		phi_W <- ComputePhiEmp(W, tt/h)
		th <- sum(tt^(2 * rr) * phi_W$norm^2 * phiKsq / phiUsq[, indh])
		th * deltat / (2 * pi * h^(2 * rr + 1))

	# Start with theta4 and iterate down to get h1

	# theta 4
	th4 <- (sd_X^(-9) * factorial(8) ) / (2^9 * factorial(4) * sqrt(pi))

	# h3
	rr <- 3
	indh3 <- calculate_indh(rr, th4)
	h3 <- hgrid[indh3]

	# theta 3
	th3 <- calculate_th(h3, indh3)

	# h2
	rr <- 2
	indh2 <- calculate_indh(rr, th3)
	h2 <- hgrid[indh2]

	# theta 2
	th2 <- calculate_th(h2, indh2)

	# h1
	term1 <- hgrid^4 * mu_K2^2 * th2 / 4
	term2 <- kronecker(matrix(1,1,lh), phiKsq) / phiUsq
	term2 <- colSums(term2) * deltat / (2 * pi * n * hgrid)
	AMISE <- term1 + term2
	indh1 <- which.min(AMISE)

TimothyHyndman/deconvolve documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:51 p.m.