
Defines functions get_current_weather

Documented in get_current_weather

#' Get current weather observations of a BOM station
#' @param station_name The name of the weather station. Fuzzy string matching
#' via \code{\link[base]{agrep}} is done.
#' @param strict (logical) If \code{TRUE}, \var{station_name} must match the
#' station name exactly, except that \var{station_name} need not be upper case.
#' Note this may be different to \code{full_name} in the response. See
#' \strong{Details}.
#' @param latlon A length-2 numeric vector giving the decimal degree
#' latitude and longitude (in that order), \emph{e.g.}, \code{latlon =
#' c(-34, 151)} for Sydney. When given instead of \code{station_name}, the
#' nearest station (in this package) is used, with a message indicating the
#' nearest such station. (See also \code{\link{sweep_for_stations}}.) Ignored if
#' used in combination with \var{station_name}, with a warning.
#' @param emit_latlon_msg Logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), and
#' \code{latlon} is selected, a message is emitted before the table is returned
#' indicating which station was actually used (\emph{i.e.}, which station was
#' found to be nearest to the given coordinate).
#' @details
#' Station names are not consistently named within the Bureau, so
#' the response may contain a different \code{full_name} to the one
#' matched, even if \var{strict = TRUE}. For example, \cr
#' \code{get_current_weather("CASTLEMAINE PRISON")[["full_name"]][1]} \cr
#' is \code{Castlemaine}, not \code{Castlemaine Prison}.
#' Note that the column \code{local_date_time_full} is set to a
#' \code{POSIXct} object in the local time of the \strong{user}.
#' For more details see \dQuote{Appendix 1 - Output from get_current_weather()}
#' in the \CRANpkg{bomrang} vignette \cr
#' \code{vignette("bomrang", package = "bomrang")}\cr
#' for a complete list of fields and units.
#' @return A \code{bomrang_tbl} object (extension of a
#' \code{\link[base]{data.frame}})  of requested BOM station's current and prior
#'  72hr data. For full details of fields and units returned, see Appendix 1
#'  in the \CRANpkg{bomrang} vignette, use \cr
#' \code{vignette("bomrang", package = "bomrang")} to view.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   # warning
#'   Melbourne_weather <- get_current_weather("Melbourne")
#'   # no warning
#'   Melbourne_weather <- get_current_weather("Melbourne (Olympic Park)")
#'   # Get weather by latitude and longitude:
#'   get_current_weather(latlon = c(-34, 151))
#' }
#' @references
#' Weather data observations are retrieved from:
#' Australian Bureau of Meteorology (\acronym{BOM}) Weather Data Services,
#' Observations - individual stations:
#' \url{http://www.bom.gov.au/catalogue/data-feeds.shtml}
#' Station location and other metadata are sourced from the Australian Bureau of
#' Meteorology (\acronym{BOM}) webpage, Bureau of Meteorology Site Numbers:
#' \url{http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/cdo/about/site-num.shtml}
#' @seealso \link{get_historical_weather}
#' @author Hugh Parsonage, \email{hugh.parsonage@@gmail.com}
#' @importFrom magrittr use_series
#' @importFrom magrittr %$%
#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @importFrom data.table %chin%
#' @importFrom data.table setnames
#' @rdname get_current_weather
#' @export get_current_weather

