
# ops <- c("%>%", "%T>%", "%$%", "%<>%")
# regexp_meta <- c(".", "\\", "|", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}",
#                  "^", "$", "*", "+", "?")
# varname_prefix <- "#"
# devtools::use_data(ops, regexp_meta, varname_prefix,
#                    internal=TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)

utils::globalVariables(c("expr_", "iter_"))

# initial values
pf_ <- NULL
var_id <- 0L
mode <- NULL

init_ <- function(pf_, mode) {
  pkg_env <- parent.env(environment()) # getNamespace("demagrittr")

  assign("var_id", 0L, envir = pkg_env)
  assign("mode", mode, envir = pkg_env)
  assign("pf_", pf_, envir = pkg_env)


make_varname <- function(prefix = varname_prefix) {

  new_name <- paste0(prefix, var_id)
  var_id <<- var_id + 1L

  if (exists(new_name, envir = pf_)) {
    Recall(prefix = prefix)
  } else {

set_varname_prefix <- function(nm) {
  stopifnot(length(nm) == 1, is.character(nm), isTRUE(nchar(nm) > 0))
  pkg_env <- parent.env(environment()) # getNamespace("demagrittr")
  assign("varname_prefix", nm, envir = pkg_env)

rm_tmp_symbols_if_exists <- function(env) {
  prefix_mod <- vapply(
    strsplit(varname_prefix, "")[[1]],
    function(x) if (x %in% regexp_meta) paste0("\\", x) else x,

  rm(list = ls(pattern = paste0("^", paste0(prefix_mod, collapse = ""), "\\d+$")
               , envir = env, all.names = TRUE)
   , envir = env)

make_lambda <- function(body_, wrapper) {
  arg_ <- as_formals(quote(..))
  body_[[1]]$rhs <- quote(..)
  call("function", arg_, wrapper(body_), NULL)

as_formals <- function(sym, default_value = quote(expr=)) {
   as.pairlist(`names<-`(list(default_value), as.character(sym)))

construct_lang_manipulation <- function(ifs_expr, env_ = parent.frame()) {
  ifs <- substitute(ifs_expr)
  if (!"expr_" %in% all.names(ifs)) {
    stop("need to use 'expr_' in ifs clause")

  body_base <- quote(
    if (length(expr_) <= 1 && !is.recursive(expr_)) {
    } else if (is.pairlist(expr_)) {
      as.pairlist(lapply(expr_, iter_))
    } else {
      as.call(lapply(expr_, iter_))

  add_else <- function(prev_, next_) {
    if (prev_[[1]] != "if") {
      stop("not `if` clause")

    if (length(prev_) == 3) {
      as.call(c(as.list(prev_), next_))
    } else {
      as.call(c(prev_[[1]], prev_[[2]], prev_[[3]], add_else(prev_[[4]], next_)))

  f_body <- add_else(ifs, body_base)

  q_f <- bquote(
    function (x) {
      iter_ <- function(expr_) {

  eval(q_f, env_)

replace_dot_recursive <- function(x, expr_new) {
  if (!has_dot_sim(x)) {
    # for short-cut porpose

  do_func <- construct_lang_manipulation(
    if (is_dot_sym(expr_)) {
    } else if (is_tilda_call(expr_)) {
      as.call(c(quote(`~`), lapply(as.list(expr_[-1]), dig_ast)))
    } else if (is_magrittr_call(expr_)) {
      build_pipe_call(expr_, expr_new)



replace_direct_dot <- function(x, expr_new) {
  as.call(lapply(x, function(y) {
    if (is_dot_sym(y)) expr_new else y

get_rhs_paren <- function(rhs_, sym_prev) {
  # magrittr can evaluate below language syntax
  # language: `1:10 %>% (substitute(f(), list(f = sum)))`
  # As vignette says in https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/magrittr/vignettes/magrittr.html
  # `Whenever you want to use a function- or call-generating statement as
  # right-hand side, parentheses are used to evaluate the right-hand side
  # before piping takes place.`.

  # closure:
  # `1 %>% (function(x) x + 1))' runs
  # '1 %>% (2 %>% (function(x) function(y) x + y))` occurs error in CRAN ver 1.5
  # '1 %>% (2 %>% (function(x) {force(x); function(y) x + y}))` runs

  rhs_mod <- eval(rhs_, pf_)
  # browser()
    , "language" = {
        if (class(rhs_mod[[1]]) == "function") {
          # N.B. These are different. The first case is handled in this clause.
          # 1:10 %>% (substitute(f(), list(f = sum)) -> as.call(list(sum, 1))
          # 1:10 %>% (substitute(f(), list(f = quote(sum))) -> as.call(list(quote(sum), 1))
          if (is.primitive(rhs_mod[[1]])) {
            rhs_mod[[1]] <- as.symbol(asNamespace("methods")$.primname(rhs_mod[[1]]))
          } else {
            # FIX-ME: is there another way?
            rhs_mod[[1]] <- parse(text = deparse(rhs_mod[[1]], width.cutoff = 500L))[[1]]
        call("(", build_pipe_call(call("%>%", sym_prev, rhs_mod), NULL))
    , as.call(c(dig_ast(rhs_), sym_prev))

