
#' Estimate image smoothness
#' Estimates smoothness of a single image or image matrix
#' @param x May be an image of class "antsImage" or an image matrix.
#' @param mask Input mask, must match matrix.
#' @param rdf Residual degrees of freedom.
#' @param scaleResid If \code{TRUE} residuals are scaled.
#' @param sample Number of images to use for estimating smoothing (default uses all images).
#' @return Outputs the estimated FWHM and resel per voxel image.
#' @details
#' The partial derivatives of an image in x, y, and z directions are used to
#' create a covariance matrix which in turn is used to calculate the 
#' full-widths at half maxima (FWHM). The FWHM is equivalent to the estimated
#' image smoothness.
#' The resels per voxel image (\code{rpvImage}) represents the estimated resel at
#' each individual voxel throughout the search region. This may be used in 
#' place of volumetric measurements (or sum voxel measurements) when estimating
#' the p-value of a cluster using \code{\link{rftPval}}. The intent behind using the 
#' RPV image to estimate cluster level statistics is to offset the natural
#' probability of obtaining significant clusters solely by chance in very 
#' smooth regions at low thresholds.
#' It is possible to use a single statistical field image to estimate the FWHM. 
#' However, it's recommended that FWHM estimates are obtained from the scaled 
#' residuals of statistical models (Stefan J.K et al., 1999). Therefore, this 
#' function is optimized to estimate the pooled smoothness of the residual 
#' images from a fitted model.
#' A scaling factor is used to correct for differences when using the 
#' \code{sample} option. Scaling isn't effective when the number of images is 
#' very low and typically results in an overestimation of the the FWHM. If only
#' one image or numeric vector is entered then the scaling factor is not used. 
#' If a numeric vector is entered the \code{imageMake} function is used to 
#' prepare it for smoothness estimation (see Worsley et al., 1999).
#' Any NA values in \code{object} will be set to zero.
#' @references
#' Hayasaka (2004) Nonstationary cluster-size inference with random field and permutation methods.
#' Worsley K.J. (1992) A Three-Dimensional Statistical Analysis for CBF Activation Studies in Human Brain.
#' Worsley K.J. (1996) A Unified Statistical Approach for Determining Significant Signals in Images of Cerebral Activation.
#' Worsley K.J. (1999) Detecting Changes in Nonisotropic Images
#' Stefan J.K. (1999) Robust Smoothness Estimation in Statistical Parametric Maps Using Standardized Residual from the General Linear Model
#' @author Zachary P. Christensen
#' @seealso \code{\link{resels}}
#' @examples
#' # estimate individual image
#' mnit1 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData('mni'))
#' mask <- getMask(mnit1)
#' fwhm1 <- estSmooth(mnit1, mask)
#' @export estSmooth
estSmooth <- function(x, mask, rdf, scaleResid = TRUE, sample = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
  if (missing(mask))
    stop("Must specify mask.")
  D <- mask@dimension
  if (any(is.na(x)))
    x[is.na(x)] <- 0
  # create iterators----
  dimx <- 1:dim(mask)[1]
  dimx1 <- 2:(dim(mask)[1] + 1)
  if (D > 1) {
    dimy <- 1:dim(mask)[2]
    dimy1 <- 2:(dim(mask)[2] + 1)
  if (D > 2) {
    dimz <- 1:dim(mask)[3]
    dimz1 <- 2:(dim(mask)[3] + 1)
  # image matrix or antsImage----
  if (class(x) == "antsImage") {
    scale <- 1
    n <- 1
    mrss <- 1
  } else if (class(x) == "matrix") {
    if (missing(rdf))
      rdf <- nrow(x) - 2
    nfull <- nrow(x) # original number of images (rows)
    if (!is.null(sample)) {
      rsamples <- sample(nrow(x), sample)
      x <- x[rsamples, ]
    if (scaleResid == "TRUE")
      mrss <- sqrt(colSums(x ^ 2) / rdf)
      mrss <- 1
    n <- nrow(x) # number of images in sample (rows)
