
#Quantum Annealing

#Please refer to the following site

qatsp <- function(x = NULL, y = NULL,
                  beta  = 50,
                  trotter = 10,
                  ann_para = 1,
                  ann_step = 500,
                  mc_step = 5000,
                  reduc = 0.99,
                  trace = TRUE,
                  route = FALSE
  #Startup time record
  t0 <- proc.time()

  #Record annealing parameters
  ann_para0 <- ann_para

  #Initial check
  if(is.null(x) || is.null(y)){stop("Please enter the position in x and y.")}
  if(!length(x) == length(y)){stop("Make the vector length of x and y the same.")}
  ncity <- length(x)

  #Convert cities to matrix
  city_distance <- matrix(rep(0, times = ncity * ncity), ncol = ncity)
  for(i in 1:(ncity -1)){
    for(j in (i + 1):ncity){
      city_distance[i, j] <- sqrt((x[i] - x[j])^2 + (y[i] - y[j])^2 )
      city_distance[j, i] <- city_distance[i, j]

  #Create an initial value of spin
  #Dimensions are ncity * ncity * torotter
  #First, create a function instead of spin itself
  make_spin <- function(ncity, trotter){
    #First, create a spin matrix of ncity x ncity
    spin0 <- diag(1, ncol = ncity, nrow = ncity)
    spin0 <- 2*spin0 - 1

    #Shuffle in line
    mat_shaffle <- function(spin0){
      num_shaffle <- c(1, sample(c(2: length(spin0[,1]))))
      ret <- spin0[num_shaffle, ]

    #Dimensions of empty tensors ncity, ncity, trotter_dim for spin
    spin <- array(
      c(0, times = ncity*ncity*trotter),
      dim = c(ncity, ncity, trotter)

    #Put randomly shuffled spins in each torota
    for(tr in 1:trotter){
      spin[,,tr] <- mat_shaffle(spin0)

  #Create spin initial value
  spin <- make_spin(ncity, trotter)

  #Calculate the distance of the specified torota
  tr_distance <- function(spin, city_distance ,tr){
    L <- 0
    spin_tr <- spin[, , tr]
    for(i in 1:ncity){
      spin_i1 <- which(spin_tr[i, ] == 1)[1]
      spin_i2 <- which(spin_tr[(i%%ncity + 1), ] == 1)[1]
      L <- L + city_distance[spin_i1, spin_i2]

  #Calculate the distance of all Trotters
  tr_all_distance <- function(spin, city_distance){
    L <- NULL
    for(tr in 1:trotter){
      L <- c(L, tr_distance(spin, city_distance, tr))
  spin_distance <- tr_all_distance(spin, city_distance)

  #tr_p1[1] で2を返す。
  tr_p1 <- c(c(2: trotter), 1)

  tr_m1 <- c(trotter, c(1: (trotter - 1)))

  ab_p1 <- c(c(2: ncity), 1)

  coth <- function(x){return(1/tanh(x))}

  qmc <- function(spin, city_distance, ncity, max_distance, trotter, cost_qr){
    ab <- sample(c(2:ncity), size = 2)
    a <- ab[1]
    b <- ab[2]
    tr <- round(runif(1) * (trotter -1 ) + 1.5)
    p <- which(spin[a, , tr] == 1)
    q <- which(spin[b, , tr] == 1)

    lpj <- city_distance[p, ]
    lqj <- city_distance[q, ]
    cost_c1 <- (spin[(a - 1), , tr] + spin[ab_p1[a], , tr])
    cost_c2 <- (spin[(b - 1), , tr] + spin[ab_p1[b], , tr])
    cost_c <- 2*sum((-lpj + lqj)*(cost_c1 - cost_c2))/ max_distance

    cost_q1 <- (spin[a, p, tr_m1[tr]] + spin[a, p, tr_p1[tr]])
    cost_q2 <- -(spin[a, q, tr_m1[tr]] + spin[a, q, tr_p1[tr]])
    cost_q3 <- -(spin[b, p, tr_m1[tr]] + spin[b, p, tr_p1[tr]])
    cost_q4 <- (spin[b, q, tr_m1[tr]] + spin[b, q, tr_p1[tr]])
    cost_q <- cost_qr * (cost_q1 + cost_q2 + cost_q3 + cost_q4)

