#' Estimate Water Depth
#' @description Returns an linearly interpolated estimate of water depth for a given a set
#' of coordinates, based on a reference bathymetry map.
#' @details The sign of \code{longitude} has no influence on the result.
#' @param longitude,latitude Numerical vector of longitudes in decimal degree format.
#' @param units Depth units to be returned. May be in meters (\code{units = "meter"}), feet (\code{units
#' = "ft"} or \code{units = "feet"}) or fathoms (\code{units = "fth"} or (\code{units = "fathoms"}).
#' @return Returns a numerical vector the same size as \code{latitude} and \code{longitude} containing
#' the water depth at the specified coordinates. Coordinates on land have negative values.
#' @examples
#' # Find the water depth at a single point:
#' depth(63.8, 47.05)
#' # Find water depth for multiple points:
#' lat <- c(48, 47, 46.5)
#' long <- c(-64, -61.5, -62)
#' depth(long, lat)
#' @export
depth <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("depth")
#' @describeIn depth Default \code{depth} function.
#' @export
depth.default <- function(longitude, latitude, units = "m"){
units <- match.arg(tolower(units), c("meters", "ft", "feet", "fth", "fathoms"))
# Load gulf bathymetry spatial grid:
b <- gulf.spatial::read.gulf.spatial("bathymetry")
# Argument checks:
if (missing(longitude) | missing(latitude)) stop("'longitude' and 'latitude' must be specified.")
if (length(longitude) != length(latitude)) stop("'longitude' and 'latitude' must be the same length.")
if (!is.numeric(longitude) | !is.numeric(latitude)) stop("'longitude' and 'latitude' must be numeric.")
# Remove NA values from consideration:
v <- rep(NA, length(longitude))
ii <- which(!is.na(longitude) & !is.na(latitude))
longitude <- longitude[ii]
latitude <- latitude[ii]
# Convert to image:
I <- list()
I$z <- b@data$z
dim(I$z) <- b@grid@cells.dim
I$z <- I$z[, dim(I$z)[2]:1]
wx <- b@grid@cellsize[1]
I$x <- seq(b@bbox[1, 1] + wx/2, b@bbox[1, 2] - wx/2, by = wx)
wy <- b@grid@cellsize[2]
I$y <- seq(b@bbox[2, 1] + wy/2, b@bbox[2, 2] - wy/2, by = wy)
# Take absolute value of latitude and longitude:
latitude = abs(latitude)
longitude = -abs(longitude)
# Image dimensions:
dz <- dim(I$z)
# Convert 'x' and 'y' to pixel coordinates:
xp <- (((longitude - I$x[1]) / (I$x[length(I$x)] - I$x[1])) * (length(I$x)-1)) + 1
yp <- (((latitude - I$y[1]) / (I$y[length(I$y)] - I$y[1])) * (length(I$y)-1)) + 1
# Initialize result variable:
z <- rep(NA, length(xp))
fx <- floor(xp)
fy <- floor(yp)
# Index of points which lie within the image bounds:
ix <- (fx >= 1) & (fx < dz[1]) & (fy >= 1) & (fy < dz[2])
# Remove exterior points:
fx <- fx[ix]
fy <- fy[ix]
# Calculate pixel weights:
wx <- 1 - (xp[ix] - fx)
wy <- 1 - (yp[ix] - fy)
# Calculate weighted 'z' value:
z[ix] <- wx * wy * I$z[fy * dz[1] + fx] +
(1-wx) * wy * I$z[fy * dz[1] + fx + 1] +
wx * (1-wy) * I$z[(fy+1) * dz[1] + fx] +
(1-wx) * (1-wy) * I$z[fy * dz[1] + fx + 1]
# Convert to other units if required:
if (units %in% c("ft", "feet")) z <- z * 3.280839
if (units %in% c("fth", "fathoms")) z <- z * 0.546806
v[ii] <- -z
#' @describeIn depth Depth function for a list obejct.
#' @export
depth.list <- function(x, ...){
lon <- longitude(x)
lat <- latitude(x)
if (is.null(lon) | is.null(lat)) stop("Unable to extract lat-lon coordinates from object.")
return(depth(lon, lat, ...))
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