
#### Just chicken scratch for now. This is my workspace to create a Plsa model
# fitted by the EM algorithm. Likely implementation will actually be in C++.
# ideally, I'd like to approximate it by chunking the data, calculating parameters
# in parallel, then reconciling by averaging. Wash, rinse, repeat.

### As of 10/26/2017, this is garbage that doesn't converge. More work to follow!

### Maybe I should try logs?

rm(list = ls())


### initialize some stuff with toy data ----------------------------------------
dtm <- as.matrix(nih_sample_dtm)

dtm <- dtm[ rowSums(dtm) > 10  , ]

# these will (later) be initialized at random
# phi <- nih_sample_topic_model$phi
# theta <- nih_sample_topic_model$theta

k <- 10

phi <- gtools::rdirichlet(n = k, alpha = colSums(dtm) / sum(dtm) * 250) # do.call(rbind, lapply(1:k, function(x) colSums(dtm) / sum(dtm)))

theta <- gtools::rdirichlet(n = nrow(dtm), alpha = rep(0.1, k)) # do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(nrow(dtm)), function(x) rep(1 / k, k))) # 

p_w <- colSums(dtm) / sum(dtm)

p_d <- rowSums(dtm) / sum(dtm)

max_iters <- 20 # something small for now

cost_history <- numeric(max_iters)

### declare the main calculating functions -------------------------------------
GetPhi <- function(gamma, theta, p_w){ # 
  # function is designed to work on one document
  # for stochastic updates in a loop
  p_t <- theta
  # p_w <- p_t %*% phi
  result <- t(gamma) * p_w
  result <- t(result) / p_t
  # result <- log(t(gamma)) + log(p_w)
  # result <- t(result) - as.numeric(log(p_t))
  # result <- exp(result)
  result <- result / rowSums(result)

GetGamma <- function(phi, theta, p_w){ # 
  # function is designed to work on one document
  # for stochastic updates in a loop
  p_t <- theta
  result <- phi * p_t
  result <- t(result) / p_w
  # result <- log(phi) + log(as.numeric(p_t))
  # result <- t(result) - log(p_w)
  # result <- exp(result)
  result <- result / rowSums(result)
  result <- t(result)

GetTheta <- function(gamma, dtm){
  # function is designed to work on one document
  # for stochastic updates in a loop
  result <- dtm %*% t(gamma)
  result <- result / rowSums(result)
  # result[ is.na(result) ] <- 0
  # result <- exp(result) / rowSums(exp(result))

GetSS <- function(phi, theta, dtm){
  yhat <- (theta %*% phi) * rowSums(dtm)
  ss <- (yhat - dtm) ^ 2
  ss <- sum(rowSums(ss))

### do some iterations ---------------------------------------------------------

iter <- 1

while (iter <= max_iters) {
  # update by each document
  for (j in seq_len(nrow(dtm))) {
    # get gamma
    gamma <- GetGamma(phi = phi, theta = theta[ j , ], p_w = p_w) #
    # get theta
    theta[ j , ] <- GetTheta(gamma = gamma, dtm = dtm[ j , ])
    # get phi
    phi <- GetPhi(gamma = gamma, theta = theta [ j , ], p_w = p_w) # 
  # get names lined up
  rownames(theta) <- rownames(dtm)
  colnames(phi) <- colnames(dtm)
  rownames(phi) <- paste0("t_", seq_len(nrow(phi)))
  colnames(theta) <- rownames(phi)
  # get cost
  cost_history[ iter ] <- mean(CalcProbCoherence(phi, dtm, 5)) # GetSS(phi = phi, theta = theta, dtm = dtm) # CalcTopicModelR2(dtm = Matrix(dtm, sparse = T), phi, theta) #
  iter <- iter + 1

plot(cost_history, type = "l")
TommyJones/textmineR documentation built on July 26, 2023, 9:51 p.m.