get_current_weather <-
           strict = FALSE,
           latlon = NULL,
           emit_latlon_msg = TRUE) {
    JSONurl_site_list <- name <- .SD <- NULL
    # Load JSON URL list
    load(system.file("extdata", "JSONurl_site_list.rda",  # nocov start
                     package = "bomrang"))  # nocov end
    if (missing(station_name) && is.null(latlon)) {
      stop("One of 'station_name' or 'latlon' must be provided.")
    if (!missing(station_name)) {
      if (!is.null(latlon)) {
        latlon <- NULL
        warning("Both station_name and latlon provided. Ignoring latlon.")
                length(station_name) == 1)
      station_name <- toupper(station_name)
      # If there's an exact match, use it; else, attempt partial match.
      if (station_name %in% JSONurl_site_list[["name"]]) {
        the_station_name <- station_name
      } else {
        likely_stations <-
          # Present those with common prefixes first
              pattern = paste0("^", station_name),
              x = JSONurl_site_list[["name"]],
              ignore.case = TRUE,
              value = TRUE
              pattern = station_name,
              x = JSONurl_site_list[["name"]],
              value = TRUE
          ) %>%
        if (length(likely_stations) == 0) {
          stop("No station found.")
        the_station_name <- likely_stations[1]
        if (length(likely_stations) > 1) {
          # Likely common use case
          # (otherwise defaults to KURNELL RADAR,
          # which does not provide observations)
          if (toupper(station_name) == "SYDNEY" &&
              "SYDNEY (OBSERVATORY HILL)" %in% likely_stations) {
            likely_stations <- c(
              "SYDNEY (OBSERVATORY HILL)",
                      "SYDNEY (OBSERVATORY HILL)")
            the_station_name <- "SYDNEY (OBSERVATORY HILL)"
          # If not strict, warn; otherwise, later code will error on its own.
          if (!strict) {
              "Multiple stations match station_name. ",
              "Using\n\tstation_name = '",
              "'\nDid you mean any of the following?\n",
                "\tstation_name = '",
                collapse = "\n"
        if (strict) {
          if (length(likely_stations) == 1) {
              "strict = TRUE but station name not exactly matched.",
              "\nDid you mean the following?\n\t",
              "station_name = '",
          } else {
              "strict = TRUE but station name not exactly matched.\n",
              "Multiple stations match station_name. ",
              "\n\nDid you mean any of the following?\n",
              paste0("\tstation_name = '",
                     collapse = "\n")
      json_url <-
        JSONurl_site_list[name == the_station_name][["url"]]
      full_lat <-
        JSONurl_site_list[name == the_station_name][["lat"]]
      full_lon <-
        JSONurl_site_list[name == the_station_name][["lon"]]
    } else {
      # We have established latlon is not NULL
      if (length(latlon) != 2 || !is.numeric(latlon)) {
        stop("latlon must be a length-2 numeric vector.")
      Lat <- latlon[1]
      Lon <- latlon[2]
      # CRAN NOTE avoidance: names of JSONurl_site_list
      lat <- lon <- NULL # nocov
      station_nrst_latlon <-
        JSONurl_site_list %>%
        # Lat Lon are in JSON
        .[which.min(.haversine_distance(Lat, Lon, lat, lon))]
      if (emit_latlon_msg) {
        distance <-
          station_nrst_latlon %$%
          .haversine_distance(Lat, Lon, lat, lon) %>%
          signif(digits = 3)
            "Using station_name = '",
            "', at latitude = ",
            ", ",
            "longitude = ",
            " (",
            " km away)."
      json_url <- station_nrst_latlon[["url"]]
      full_lat <- station_nrst_latlon[["lat"]]
      full_lon <- station_nrst_latlon[["lon"]]
    observations.json <- .get_url(remote_file = json_url)
    if (is.null(observations.json)) {
    if ("observations" %notin% names(observations.json) ||
        "data" %notin% names(observations.json$observations) ||
        length(observations.json$observations$data) == 0) {
      id_code <- gsub("http://www.bom.gov.au/fwo/", "", json_url)
      id_code <- gsub(".json", "", id_code)
      web_url <-
        paste0("http://www.bom.gov.au/products/", id_code, ".shtml")
        call. = FALSE,
        "\nA station was matched.",
        "\nA JSON file was found, however it was not in expected form. ",
        "You may wish to check the BOM website for the station for further ",
        "possible information on the station's status, ",
    out <-
      observations.json %>%
      use_series("observations") %>%
    # replaced rounded values from .json with full values from internal db
    data.table::set(out, j = "lat", value = full_lat)
    data.table::set(out, j = "lon", value = full_lon)
    # BOM raw JSON uses `name`, which is ambiguous (see #27)
    if ("name" %in% names(out)) {
      setnames(out, "name", "full_name")
    # CRAN NOTE avoidance
    out[, "local_date_time_full" := lapply(.SD, function(x)
                 origin = "1970-1-1",
                 format = "%Y%m%d%H%M%OS")),
      .SDcols = "local_date_time_full"]
    out[, "aifstime_utc" := lapply(.SD, function(x)
        origin = "1970-1-1",
        format = "%Y%m%d%H%M%OS",
        tz = "GMT"
      .SDcols = "aifstime_utc"]
    # Columns which are meant to be numeric
    double_cols <-
    for (j in which(names(out) %chin% double_cols)) {
      data.table::set(out, j = j, value = .force_double(out[[j]]))
    station_meta <- subset(JSONurl_site_list, url %in% json_url)
        class = union("bomrang_tbl", class(out)),
        station = station_meta$site,
        type = "All",
        origin = "Current",
        location = station_meta$name,
        lat = station_meta$lat,
        lon = station_meta$lon,
        start = station_meta$start,
        end = station_meta$end,
        count = station_meta$end - station_meta$start,
        units = "years",
        ncc_list = station_meta
ToowoombaTrio/bomrang documentation built on May 14, 2024, 11:07 a.m.