transform_rhs <- function(rhs_, lang_prev, op_) {
  if (is_dollar_pipe(op_)) {
    call("with", lang_prev, replace_dot_recursive(rhs_, lang_prev))
  } else if (is.symbol(rhs_)) {
    as.call(c(rhs_, lang_prev))
  } else if (is_paren_call(rhs_)) {
    get_rhs_paren(rhs_, lang_prev)
  } else if (is_braket_call(rhs_)) {
    replace_dot_recursive(rhs_, lang_prev)
  } else if (has_direct_dot_arg(rhs_)) {
    rhs_mod <- replace_direct_dot(rhs_, lang_prev)
    replace_dot_recursive(rhs_, lang_prev)
  } else if (!has_direct_dot_arg(rhs_)) {
    rhs_mod <- add_first_dot_to_rhs(rhs_, lang_prev)
    replace_dot_recursive(rhs_mod, lang_prev)
  } else {
    stop("missing pattern in transform_rhs()")

wrap_lazy <- function(lst) {

  iter <- function(l, acc) {
    if (length(l) == 0) {

    rhs_ <- l[[1]]$rhs
    op_ <- l[[1]]$op

    body_ <- transform_rhs(rhs_, acc, op_)

    if (is_tee_pipe(op_)) {
      call("{", build_pipe_call(call("%>%", acc, rhs_), NULL), iter(l[-1], acc))
    } else {
      iter(l[-1], body_)

  iter(lst[-1], lst[[1]]$rhs)


wrap_promise <- function(lst) {

  iter <- function(l, acc) {
    if (length(l) == 0) {

    rhs_ <- l[[1]]$rhs
    op_ <- l[[1]]$op

    sym_new <- make_varname()
    body_ <- transform_rhs(rhs_, sym_new, op_)

    if (is_tee_pipe(op_)) {
      # The 4th NULL is required for compiler::compile()
      body_2 <- call("function", as_formals(sym_new),
                     call("{", body_, sym_new), NULL)
      # "(" is needed to be compatible with R's regular parse. See the next code.
      # > .Internal(inspect(quote((function(x) x)(1))))
      # > .Internal(inspect(
      #     as.call(list(call("function", as.pairlist(alist(x=)), quote(x)), 1))))
      body_3 <- as.call(list(call("(", body_2), acc))
      iter(l[-1], body_3)
    } else {
      body_2 <- call("function", as_formals(sym_new), body_, NULL)
      body_3 <- as.call(list(call("(", body_2), acc))
      iter(l[-1], body_3)

  iter(lst[-1], lst[[1]]$rhs)


wrap_eager <- function(lst) {

  iter <- function(l, sym_prev, acc = NULL) {
    if (length(l) == 0) {

    rhs_ <- l[[1]]$rhs
    op_ <- l[[1]]$op

    body_ <- transform_rhs(rhs_, sym_prev, op_)

    if (is_tee_pipe(op_)) {
      if (length(l) > 1) {
        iter(l[-1], sym_prev, c(acc, body_))
      } else {
        iter(l[-1], NULL, c(acc, body_, sym_prev))
    } else {
      if (length(l) > 1) {
        sym_new <- make_varname()
        iter(l[-1], sym_new, c(acc, call("<-", sym_new, body_)))
      } else {
        iter(l[-1], NULL, c(acc, body_))

  first_sym <- make_varname()
  first_assign <- call("<-", first_sym, lst[[1]]$rhs)
  as.call(c(quote(`{`), iter(lst[-1], first_sym, acc = first_assign)))

replace_rhs_origin <- function(rhs, replace_sym) {
  if (!has_dot_sim(rhs)) {
    # rhs is already applied by dig_ast()
  } else {
    # maybe ok?
    methods::substituteDirect(rhs, list(. = replace_sym))

add_first_dot_to_rhs <- function(rhs, new_call) {
  ## rhs[[1]] should be passed recuresively
  # > demagrittr(1 %>% (. %>% round(2))(), mode = "lazy")
  # (function(..) round(.., 2))(1.2345) #-> 1.23
  as.call(c(dig_ast(rhs[[1]]), new_call, as.list(rhs)[-1]))

build_pipe_call <- function(expr, replace_sym) {
  # `lst` should have more than one element
  lst <- get_pipe_info(expr)
  origin <- lst[[1]]$rhs
  first_op <- lst[[2]]$op

  wrapper <- switch(mode,
                    "eager" = wrap_eager,
                    "lazy" = wrap_lazy,
                    "promise" = wrap_promise,
                    stop("The selected mode was invalid."))
  body_ <-
    if (is_pipe_lambda(origin, first_op)) {
      make_lambda(lst, wrapper)
    } else if (is.null(replace_sym)) {
    } else {
      lst[[1]]$rhs <- replace_rhs_origin(origin, replace_sym)

  if (is_compound_pipe(first_op)) {
    call("<-", origin, body_)
  } else {

get_pipe_info <- function(x, acc = NULL) {
  if (!is_magrittr_call(x)) {
    # the most left-side of pipe-stream is needed to be recursively
    # parsed by dig_ast()
    c(list(list(op = NULL, rhs = dig_ast(x))), acc)
  } else {
    get_pipe_info(x[[2]], c(list(list(op = x[[1]], rhs = x[[3]])), acc))

dig_ast <- construct_lang_manipulation(
  if (is_magrittr_call(expr_)) {
    build_pipe_call(expr_, NULL)
TobCap/demagrittr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:50 p.m.