    scale <- (nfull / (rdf)) * (1 / n)
  # set up for loop----
  if (D == 1) {
    d1 <- m1 <- matrix(0, dim(mask)[1] + 1)
    maskar <- as.numeric(mask)
    m1[dimx1] <- maskar
    m3 <- ((m1[dimx1] * m1[dimx]))
    Vxx <- matrix(0, dim(mask)[1])
  } else if (D == 2) {
    d1 <- m1 <- matrix(0, dim(mask)[1] + 1, dim(mask)[2] + 1)
    maskar <- as.matrix(mask)
    m1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] <- maskar
    m3 <- ((m1[dimx1, dimy1] * m1[dimx, dimy1])) *
      ((m1[dimx1, dimy1] * m1[dimx1, dimy]))
    Vxx <- Vyy <- Vxy <- matrix(0, dim(mask)[1], dim(mask)[2])
  } else if (D == 3) {
    d1 <- m1 <- array(0, dim = dim(mask) + 1)
    maskar <- as.array(mask)
    m1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] <- maskar
    m3 <- ((m1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] * m1[dimx, dimy1, dimz1])) *
          ((m1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] * m1[dimx1, dimy, dimz1])) *
          ((m1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] * m1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz])) # mask to eliminate all cortical voxels
    Vxx <- Vyy <- Vzz <- Vxy <- Vxz <- Vyz <- array(0, dim = dim(mask))
  # partial derivatives of each image----
  if (verbose)
    progress <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n, style = 3)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (class(x) == "matrix") {
      if (D == 1)
        d1[dimx1] <- makeImage(mask, x[i,] / mrss)[dimx]
      else if (D == 2)
        d1[dimx1, dimy1] <- makeImage(mask, x[i,] / mrss)[dimx, dimy]
      else if (D == 3)
        d1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1]  <- makeImage(mask, x[i,] / mrss)[dimx, dimy, dimz]
    } else {
      if (D == 1)
        d1[dimx1] <- x[dimx]
      else if (D == 2)
        d1[dimx1, dimy1] <- x[dimx, dimy]
      else if (D == 3)
        d1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] <- x[dimx, dimy, dimz]
    if (D == 1) {
      dx <- (d1[dimx1] - d1[dimx]) * m3
    } else if (D == 2) {
      dx <- (d1[dimx1, dimy1] - d1[dimx, dimy1]) * m3
      dy <- (d1[dimx1, dimy1] - d1[dimx1, dimy]) * m3
    } else if (D == 3) {
      dx <- (d1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] - d1[dimx, dimy1, dimz1]) * m3
      dy <- (d1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] - d1[dimx1, dimy, dimz1]) * m3
      dz <- (d1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz1] - d1[dimx1, dimy1, dimz]) * m3
    Vxx <- Vxx + (dx * dx)
    if (D > 1) {
      Vyy <- Vyy + (dy * dy)
      Vxy <- Vxy + (dx * dy)
    if (D > 2) {
      Vzz <- Vzz + (dz * dz)
      Vxz <- Vxz + (dx * dz)
      Vyz <- Vyz + (dy * dz)
    if (verbose)
      setTxtProgressBar(progress, i)
  if (verbose)
  # scale variances/covariances----
  Vxx <- Vxx * scale
  if (D > 1) {
    Vyy <- Vyy * scale
    Vxy <- Vxy * scale
  if (D > 2) {
    Vzz <- Vzz * scale
    Vxz <- Vxz * scale
    Vyz <- Vyz * scale
  if (D == 1) {
    xyz <- Vxx * m3
  } else if (D == 2) {
    xyz <- cbind(matrix(Vxx * m3, ncol = 1), matrix(Vyy * m3, ncol = 1))
    rpv <- (Vxx * Vyy ) + (Vxy * 2) # this needs to be checked
  } else if (D == 3) {
    xyz <- cbind(Vxx * m3, Vyy * m3, Vzz * m3)
    rpv <- (Vxx * Vyy * Vzz) +
      (Vxy * Vyz * Vxz * 2) -
      (Vyz * Vyz * Vxx) -
      (Vxy * Vxy * Vzz) -
      (Vxz * Vxz * Vyy)
  # make RPV Image----
  rpv[rpv < 0] <- 0
  rpv <- sqrt(rpv / (4 * log(2)) ^ D)
  rpvImage <- as.antsImage(rpv * maskar)
  # estimate fwhm----
  xyz <- sqrt((xyz) / (4 * log(2)))
  nvox <- sum(m3)
  rpv <- sum(rpv) / nvox
  xyz <- colSums(xyz) / nvox
  resels <- rpv ^ (1 / D) * (xyz / prod(xyz) ^ (1 / D))
  fwhm <- 1 / resels
  list(fwhm = fwhm, rpvImage = rpvImage)
Tokazama/iClass documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:51 p.m.