    cost <- cost_c/trotter + cost_q

    if(cost <= 0 || runif(1) < exp(-beta * cost)){
      spin[c(a, b), c(p, q), tr] <- spin[c(b, a), c(p, q), tr] #flip


  distance_tsp <- NULL
  best_distance <- Inf
  best_tsp <- NULL
  best_spin <- NULL
  best_astep <- NULL
  plot_matrix <- NULL
  max_distance <- max(city_distance)

  for(astep in 1:ann_step){
    cost_qr <- (1/beta) * log(coth(beta * ann_para / trotter))

    for(mstep in 1:mc_step){
      spin <- qmc(spin, city_distance, ncity, max_distance, trotter, cost_qr)
    ann_para <- ann_para * reduc

    spin_distance <- tr_all_distance(spin, city_distance)
    min_spin_distance <- min(spin_distance)
    distance_tsp <- c(distance_tsp, min_spin_distance)

    if(min_spin_distance < best_distance){
      best_distance <- min_spin_distance
      best_tr <- which(spin_distance == min_spin_distance)
      best_spin <- spin[, , best_tr]
      best_astep <- astep
      route_flg <- TRUE

    best_tsp <- c(best_tsp, best_distance)

    if(route && route_flg){
      route_res <- list()
      route_res$best$spin <- best_spin
      route_res$best$tsp <- best_tsp
      route_res$position$x <- x
      route_res$position$y <- y
      route_flg <- FALSE

    if(trace && !route){
      plot_matrix <- rbind(plot_matrix, matrix(c(min_spin_distance, best_distance), 1 , 2))
      matplot(c(1:astep), plot_matrix, type = "l",
              xlab = "Annealing step", ylab = "Total distance")
      legend("bottomleft", legend = round(best_distance, 2), bty  = "n")

  ret <- list()

  ret$distance <- distance_tsp
  ret$best$tsp <- best_tsp
  ret$best$spin <- best_spin
  ret$best$astep <- best_astep

  ret$para$beta <- beta
  ret$para$trotter <- trotter
  ret$para$ann_para <- ann_para0
  ret$para$ann_step <- ann_step
  ret$para$mc_step <- mc_step
  ret$para$reduc <- reduc
  ret$para$time <- (proc.time() - t0)[3]

  ret$position$x <- x
  ret$position$y <- y

  ret$city_distance <- city_distance

  class(ret) <- "qatsp"


plot.qatsp <- function(result){
  min_distance_tsp <- result$distance
  for(a in 2:length(result$distance)){
    if(min_distance_tsp[a] > min_distance_tsp[a - 1]){
      min_distance_tsp[a] <- min_distance_tsp[a - 1]
  plot_matrix <- matrix(c(result$distance, min_distance_tsp),result$para$ann_step, 2)
  matplot(c(1:result$para$ann_step), plot_matrix, type = "l",
          xlab = "Annealing step", ylab = "Total distance")

route <- function(result, graph = TRUE){
  best_spin <- as.matrix(result$best$spin)
  ret <- NULL
  ncity <- length(best_spin[, 1])
  for(t in 1:ncity){
    ret <- c(ret, which(best_spin[t, ] == 1))
  #graph = TRUEで経路をグラフ表示。FALSEで経路の番号を返す。
    x <- result$position$x
    y <- result$position$y
    xplot <- x[c(ret, ret[1])]
    yplot <- y[c(ret, ret[1])]
    plot(xplot, yplot, type = "o", asp = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
    legend("topright", legend = round(min(result$best$tsp), 2) , bty = "n")

summary.qatsp <- function(result){
  ret <- route(result, graph = FALSE)
  cat("Quantum annealing for traveling salesman problem.\n\n")
  cat("This is the shortest path obtained by this quantum annealing.\n")

  cat("The length of this route is ")
  cat("\n(The annealing step where the optimum result was obtained is ")

  cat("Inverse Temperature : ")
  cat("\nTrotter Dimension : ")
  cat("\nInitial annealing parameter : ")
  cat("\nAnnealing step : ")
  cat("\nMonte Carlo step : ")
  cat("\nAn attenuation factor of the annealing parameter : ")

  cat("\n\nCalculation time : ")
  cat(" sec.")
ToshihiroIguchi/qatsp documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:42 p.m.